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You and your partner will learn real, scientifically proven ways to mend your       relationship, resolve conflict, and communicate more effectively.  Adjusting to the new roles that come with marriage, and different stages of marriage, can be difficult.  The most common sources of conflict in any couple relationship are finances, having children, sorting out the division of labour, and adjusting to other stages and milestones of the relationship.  You and your partner are not alone!
Communication is proven to be the best method of conflict resolution.
We can help you with exercises such as eye gazing, hand holding, and mirroring can build intimacy, improve your relationship, and make communication easier and more constructive.
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20 Questions to Increase Intimacy- Page 2

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    Before you and your partner take turns 
asking each other these questions, prepare 
a set of guidelines. For example, you should
both know whether either of you want these 
answers to remain strictly confidential. 
Remember, you do not have to answer any 
questions you are not comfortable with. 
This is very important! Try to open up to 
your partner, but know that you do not 
HAVE TO answer something you are not 
comfortable with sharing. Afford your 
partner with the same respect.
 Now, here are the top 20 questions psychologists say develop intimacy and trust: 
1. What is your greatest fear?
2. What makes you the happiest? Saddest?  Angriest?
3.  What would a “perfect day” look like for you?
4. Growing up, what were your parents like?
5. When you were a teenager, what did you want most when you were older?
6. At this point in your life, are you where your childhood self would have guessed?
7. Would you stay with me if you found out that I could not have children? If I had a criminal record? If I had a lot of debt? If I had a terminal disease?
8. Have you ever questioned the existence of love?
9. Is there anywhere you want to travel to before you die?
10. Have you ever questioned the existence of love?
11. What is your biggest regret?
12. Is there anything you have never forgiven yourself for? What is it?
13. What about me would you change? What about yourself would you change?
14. Do you ever have nightmares? What are they about?
15. When you talk about me to other people, what do you say?
16. What would you want me to say when I talk to other people about you?
17. When was the last time you cried? Why?
18. What are three items on your “bucket list”?
19. Is there anything I don’t know about you that you want me to know?
20. Is there anything you don’t know about me that you want to know?
For more questions, visit Henry Ford's website at:
Next month: Sternberg's Triangle of Love, 
Part 3- Commitment!

20 Questions to Increase Intimacy- Page 1

Posted | Views: 1,317
20 Questions 
to Increase Intimacy
    According to psychologist Robert Sternberg, there are three aspects involved in romantic love. A healthy relationship cannot exist without all three. These aspects are commitment, intimacy, and passion.
    Intimacy is the deep friendship that arises as partners reveal their true selves and begin to meet each other’s psychological needs. A relationship that exists without intimacy is said to be founded on fatuous love (or “fantasy love”), because it is committed, and passionate, but there is no emotional connection or bond present to stabilize the relationship.

    Last month, we focussed on passion, the first of the three to develop. This month, we're focusing on intimacy, so here's an easy, at-home way to increase the level of intimacy in your relationship, no matter how busy your schedule is.
    This simple exercise, developed by psychologist Henry Ford, is designed to create vulnerability between you and your partner. Asking deeply personal questions, and knowing that your partner will not judge you (and vice versa) promotes vulnerability by revealing inner parts of yourself that you may never have revealed, forcing you to trust one another. Increasing trust is vital in strengthening and deepening your trust.
    Get ready to get intimate!! 

    You may wish to set aside a time to do
this exercise, whether this is during a special
 meal, before bed, or on an evening you both
 have time to sit and talk. Or, you may decide 
to ask each other these questions "on the 
go," in the car, while getting ready in the 
morning, or in between errands on a busy 
    The beauty of this exercise is in its 
versatility; however you choose do it, it 
will work just as well. 
    Intimacy can be developed on any 


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May 29th, 2015

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Volume One, Number 17
May 29th, 2015
Bittersweet Anniversary 
Story by: Ashton Henry


Who Doesn’t Like Free Cookies and Cash? 
Story By: Madeline Quinn and Kathleen Moore

Let’s face it: college is pretty expensive no matter what career you want, and paying for it isn’t exactly easy. However, due to such a supportive community, many of this year’s graduating class have less of a cost to worry about. Thanks to a large group of generous people here in 29, seniors received multiple scholarships to help pay for the overwhelming cost of education on Wednesday, March 27th, at what the high school calls “Scholarship Night.”  
Proud parents gathered to watch their sons and daughters receive help in taking the next step in their educational careers. Members from groups like the Soroptimist, Elks, and Officers’ Spouses Club joined these parents in the High School MPR to recognize the scholarship recipients. Makayla Ogdahl was awarded with four different scholarships that will pay for some of the cost of her housing. Jocelyn Valdez received numerous scholarships in which she plans to “use towards the many college expenses” she will have as a future Cornell University student.
Although this event went well, it wasn’t perfect. Before the event even started, a situation occurred between the seniors invited and the figures in charge. The students were originally required to wear their caps and gowns to the event. However, many of them felt that it took away from the significance of wearing them at graduation. None of the students wanted to wear them and considered showing up in dress apparel instead of their gowns. To avoid further conflict, the people in charge decided to do away with the caps and gowns and just have the students show up to the event “dressed to impress”; and impress they did. Many of the sponsors there complimented on how “professional and respectful” students at TPHS looked and acted.
On top of all the scholarships and compliments, cookies and fruit punch were offered after all the awards, and people were allowed to congratulate others and thank their sponsors for the support.
But of course, none of this could have happened if it weren’t for Mrs. Baker, TPHS’s counseling secretary. She organized the entire event, from preparing the MPR to informing parents and students. Although it was very stressful for her, the event was a success. She calculated that over $100,000 was awarded that night. The students present at the event are very thankful for her efforts and for the financial help they received.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls… 
Welcome to Hotspot 2015!
This year’s Hotspot was dedicated to the lovely couple of Mr. and Mrs. Fontana. As of 2005, this couple has been making our community better with all of their hard work in our education system. Mr. Fontana works as a teacher in our English department here at Deuce-Nine, and Mrs. Fontana works for our district. Sadly, Mr. Fontana is leaving our high school to pursue his dream of personal training. However, all of his yearbook students wanted to make sure they had a memorable goodbye from our school.
Hotspot 2015 was thrown by Mr. Fontana’s yearbook class. All of the students put in hard work and made a lot of good food for the event. The yearbook staff had a surprise for Mrs. Fontana, one of the Hotspot judges, as a friendly goodbye and as a 10-year wedding anniversary gift.
They planned to present a slideshow of the Fontanas’ wedding during Kyle Lav’s ukulele duet of Lemonade by Danity Kane with Jaedeen Laranang. Unfortunately some technical difficulties happened. But they came back on top with Mr. Fontana’s dance performance to the song Because of You by Ne-Yo with backup dancers Beayahn Carrllo and Trevon Morrow. The dancers got their hip hop and headbands on and performed a huge hit for the audience.
 Then, yearbookers Cheyenne Hunsinger and Makayla Ogdahl walked down the runway with a bucket full of baseballs for Mr. Fontana with the date of their first kiss and their wedding (aww). Alyssa Faughn and Madeline Higgins also gave flowers to Mrs. Fontana as her anniversary gift as well as thank you card signed by all of the yearbook staff showing their appreciation for all of her dedication to making our yearbook better.
 Mr. and Mrs. Fontana have impacted the lives of many students with their dedication and the passion they have for our yearbook staff. The Fontana’s plan to always support our yearbook staff, even outside of our school campus.
Thank you and good luck with your next big adventure making people’s lives better. 
Holy Cow 
Story by: Alexis Hidalgo and Kerenza Robinson
The cow heart dissection in Ms. Faudel’s class of anatomical art,
Was disgusting from the very start.
They had to scrape off the outer layer before they could begin slicing and dicing.
It was certainly not appealing; it was far from enticing.
This worried some students by what it would produce,
Leaking from the heart was some kind of juice.
But nobody fainted, puked, or turned green.
In fact some laughs, jokes, and bonds were seen.
Anaya Cook says, “The hardest part was cutting it in half.”
Frozen was the heart of this full grown calf.
Some people made faces and even made tongues by splitting the heart into three sections.
The worst part was that it smelled weird in all spaces and directions.
This dissection took away their appetite because it looked like a steak.
Some stuck their finger through the aorta and pulmonary vein, slithering like a snake.


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Robes formelles noires sont toujours dans Vogue

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L'été est non seulement le sens de journées chaudes, mais aussi nous donne une chance de prendre part à les fêtes et occasions. Donc, l'été est autour du coin, vous êtes sûr de recevoir de nombreuses invitations de fêtes, réunions et événements officiels. Avez-vous préparé toutes choses, comme des vêtements, des accessoires, coiffures et le maquillage? Si avez pas, il est le bon moment pour en avoir. Dans cet article, je vais vous présenter la chose la plus importante que les femmes devraient opter pour des robes dans un événement formel.  En effet, ce que l'usure est la question la plus importante où les dames ont reçu l'invitation, car il permet non seulement de vous montrer, mais aussi une chance d'exprimer votre respect et grâce à l'hôte. Mais quel style est le meilleur? Si vous ne possédez pas le bon choix, pourquoi ne pas essayer les robes formelles noires?  Il est universellement connu que le noir est la couleur qui ne sera jamais obsolète, afin de choisir une robe noire formelle ne sera jamais aller mal. Élégant et gracieux, tous les bons mots que vous pouvez imaginer sont à droite pour le noir. Alors Mesdames, qu'attendez-vous pour? Il suffit de choisir l'un d'eux et de participer à votre événement avec elle. Mais il ya aussi quelques conseils lorsque vous êtes choisir robes formelles noires que vous devriez considérer.  Le premier est le tissu. Comme l'été arrive,robe ceremonie, choisir un bon et confortable tissu est très important. Il est préférable de choisir un tissu mou qui vous fait bouger et marcher librement, comme la mousseline. En mousseline de soie est l'un des tissus les plus populaires et le premier choix pour les filles, car il est très confortable et fraîche en été. Il est une soie très mince et vous pouvez voir à travers. Vous ne vous sentirez pas chaud dans les journées chaudes. Donc, en optant pour une robe formelle de mousseline noire peut-être est une bonne idée.  L'autre chose que vous devriez considérer est le style et la figure de votre corps. Vous devez choisir celui qui convient parfaitement tapez votre corps. Si vous voulez montrer plus grand et plus mince, une ligne robe noire formelle avec taille empire est un bon choix. Le noir est la couleur qui vous fait paraître plus mince, et le style A-ligne sera flatter votre silhouette parfaitement le corps. Si vous êtes sinueuse mais pas Rond, robes de soirée près du corps peuvent être agréable pour vous, car ils aident à montrer votre meilleur atout. Ou vous pouvez choisir des styles courts si vous voulez apparaître mignon et adorable.  En un mot, ce que vous choisissez doit correspondre à la forme de votre corps et toute l'atmosphère de l'occasion. Si vous êtes un grand fan de noir, ces robes de soirée noires bon marché sont des choix juste pour vous. Ne pas oublier de choisir quelques accessoires simples mais brillantes, et vous serez la reine de la nuit en raison de l'apparence simple, mais aussi élégant. Vous devez également garder la confiance, peu importe le style que vous portez. Rappelez-vous que vous êtes le meilleur lorsque vous pensez que vous êtes le meilleur.


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