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Illustrator Superhero: Paolo Rivera

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Rivera's best known work is Mythos, a series of six richly-painted origin stories written by Paul Jenkins. Originally published as one-shots, it was collected into a hardcover edition in 2008. He now limits his painted work to covers including The Twelve, The IliadThe Amazing Spider-Man, and the Wolverine Art Appreciation Month series. He spends the remainder of his time on Daredevil, on which he is currently hard at work. You can see his art and take an in-depth look at his creative process at The Self-Absorbing Man, a blog that he updates regularly.


Paolo Rivera, a Marvel-exclusive artist, has been working professionally since 2002. Although he began his career painting in oil, he has since moved on to penciling, inking, and coloring (with some occasional sculpting). Rivera was born and raised in Daytona Beach, FL, and graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design in 2003, where he studied under David Mazzucchelli. He broke into the comics industry thanks to writer Jim Krueger, whom he met at Megacon in Orlando, FL (while still in high school).

NOTE: This guy is a badass, I love his work.