Secret Love Police

Zoot Suit Riots, Saturday morning cartoons, Indian movie posters, books and Brooklyn.
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Coloring markers, crayons, paint and pencils

Posted 2011-05-22 22:33:52 | Views: 16,566

Do I really need an introduction for this? Felt like my parents got me a set of something pretty close to this every single school year. I would lose half of them by Thanksgiving. :-)

Black Vinyl Art

Posted 2011-05-22 22:21:46 | Views: 14,142

(Somewhat) Effortless Art We Enjoy.

"I Can’t Explain And I Won’t Even Try"

Work by

Stefan Brüggeman



Black Vinyl Lettering

(Dimension Varible)



Iceland Volcano Erupts, looking like an Atomic Bomb!

Posted 2011-05-22 13:16:46 | Views: 15,903

A cloud of smoke and ash is seen over the Grimsvoetn volcano in Iceland on May 21. The cloud rising up from Grimsvoetn as a result of the eruption reached an altitude of 11 kilometres (6.8 miles) in less than an hour, according to the Icellandic meterological institute.

Iceland Volcano Eruption looks like an Atomic Bomb!


Nazi Director freaks out Kirsten Dunst at Cannes

Posted 2011-05-19 21:09:54 | Views: 13,834

Lars von Trier, director of the upcoming film Melancholia called himself a Nazi today causing outrage from the Anti-Defamation League and the Cannes Film Festival. Kirsten Dunst the film’s star was sitting next to him during his off color statements, much to her dismay.


Actress Kirsten Dunst, who is the star of his film, became visibly uncomfortable while the director spoke of being a Nazi sympathizer.


“Oh my God, this is terrible,” she said at one point to co-star Charlotte Gainsbourg. And after the press conference ended, the actress remarked to von Trier, “Oh, oh Lars. That was intense.”


The controversial director has since apologized for his comments, saying, “If I have hurt someone this morning by the words I said at the press conference, I sincerely apologize.”


And despite declaring, “Ok, I’m a Nazi,” he added in his statement, “I am not anti-Semitic or racially prejudiced in any way, nor am I a Nazi.”


Ridiculous! Lars von Trier likes to say shocking things to get attention, but this is just too much. This just seems like a very poor and desperate attempt to get attention for the upcoming film’s release. I was interested in this movie before, but this is pretty off-putting. I’ll probably just skip it, he doesn’t seem like a good person to support. What do you think?

Nazi Director Freaks Out Kirsten Dunst

Just another year at Cannes Film Festival...

Garbage Pail Kids!

Posted 2011-05-19 19:11:34 | Views: 36,545



Garbage Pail Kids "Flash Back" came out a few years ago as a re-release of the classic sticker cards. It's a big deal for collectors and fans to purchase. Sure, Ebay is a great place to find items and fill in gaps in collections, but there is just something about buying a fresh pack of cards off the shelf and putting together a set from scratch. It's the little things in life that give us something to look forward to and remind us of being a kid again. This totally brings me back in time and I remember collecting them and sometimes putting the stickers on the back of Atari games. LOL



There was something about the 80's and being a kid. Collecting or being into things that were "Gross" was the catch of the day. Grossing out or pissing off our parents with things they considered junk was always the thing to do.

Great Marriage Proposal at the Movies

Posted 2011-05-19 15:03:03 | Views: 13,198

"My girlfriend Ginny gets taken to the movie theater to see "Fast Five". After a preview for the Hangover 2, a trailer for a movie comes on. A trailer I made of her father and I where I ask her father for her hand in marriage. After he gives me permission, I race off to the theater she is at to ask her to marry me.

What she doesn't know is our familiy and friends are in the theater with her watching the whole thing, along with about 100 strangers ;-)"

Great Marriage Proposal

The Next War..

Posted 2011-05-19 06:29:27 | Views: 25,981

Scott Morgan

Posted 2011-05-19 06:23:03 | Views: 20,916


by: Scott Morgan

A Real Snow Castle (Finland)

Posted 2011-05-18 18:42:20 | Views: 20,427

a real snow castle

The SnowCastle of Kemi by the Gulf of Bothnia in Finland is the source of great pride as well as a true showcase of architectonic snow-work of the local constructors. Every winter the SnowCastle offers wonderful experiences for both children and adults alike. Great light-effects will add to the charm of the snow- and ice-sculpting as well as to the structures about the SnowCastle. 

Building of the SnowCastle 2011 started on December 3rd. Natural snow is too soft, for that reason we make the snow out of the sea water by using snow pipes. Air temperature should be at least - 7 degrees for making snow. The colder the weather is, the better the snow will be.

Whoa, next time I'm in Finland I'm gonna check this out!

A restaurant at the Kemi Snow Castle (Kemi, Finland)

A suite at the Kemi Snow Castle (Kemi, Finland)

Shot of the tables at the restaurant at Kemi Snow Castle.

Images: Toinen Linja

True Love? Wishful thinking?

Posted 2011-05-18 18:24:53 | Views: 14,207

Wishful thinking?

Off and Die

Posted 2011-05-18 18:18:54 | Views: 20,967

For those of you in my way today...

Depp Priating with Richards.

Posted 2011-05-18 13:00:22 | Views: 13,559

Like Pirate, like Son.

Johnny Depp with Keith Richards. They both come back for the new installment of Priates of Carribean movie. It opens this FRIDAY.

Make Smores Now!

Posted 2011-05-18 12:51:23 | Views: 13,137


Super girl is Foxy...

Posted 2011-05-18 12:30:38 | Views: 18,008

Dang, Super Foxy!

Amazing Photos from Across the Globe

Posted 2011-05-17 13:46:39 | Views: 13,044



An exhibition of images from the Travel Photographer of the Year competition is now on show at the Royal Geographical Society in London. Here's a selection of the winners and runners-up

Tribes people, Western Highlands, Papua New Guinea. "I was shooting in Papua New Guinea for the BBC’s landmark documentary Human Planet. I randomly met these guys in the forest near a local singsing ritual. We couldn’t understand each other, and I don’t know anything about them, who they are, or where they came from..." Photograph by Timothy Allen, UK, highly recommended in One Shot Adventures category.

Wangi Wangi island, Indonesia. "While few young children are now born on boats, the ocean is still very much their playground. Here Enal plays with his 'pet' shark." Photograph by James Morgan, UK, winner of Portfolio – Encounters category.

A mass ordination of 34,000 monks at Wat Phra Dhammakaya, a Buddhist temple in Thailand. Now fully ordained, the monks wear the orange robes they received earlier that morning, and simultaneously bow in prayer. Photograph by Luke Duggleby, UK, commended in Portfolio - Amazing Places category.