I like horror, classic, brand new, grindhouse horror and goth chicks and pin up girls. yeah!
Magazine Posts Table of Contents

John Lennon's Glasses

Posted 2011-12-08 19:53:07 | Views: 23,512

The glasses John Lennon wore when he got shot, 31 years ago today.



In Memory of Ruby

Posted 2011-12-08 19:38:05 | Views: 13,814



(Inside joke, I know Mike is going to be laughing at this one.)

















Lady Burns Friends House Down Over Facebook Rejection

Posted 2011-12-04 20:14:30 | Views: 15,205

Yo, This Bitch Is Crazy!

Authorities in Iowa say a 30-year-old woman attempted to burn down a couple’s house last week in retaliation for being unfriended in Facebook.  Jennifer Christine Harris, of Des Moines, is being held in Polk County Prison on $100,000 bond after she allegedly set fire to Jim and Nikki Rasmussen‘s garage, forcing the couple to flee their home in the middle of the night, the Des Moines Register reports.


The siding on the house melted and the garage roof collapsed, according to reports. The Rasmussens only managed to escape the blaze after a loud booming sound woke them up.  “It was ablaze at 1 a.m. It was just totally engulfed,” neighbor Dominic Formaro told ABC News.

Police say that investigations show Harris’ motive was connected to an argument she and Nikki had over Facebook.  “The two are no longer friends due to a dispute over Facebook,” Jim Rasmussen told officials with the Des Moines Police Department. “According to Nikki, Jen is angry with her because she ended their friendship on Facebook.”


According to Detective Jack Kamerick, the dispute had much to do with a Facebook event the former-best friends were planning.  “Jen asked Nikki to create an event on Facebook for a party. Nikki did that,” Kamerick told the Register. “As the date for the party approached there were a lot of ‘declines,’ on Facebook. It was looking like the party might be a bust. The dispute apparently blossomed.”


The tension between Harris and Nikki apparently became so great that when police asked the Rasmussens who might have wished to harm them, the couple immediately pointed the finger at their former friend.


Police charged Jennifer Harris with first degree arson.

Lady Burns Friends House Down After She Deleted Her Off Facebook. WTF??

Haters Gonna Hate

Posted 2011-12-04 17:15:01 | Views: 16,430

You can't change how people view you.

You can't make everyone happy.

You can make more people hate you though.

Amie Paxon by Edward.Robert

Posted 2011-12-04 16:59:05 | Views: 16,952

Flix By





Well, I'll be damned. These are some hot flix by Edward.Robert of the model Amie Paxton doing her thing. She's cute. Enjoy the series and check out more of homeboy's work. 


Make sure to check out more pictures of Amie Paxton by Edward.Robert at his Flickr account. Also, he has a lot more cool photos to enjoy too.

Idiot and Stupid Confidence

Posted 2011-12-04 14:47:40 | Views: 20,107

Stupid Confidence

Attractive women might have a bunch of men go up and speak to them...but just as many men don't. Most of the men that try to talk to women, for the most part have stupid confidence.

If a 30 pound skinny dude is trying to carry a 100 pound TV into his new apartment, somehow, someway he will because he has to. Don't walk away from a woman because you think you don't have pull, have some stupid confidence and go for it, you stupid idiot!

And Now, A Word From Santa

Posted 2011-12-03 10:21:33 | Views: 14,413

My factory in the North 

all I have to   

Pole is in Foreclosure and

show for it is

this crummy 

smoking habit.

merry xmas!

Why Do Cops Like Donuts?

Posted 2011-12-01 16:17:28 | Views: 34,039

1. Donuts are relatively inexpensive, so they can be discarded with little guilt, in case of a hot call in the middle of a snack break.

2. In many areas, the donut shop is the only place open 24 hours.

3. Donuts have sugar and carbohydrates, which allow for quick energy. Donuts, coupled with the ever present cup of coffee, help keep the officers awake and alert.

4. Donut shops are usually located in centralized areas, which can be used as a meeting place for briefings between Officers of different agencies or shifts.

5. Donuts are TASTY! Can you think of anyone who DOESN'T like donuts?

Why Do Cops Like 

Donuts So Much?







This is a question that has plagued mankind for years. The answer is quite simple.







First Ever Mickey Mouse Float - 1934

Posted 2011-12-01 13:57:06 | Views: 20,479

This photo is so dope. Check out this first Mickey Mouse Balloon to float above the streets of NYC! It all happened of course at the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade in the year 1934!


mickey mouse float


Santeria/Black Magic Hex on City Manager

Posted 2011-12-01 09:37:20 | Views: 15,692

Two North Miami Beach Police Department employees have been fired for plotting to put a Santeria curse on the city manager.


Officer Elizabeth Torres, a 24-year veteran of the police department, and Yvonne Rodriguez, an office manager for police chief Larry Gomer, were caught plotting to use birdseed to cast a spell to make Lyndon Bonner "go away" in August before a round of planned departmental layoffs.


Torres told Rodriguez she had previous success with the curse, having made her son and daughter move out by sprinkling it on the front porch of their home, according to the police report.


North Miami Beach Police Department Employees Fired Over Plan To Put Santeria Curse On City Manager

Crazy Mofos: Employees Try

Santeria Hex on City Manager

Investigators say the pair were upset with the "negative climate" in the department, and hatched a plan to similarly curse Bonner by gaining access to his office. Torres admitted to police that she brought the birdseed to Rodriguez, then approached janitor Esther Villanueva, asking her to sprinkle the birdseed in Bonner's office as she cleaned.


The two were busted when Villanueva reported the incident to a supervisor. Though Torres confessed to the plan, she told investigators it was just a superstitious idea and the pair meant no harm.


"It was kind of a joke, kind of a superstition," she said, according to interview transcripts. "It did have bases in religious knowledge I had from before...As misguided as it may seem, this idea popped into my head, and I thought, 'Well, it can't hurt anybody.'"


Fortunately for Bonner, University of Miami Religious Studies professor Michelle Maldonado agrees.


"Ultimately, the city manager really doesn't have anything to worry about. In Santeria, you can't just spread bird seed and make the supernatural do what you want it to do," she told WSVN.


The pair, who were fired last week, can appeal their terminations.

Using Bird Feed.

Don't Mind

Posted 2011-11-27 19:50:25 | Views: 15,136

Double click to add text

When you double click this text box you can change the text, style, color and fonts.

"Do you mind if

I don't smoke?"

- Groucho Marx

Hang In There

Posted 2011-11-26 13:21:20 | Views: 15,507

The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.

                                                                                                             - Walter Bagehot

Where My Sprinkles At?

Posted 2011-11-26 13:02:00 | Views: 27,766

Black Storm Trooper Friday!

Posted 2011-11-24 22:21:43 | Views: 23,601

Black Storm Trooper Friday!

Pat Richardson: No Mac N Cheese for Thanksgiving.

Posted 2011-11-23 21:53:04 | Views: 17,260

Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was asked about her favorite thing to eat at Thanksgiving in a recent interview with Kristi Watts of “The 700 Club.”


"It's mac and cheese," Rice answered.

"Sister, that is my dish, that is the one thing I can rock!" Watts said in agreement.


Though Rice’s answer wasn’t all that interesting, Pat Robertson, co-host of “The 700 Club,” thought it was downright confusing.


"What is this mac and cheese? Is that a black thing?" Robertson asked Watts on Wednesday’s show.


"It is a black thing, Pat. Listen, and you guys, other people, the world needs to get on board with macaroni and cheese," Watts said. "Seriously, I just … OK, Christmas and Thanksgiving, we have to have macaroni and cheese and it trips me out that you don't."


The pair chuckled as Robertson admitted, "I really don't, I don't, and I have never.”

Click above to watch the exchange.




Condoleeza Rice knows what's up. I can seriously throw down some good and health damaging Mac n Cheese.

Pat Richardson doesn't know what the hell he is missing...It is heavenly!