I like horror, classic, brand new, grindhouse horror and goth chicks and pin up girls. yeah!
Magazine Posts Table of Contents

Darth Vader Mug!

Posted 2011-11-07 19:43:05 | Views: 22,265

Darth Vader Coffee Cup


Sometimes you just wake up on the darkside of the bed. I like my coffee black and dangerous for you Jedi traitors!


While it’s officially being called a “stein” thanks to its flip-top head, the ceramic Dark Lord mug is perfect for those of us who like a really big cup of coffee.

The oversize mug has a 24 ounce capacity, more than enough joe to keep you buzzing all morning long. Of course, you’re not allowed to add any cream or sugar, as Darth only drinks his java black. The Darth Vader Stein is available from Amazon for around $14 USD.


Darth Vader Mug Holds the Dark Side of Your Coffee


Looks like Drew

Posted 2011-11-07 16:43:46 | Views: 20,047


Hello Shitty

Posted 2011-11-07 16:39:19 | Views: 31,317

Hello Shitty

If you are a dude and you like Hello Kitty, you are a tool.

I Eat Dead People

Posted 2011-11-06 23:48:55 | Views: 56,172

I saw dead people...            And I ate them...

What's Inside the McRib?

Posted 2011-11-04 22:30:43 | Views: 26,932

What the hell is inside the McRib?


The popular McDonald's sandwich is back. Find out what's inside — if you dare

McDonalds' McRib and its cult-like following are back. Thank goodness the "disconcerting" sandwich is only returning for a limited time only, says Meredith Melnick at TIME. Because if you knew about all the unpronounceable ingredients packed into the McRib, you might think twice about wolfing down the sauce-drenched pork concoction. Think you can stomach what's inside? Read on ----



How many ingredients are there?
At face value, the sandwich contains just pork, onions, and pickle slices slathered in barbecue sauce and laid out on a bun. But the truth is, there are roughly 70 ingredients. The bun alone contains 34, says TIME's Melnick. In addition to chemicals like ammonium sulfate and polysorbate 80, the most egregious may be azodicarbonamide — "a flour-bleaching agent most commonly used in the manufactur[ing] of foamed plastics like gym mats and the soles of shoes." According to McDonald's own ingredient list, the bun also includes calcium sulfate and ethoxylated mono- and diglycerides, among other chemicals.


Ooof. What's the meat made of?
Pig innards and plenty of salt. Typically, "restructured meat product" includes pig bits like tripe, heart, and scalded stomach, says Whet Moser at Chicago Magazine, citing a 1995 article by Robert Mandigo, a professor at the University of Nebraska. These parts are cooked and blended with salt and water to extract salt-soluble proteins, which act as a "glue" that helps bind the reshaped meat together.


Is it really that bad for you?
Well, it's certainly not good for you. Though "slightly trimmer than the Big Mac," which contains 540 calories and 29 grams of fat, says Christina Rexrode at USA Today, the McRib, first introduced in 1982, still packs in 500 calories and 26 grams of fat. And despite its name, one thing you won't find inside a McRib is bones. The absence of any detectable "rib" is what gives the unnutritious mush its "quirky sense of humor," says Marta Fearon, McDonald's U.S. marketing director.


Real Life Superhero: Phoenix Jones

Posted 2011-11-04 00:35:08 | Views: 23,197




Occupy Oakland shut down Port Operations

Posted 2011-11-02 19:06:37 | Views: 17,531

Occupy Oakland

OAKLAND, California — Thousands of Wall Street protesters shut down Oakland, Calif., port operations Wednesday evening after a day of picketing banks and marching throughout the city's downtown.

Occupy protesters shut down Oakland port operations

Via: MSN

Peeshee Herman

Posted 2011-11-02 18:40:27 | Views: 24,438



Necessary Evils

Posted 2011-11-02 16:12:19 | Views: 17,758

"Women are necessary evils." 

Lindsay Lohan Stupid Quote

Posted 2011-11-02 14:57:12 | Views: 29,705

Stupid Human Quotes # 7,500

"I'm not that girl from Freaky Friday any more! I'm a real adult. In fact, I hate children! I hate them all!"

Lindsay Lohan

Johnny Cash - Cross

Posted 2011-11-02 14:22:13 | Views: 20,488

Playboy Playmate 1955

Posted 2011-11-02 14:14:57 | Views: 27,318

Playboy, Miss April 1955.

Word! When I was a kid my brother's girlfriend bought me a bunch of vintage copies for my birthday. Even though I was a little pervert, there was something pretty interesting about it. It was like a print magazine artform that the world never saw at the time. 

Nicki Minajism

Posted 2011-11-01 13:16:59 | Views: 19,220

Monsters Are Good

Posted 2011-10-31 23:11:19 | Views: 18,600

Eye Candy Tricks or Treats

Posted 2011-10-31 18:35:51 | Views: 23,426

Ween Flicks

I don't really dress up each year but I love collecting photos of masks and just the cool things people come up with each year for Halloween. Enjoy the eye candy bitches.