I like horror, classic, brand new, grindhouse horror and goth chicks and pin up girls. yeah!
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Happy Birthday - Adrock of the Beastie Boys

Posted 2011-10-31 18:08:11 | Views: 18,255

"October 31st, that is my date of birth

I got to the party and I did the Smurf"

- Adrock (Song: The New Style)







Vintage Halloween Pin Up

Posted 2011-10-31 17:56:14 | Views: 24,841

Some creepy sexy pinup.

Costume Party (LA in 1948)

Posted 2011-10-31 14:59:52 | Views: 27,875

Jane Withers (2nd from bottom left) Halloween Party, 1948 - COPYRIGHT PROTECTED, TASCHEN 2009

Old School LA




Classic picture from LA from the 1940's. Looks like a jiving costume party.

Elvira Mirror

Posted 2011-10-31 14:52:03 | Views: 25,258

Happy Halloween Kim Kardashian

Posted 2011-10-31 14:18:21 | Views: 18,128

Happy Bootyween!

Oh Kim, I don't really care for your TV show or any of the products you sell. I'm a dude that doesn't shower for a week at a time. So, I don't really care about reality world, because the real reality world stinks and has pimples and blackheads.


But, I couldn't help to notice you filed for divorce right on Halloween! I really feel sorry for your hubby man; I mean damn...what kind of horror story is that for him? Apparently you dumped him because he was lazy. Ah, what did you really expect? He plays basketball...he's a young dude and your married. He got the golden ass, perfect reason to be lazy. He must of felt like he was on top of the mountains, literally. :-)


Anyway, I've compiled a list of costumes Kim KardASSian has worn over the years. I felt it was only the right thing to do. This isn't just a day of ghosts, ghouls and treats. It's a day for single men all over the world to rejoice in the possibly of apple bobbing with you. Well, considering you think a professional athlete is broke...the rest of us can just sort of use fantasies. I'm not speaking for myself though, I prefer women sort of opposite of you.


I have nothing against what you have built; I'm just against what you represent. I have met you before when you first started. I know you’re a good person. But, I just don't trust the girls that look up to you. Because if you think an athlete is broke and can't keep up with your socialite lifestyle, that just might make it harder for regular dudes to keep their high maintenance girlfriends happy.

I think it's sad and funny. I think its an amplifer of what is happening in America. People get dumber and dumber and get caught up in the moment, once the moment is gone they want to end it and not fight to keep things going. It's all about a special day. A day to wear a mask and get attention. Kinda like Halloween. I might be getting too deep. I really just did put these pictures together because Kim is hot...and I know it will bring in thousands of hits to this post. That's the only reason. See, I can be selfish and self centered too. Happy Halloween you worthless much, that I love!!

It was once thought that witches turn into cats to avoid capture from the witch hunters. Just sayin'

Look it's PrinAss Beauty and Captain Ass Sparrow. Looking good!!

Uh-oh, Kim was Poision Ivy this year. I wonder how Kris Humphries feels about that? I never knew of anyone in the middle of a divorce that gets this dressed up for Halloween. Wow, time to be sad? Nope!

Everyone loves Snow White, where's the witches apple? For Kim, the bad apple is marriage.

What a wonder, a wonder indeed. Happy Hallo, ween.

This Jasmine would never date a street rat with no money. Kim wants what that fool to have billions in wishes.

Visit Sleepy Hollow for Halloween

Posted 2011-10-28 23:10:34 | Views: 24,359

What's the coolest thing to do for Halloween?



  • In 2006, a large statue depicting the Headless Horseman chasing Ichabod Crane was placed along Route 9 in Sleepy Hollow/Tarrytown, New York.
  • A not-for-profit organization Historic Hudson Valleyhas held since 1996 Legend Weekend at Philipsburg Manor, Sleepy Hollow, New York, featuring a rider portraying the headless Hessian, and a storyteller retelling The Legend of Sleepy Hollow as a historic celebration attended by thousands annually before Halloween.

For a really long time I've wanted to visit the township of Sleepy Hollow, NY.  I’ve always wanted to do it more so around Halloween. Maybe I'm a geek but I’ve wanted to check out the famous Headless Horseman statue, the mysterious grave site of a person actually named Ichabod Crane, the creepy Headless Horseman bridge and other interesting attractions. Below I put a few local facts about the town which I will visit this weekend to celebrate All Hallows Eve!

Local Facts:

Images: Neil Fein

Via: Wiki

Learn More:

Make sure to visit the Sleepy Hollow town website to find out what's happening this Halloween weekend. - SleepyHollow.gov

Do You Remember This?

Posted 2011-10-27 20:07:32 | Views: 17,230


I don't have to say anything, if your parents are from a Spanish speaking country, you grew up with this...whether you liked it or not. 

Stolen Santa Claus

Posted 2011-10-27 18:46:04 | Views: 31,609


Where can you hide a 20 foot tall Santa? 

Support the Troops

Posted 2011-10-27 16:09:15 | Views: 33,506

Flicks, Flicks, Flicks

Posted 2011-10-27 13:28:35 | Views: 29,711




the rabbit hole of the interwebs will make you end up in some magical eye experiences

Occupy Cuba

Posted 2011-10-26 20:31:02 | Views: 18,219

Cookie Monster Problems

Posted 2011-10-26 20:16:13 | Views: 77,237

I got 99 cookies cuz a bitch ate one.

Reincarnation is Real

Posted 2011-10-26 19:59:20 | Views: 49,438


Chris Farley, Welcome back! 














Feeling Rich

Posted 2011-10-26 15:51:50 | Views: 25,663

A Woman Can Say More By Less.

Posted 2011-10-26 15:50:59 | Views: 67,269

A woman can say more in a sigh than a man can say in a sermon.  -Arnold Haultain