I like horror, classic, brand new, grindhouse horror and goth chicks and pin up girls. yeah!
Magazine Posts Table of Contents

It's Not Broken.

Posted 2011-05-30 01:07:11 | Views: 14,244

It's not broken. I just don't like you.

Natasha Lillipore + Soraya Marx

Posted 2011-05-29 19:18:48 | Views: 19,956

Natasha Lillipore

soraya marx

Superman vs Muhammad Ali

Posted 2011-05-29 17:49:58 | Views: 19,477

The Fight To Save Earth From

Star - Warriors

the fight to save earth from

Kurt Cobain Arrested for Spray Painting

Posted 2011-05-29 17:32:37 | Views: 19,017

25 years ago today, Kurt Cobain (age 19) was arrested for spray painting “God Is Gay” on pick-up trucks.

Nirvana Graffiti 

















































American Woman Stay Away!

Posted 2011-05-26 22:53:23 | Views: 14,298





































stay away

from me.



Yum Yum - Business People

Posted 2011-05-26 22:35:48 | Views: 14,819

Yum Yum

Business people.

Wired Magazine asked Yum Yum to design some characters for a feature on networking. Yum Yum made a set of miniature business people. The various characters were inspired by the film, Fantastic Mr. Fox.

The World Will Laugh With You...

Posted 2011-05-26 22:07:47 | Views: 23,349

Laugh and the world laughs with you; fart and they'll stop laughing.




The Green Goblin!

Posted 2011-05-26 19:41:17 | Views: 13,748

6 Surprising Facts About NASA's Space Shuttle Endeavour

Posted 2011-05-24 15:28:44 | Views: 15,422



1. It's the baby of the shuttle family

Endeavour is the youngest member of NASA's space shuttle fleet. The orbiter was built as a replacement for the shuttle Challenger, which was lost --in the 1986 accident that also killed its seven-astronaut crew.


2. It was named by students

Endeavour is the only shuttle to have been named by children. In 1988, NASA staged a national competition among elementary and secondary school students to hang a name on the new shuttle. The kids were given some guidance -- the name had to be based on a historic oceangoing research or exploration vessel.


3. Endeavour was built on the cheap -- sort of

While Endeavour debuted a fair amount of new gear -- it was the first shuttle to use a drag parachute during landing, for example, and it featured advanced avionics systems -- much of the orbiter was built from spare parts.

These pieces were left over from the construction of the shuttles Discovery and Atlantis. This recycling ethic helped keep Endeavour's construction costs down to $1.7 billion, according to NASA officials.


4. It helped save the Hubble Space Telescope

Shortly after NASA's Hubble Space Telescope launched in 1990, scientists noticed that the instrument's images were a bit blurry. In 1993, Endeavour launched on its STS-61 flight -- the first Hubble servicing mission -- to fix the problem.

In a series of complex operations involving multiple spacewalks, Endeavour's astronaut crew swapped out some of Hubble's optics and other gear. Soon the telescope was seeing the universe in crisp, sharp detail.

the legacy it has today."


5. Endeavour brought the International Space Station into being

The International Space Station can date its birth to Endeavour's STS-88 mission in December 1998. This mission took the first American component of the station -- the Unity node, the passageway that connects the working and living modules -- to space and joined it to the Russian Zarya module, which was already in orbit.


6. It's a change agent

Endeavour's second flight, the STS-47 mission back in 1992, broke new ground sociologically. Its crew featured the first African-American woman to fly in space (Mae Jemison), the shuttle's first Japanese astronaut (Mamoru Mohri) and the first married couple to fly on the same space mission (Mark Lee and Jan Davis).

So Endeavour will have a lot to be proud of when it returns to Earth in May and prepares to head out to sunny California for retirement. NASA awarded the shuttle to the California Science Center in Los Angeles, where crowds will be able to see the agency's youngest orbiter up close.

6 Surprising Facts About Endeavour

Interesting Fast Facts of NASA's Space Shuttle Endeavour.


Lizzy from "Me in my Place"

Posted 2011-05-24 14:58:06 | Views: 39,208



Check out Lizzy hanging out at her apartment. This is a really great site with great pictures...of pretty ladies lounging at home.


















































Yo MTV Raps - trading cards

Posted 2011-05-24 12:08:13 | Views: 18,010

Who else collected YO MTV Raps trading cards?



















































































Word, Ink Girls

Posted 2011-05-24 09:28:31 | Views: 51,643


Sometimes I forget I'm Cuban.

Posted 2011-05-24 09:05:18 | Views: 18,682

Sometimes I forget I'm Cuban, until I hold a machete.

Elvis Presley and Muhammad Ali!

Posted 2011-05-23 19:26:11 | Views: 18,470



New photo of Bane, Villain from "Dark Knight Rises"

Posted 2011-05-23 13:32:52 | Views: 14,451

first look at bane!

Debut photo of Bane, Batman's new villain in the movie "Dark Knight Rises."