I like horror, classic, brand new, grindhouse horror and goth chicks and pin up girls. yeah!
Magazine Posts Table of Contents

Kick Ass Posters!

Posted 2011-05-22 23:16:15 | Views: 14,975


I've somewhat become a fan of the Kick Ass movie. I went to see it not expecting much and I have gotten a soft spot for the film. With that said, I never really followed it that much. I discovered these movie posters that look and have the feel of old war time posters. They totally...well...kick ass.

Earth Quake in Jersey. Messes up front of house.

Posted 2011-05-21 13:03:07 | Views: 13,890


Okay guys, I'm freaking out. I went to my aunts house in Fort Lee, New Jersey. Right after lunch the house was shaking. It was a really weird shake! We went outside and the steps were completely fucked up. It was nuts. The Rapture is coming!


Quakes Reported in NYC and NJ.

Posted 2011-05-21 12:20:22 | Views: 14,792




NEW YORK, NY – Conflicting accounts of scattered earth quakes are reported in New York City and northern and southern New Jersey. The Port Authority Police bureau of emergency called to trimmers that have caused the Manhattan Bridge to fracture. New York fire department personal are on the scene and have put out 3 big fires. No injuries or deaths have been confirmed. Traffic is backed up for several miles and there are detours all over Manhattan, Brooklyn and Long Island.

Fractured aerial view of Manhattan bridge. Traffic is heard to be backed up for miles.

Scattered parts of New Jersey have also felt strong trimmers that have caused houses to sink, miles of streets to crackle. Reports just in that the Hudson river is overflowing and flooding streets in Hoboken.

Police are reporting several hundred people missing from cars on the bridge. John Podderi, a person driving across the bridge said he noticed many drivers missing from their cars when he got out of his delivery truck. Police are reporting that people reading this story are idiots if they believe this is actually the Rapture. It's just some bloggers bored on a beautiful May 21st Saturday afternoon.

More Susan Coffey, on rocks!

Posted 2011-05-21 00:30:18 | Views: 24,527

susan coffey

Susan is one of my favorite models, hands down. She's like the girl that lives next door.



No words.

Posted 2011-05-20 20:03:28 | Views: 17,827


Fcuk Anime

Posted 2011-05-20 15:24:04 | Views: 15,430

Needless to say, I was never a fan - LOL

Eddie Munster gets Gangsta

Posted 2011-05-20 15:09:03 | Views: 18,634

Yeah, Fool. I still play with my toys. You got a got damn problem with it? I'll beat yo motherfuckin' ass.


Eddie Munster gets gangsta

Amazing Stories: The 1940's Magazine

Posted 2011-05-19 13:40:28 | Views: 16,036



I mostly remember this as a TV show in the 1980's but this actually use to be a monthly science fiction magazine on the newsstands in the 1940's. Read more about the history below.

Amazing Stories was an American science fiction magazine launched in April 1926 by Hugo Gernsback's Experimenter Publishing. It was the first magazine devoted solely to science fiction. Before Amazing, science fiction stories had made regular appearances in other magazines, including some published by Gernsback, but Amazing helped define and launch a new genre of pulp fiction.


Amazing was published, with some interruptions, for almost eighty years. The title first changed hands in 1929, when Gernsback was forced into bankruptcy and lost control of the magazine. Amazing became unprofitable during the 1930s and in 1938 was purchased by Ziff-Davis, who hired Raymond A. Palmer as editor. Palmer made the magazine successful though it was not regarded as a quality magazine within the science fiction community. In the late 1940s Amazing began to print stories about the Shaver Mystery, a lurid mythos which explained accidents and disaster as the work of robots named "deros"; the stories were presented as fact, and led to dramatically increased circulation but also widespread ridicule. Palmer was replaced by Howard Browne in 1949, who briefly entertained plans of taking Amazing upmarket. These plans came to nothing, though Amazing did switch to a digest format in 1953, shortly before the end of the pulp-magazine era. A brief period under the editorship of Paul W. Fairman was followed, at the end of 1958, by the leadership of Cele Goldsmith. Despite her lack of experience she was able to bring new life to the magazine, and her years are regarded as one of Amazing's most creative eras. She was unable to arrest the declining circulation, though, and the magazine was sold to Sol Cohen's Universal Publishing Company in 1965.

Going green takes on a whole different meaning on this February 1949 issue of Amazing Stories, featuring "The Insane Planet" by Alexander Blade.

Cover art by Robert Gibson Jones.

Ziff-Davis Publishing Company
(Chicago/Illinois) Mai 1950
Cover: Arnold Kohn

Ziff-Davis Publishing Company
(Chicago/Illinois) October 1946
Cover: Robert Gibson Jones
ex libris MTP

  THE TV SHOW!                

Amazing Stories is a fantasy, horror, and science fiction television anthology series created by Steven Spielberg. It ran on NBC from 1985 to 1987, and was somewhat erratically screened in Britain by BBC1 and BBC2 - billed in the Radio Times as "Steven Spielberg's Amazing Stories" - with episodes airing at any time from early on Sunday morning to weekday evenings to very late at night; it later received a more coherent run on Sci-Fi.


The series was nominated for 12 Emmy Awards and won five. The first season episode "The Amazing Falsworth" earned writer Mick Garris an Edgar Award for Best Episode in a TV Series. It was not a ratings hit (ranking 40th in Season 1 and 46th in Season 2), however, and the network did not renew it after the two-year contract expired.

From the beginning intro for the TV show.

I loved this show, it had a real Steven Spielberg 1980's feel for obvious reasons.

Beauty of Mirror iphone Pictures

Posted 2011-05-18 06:43:55 | Views: 14,064

The beauty


mirror iphone


Sandy eats a Banana

Posted 2011-05-17 12:16:14 | Views: 16,323


Eating a banana.

Source: Vice

Start Cola Earlier?

Posted 2011-05-16 19:51:43 | Views: 14,010

Maybe this is a sign we all need to cut back on the Cola. What do you think?

I Love London

Posted 2011-05-16 19:47:46 | Views: 13,765

I think I love London too.

Miles Davis 1969 Interview

Posted 2011-05-16 07:03:45 | Views: 20,459



You've always believed in playing exactly the way you wanted to at all times?

Course. I want to see if I can do it.


There was the period when you seemed to be using the mute quite a lot.

I use it if I want to play something, here and there. Not because some people said to me : "Miles, you sound good with a mute." I know it sounds good, else I wouldn't pick it up.


On a lot of the records that were very successful, tracks like "All Of You" and "Bye Bye Blackbird", when you played with the mute close to the mike, you had what came to be known as the Miles Davis sound.

I got it from Dizzy.


I don't remember hearing that sound from Dizzy.

Listen to `Ko Ko". But, you see, all my ideas of a tone come from listening to trumpet players who play round—with no tag on the end of the tone. I would never try and play like Harry James, because I don't like his tone—for me.


It's too sort of creamy, I suppose.

What you call creamy and what I call creamy may be two different things. It's just white. You know what I mean? He has what we black trumpet players call a white sound. But it's for white music.


Keep reading this interview at Jazz Professional

Fright Night: Screwing Up a Classic?

Posted 2011-05-16 06:46:47 | Views: 13,719

I Can't believe they have produced a Re-Make of this early 80's classic. What a joke.

Can't they ruin something else before they ruin classics. You know, maybe their careers or relationships. LOL Here's the trailer for the new 2011 version with Collin Ferrell.

...And here's the trailer of the REAL one from 1980's which was the second highest grossing horror movie of 1985 behind A Nightmare on Elm Street.

Happy Friday the 13th!!

Posted 2011-05-13 07:59:08 | Views: 13,671




Make sure not to party too hard and avoid listening to that “Friday” song or a guy in a ski mask might take you out. That person may be me!