I like horror, classic, brand new, grindhouse horror and goth chicks and pin up girls. yeah!
Magazine Posts Table of Contents

Art Girls Rock!

Posted 2011-05-09 07:01:41 | Views: 243,036



Kissing Box takes Cyber Sex to a Creepy Level

Posted 2011-05-06 07:58:37 | Views: 19,558

wtf, "kissing box" helps internet

FINALLY, basement dwellers everywhere can get some action.

Scientists at the Kajimoto Laboratory at the University of Electro-Communications in Tokyo are developing a gadget that can digitally transmit the sensation of kissing.


The device consists of a straw attached to a hand-held box.

You stick the straw in your mouth — stop smirking — and twirl it around with your tongue.


The movement of your tongue is then replicated by a corresponding box, the straw of which should — ideally — be placed in your make-out partner's mouth.


Video footage of the kissing box published by diginfo.tv shows it in action — however it looks as if only one tongue's movements can be communicated at a time.


We assume that means that, as in a waltz, one member of the pair will have to take the lead to avoid a kissing box meltdown.

The boxes are connected via the internet and also apparently record the taste of a person's mouth, the manner of their breathing and moistness of the tongue.


They can also record customised kissing information, meaning it may be possible to emulate the kissing style of specific people.

Who knows — perhaps a clever marketer will team up with the university to sell kissing boxes based on celebrities.

Scientists are apparently bored and are developing a kissing device. It can record breathing patterns and your tongue movements sending it to your cyber lover via internet.

geeks get action?

Scary realities of War at Them-Thangs.com

Posted 2011-05-04 08:03:24 | Views: 21,100

you wake up at night and someone is dressed like this in front of you. LOL


I found these awesome pictures on Them-Thangs. It's a blog with a lot of old wartime carnage. Everyone should take a look. Many interesting photos and frightening realities of war.

Hot Diggity Damn

Posted 2011-05-04 07:47:59 | Views: 17,373

Hot Diggity Damn.

Suicide by Crucifixion

Posted 2011-05-04 06:50:15 | Views: 17,073

SEOUL — A South Korean taxi driver said to have extreme religious views has been found dead on a crucifix after an apparent attempt to emulate the death of Christ, police said Wednesday.


The body of the 58-year-old surnamed Kim was found on Sunday on a wooden cross in an abandoned quarry in the central city of Mungyeong, with nails on the cross protruding through holes in his hands and feet.


Local police said the man, wearing only underpants and a crown of thorns, had a stab wound to his right waist and several whip marks in an apparent reconstruction of Christ's death.


A mirror was placed in front of Kim so he could see himself on the crucifix, while other items such as a hammer, a hand drill and a knife were found nearby.


"We found at the scene pieces of paper describing how to construct a cross and carry out a crucifixion," a police office told AFP on condition of anonymity, adding it was unclear whether or not Kim wrote the memo himself.


A forensic examination was under way to determine the cause of his death. Police said Kim's hands were pierced by a drill and he may have died of excessive blood loss.


Kim was described by neighbours as fascinated by Christianity. Police were trying to establish whether he killed himself either alone or with the help of others around Easter time from April 22-24.

But they said they were not excluding the possibility of murder.


Yonhap news agency cited a former pastor as saying Kim had "fanatical religious views".




Fanatic of Christianity kills himself by crucifying for his sins? Dude even sets up a mirror so he can see himself suffer as he tries to appear as The Anointed One. Nuts. 

Image from Daily Mail. Another interesting read about a 15 year old nailed to the cross for worship.

Hide and Seek Champion

Posted 2011-05-02 08:35:11 | Views: 13,856


2001 - 2011

Osama Bin Laden is DEAD - Fuck Yeah!

Posted 2011-05-02 01:22:53 | Views: 15,389

The reason Obama took so long with his Birth Certificate

Posted 2011-05-01 23:23:56 | Views: 14,103

The Beauty of iphone Pictures: Madelyn Lance

Posted 2011-04-29 15:17:53 | Views: 47,612


featuring Madelyn Lance

Pinar Yolacan, meat wearing grannies.

Posted 2011-04-29 12:33:49 | Views: 20,914




Photo series by pinar yolacan

I like my bubble bath, with doughnuts.

Posted 2011-04-29 09:03:35 | Views: 18,359

I like my bubble bath with doughnuts, bitch.

It's Van Gogh, Bro

Posted 2011-04-29 08:06:25 | Views: 20,091

It's van gogh, bro

James Birkbeck decided to take some pictures that look like Vincents tortured paintings. He should cut off his ear and take a pic of that!

Punk is Dead?

Posted 2011-04-28 20:06:01 | Views: 19,463

The Beauty of iphone Pictures: Philecia

Posted 2011-04-28 19:59:37 | Views: 15,165



Source: Philecia

Ronald McDonald Vomitting Tee.

Posted 2011-04-28 19:38:11 | Views: 16,059





This made me laugh. McDonald's is a guilty pleasure...like going to a peeping show or shooting heroin. Some need it but you don't want your friends or your girlfriend to know. It feels so good, but you feel so dirty afterwards that you want to go running on the treadmill or eat a salad from Whole Foods LOL.

Via: Lora8