The Daily Dare Blog: Inspiring You to Be.
Therese is a Certified Intuitive Consultant (psychic-medium) based in New York City. As a natural and trained psychic medium, she only works with the best intentions and is skilled in her psychic abilities as well as in spirit communication. Because she is also a trained psychic, Therese is not only clairvoyant but also uses all of her paraphysical senses to ensure you receive an accurate and detailed psychic reading. She offers psychic readings out of a convenient NYC midtown Manhattan location. Most of her her clients come from New York and the surrounding area and have reported readings with Therese to be 80% - 100% accurate. As a professional Intuitive Consultant, Therese abides by the highest ethical standards. She currently offers psychic readings in the NYC area and by appointment only. She is also available on short term notice.
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Our Balanced Peaceful World

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Dreaming of Balance

Several nights ago I had a dream that I was inside of a mall and everything was chaotic.  Mall security put everyone on lockdown in the stores and nobody could go in or out of the place.  The security guards surrounded one man who was preaching about how God is going to end the world so they pulled him off of his platform and arrested him for being hostile.

When that was done everyone started working together… in all ways.  Everyone felt nicer to each other, more willing to help and unconditionally accepting of one another.

At the end of the dream I was sitting on a school bus (it's all about learning. Get it? Life.  School.  School bus?) while an orange and blue Ying Yang symbol appeared within a floating ball of fire.  It was as if balance was at arms reach and we all just needed to follow and grasp it.

I know that this is where the world is headed.  It's not impossible as long as we all work together.  Needless to say, I woke up refreshed and renewed – physically and spiritually.