The Daily Dare Blog: Inspiring You to Be.
Therese is a Certified Intuitive Consultant (psychic-medium) based in New York City. As a natural and trained psychic medium, she only works with the best intentions and is skilled in her psychic abilities as well as in spirit communication. Because she is also a trained psychic, Therese is not only clairvoyant but also uses all of her paraphysical senses to ensure you receive an accurate and detailed psychic reading. She offers psychic readings out of a convenient NYC midtown Manhattan location. Most of her her clients come from New York and the surrounding area and have reported readings with Therese to be 80% - 100% accurate. As a professional Intuitive Consultant, Therese abides by the highest ethical standards. She currently offers psychic readings in the NYC area and by appointment only. She is also available on short term notice.
Magazine Posts Table of Contents

Dr. Seuss - Today You Are You

Posted 12 years ago | Views: 3,089

You Are Who You Believe You Are

Posted 12 years ago | Views: 3,095

You cannot perform in a manner inconsistent with the way you see yourself.

-Zig Ziglar

What are affirmations and Creating Effective Affirmations

Posted 13 years ago | Views: 3,268

What are affirmations?

An affirmation is a statement that is put forward as truth and can be both positive and negative.  Positive affirmations are used when consciously creating a new pattern of thought or supporting an already existing thought.  Negative affirmations are usually the ones that are difficult to obliterate from our mindset because the first step is recognizing the negative way of thinking (which requires awareness) and only then can a new and positive affirmation replace it. 



The idea is that the more you repeat something to yourself the more that belief shows itself within your life.  An affirmation is not meant to be paragraphs long with all of the details built in.  You can have many different affirmations that deal with various subject matters, all being stated as concise and positive statements.  The details can be filled in as you go along.

Tips for Creating Effective Affirmations

Never use negatives within your affirmation.  Focus on the positive side.

   Example: Instead of “I am not fat anymore” you can say “I am becoming more fit and healthy as each day passes.”  Or rather than “I will not be broke anymore” try “Money is flowing towards me at every moment”


Use brief statements that feel good to you.  Long and wordy does not necessarily make a better statement.


You don’t need to say your affirmation out loud although many people who are just starting to do this find it very helpful to state it out loud. 


The most important thing is that you truly believe your affirmation.  Have faith and trust that the Universe is supporting all of your statements.**


**the mind and Universe does not discriminate between positive and negative, but instead puts energy towards what you give your focus and attention to

Kahlil Gibran On Pain from The Prophet

Posted 13 years ago | Views: 3,163

On Pain

taken from Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet

Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding.
Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain.
And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life, your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy;
And you would accept the seasons of your heart, even as you have always accepted the seasons that pass over your fields.
And you would watch with serenity through the winters of your grief.

Much of your pain is self-chosen.
It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick self.
Therefore trust the physician, and drink his remedy in silence and tranquillity:
For his hand, though heavy and hard, is guided by the tender hand of the Unseen,
And the cup he brings, though it burn your lips, has been fashioned of the clay which the Potter has moistened with His own sacred tears.

2012 and the Mayan Calendar

Posted 13 years ago | Views: 3,038

The end of the world? Again?


No. The world is moving towards a shift to higher consciousness.  Now is the time to become more aware.  More aware of your surroundings.  More aware of your feelings.  More aware of your dreams.


Everything is about balance.  Light and dark.  Good and bad.  The coming shift is no different and now is as good a time as any to notice how us humans have disrespected the Earth.  It is also a perfect time to commend ourselves for making moves towards restoring the balance and showing respect for our planet.  The time is now to take responsibility for all of our good deeds as well as negative aspects.

2012 and the Mayan Calendar

Entertainment blogs

The Two Most Important Days of Your Life according to Mark Twain

Posted 13 years ago | Views: 4,012

The two most important days of your life

are the day you are born

and the day you find out why

                      -Mark Twain

Guidance from an Older and Hopefully Wiser Me to Me

Posted 13 years ago | Views: 3,478

I've recently read a book called What I Know Now: Letters to My Younger Self edited by Ellyn Spragins.  The moment I picked up the book and started reading I was entranced at all of the basic guidance that comes from each letter written to the younger self.  Basic guidance that we wished we knew then but didn't.  Or that someone expressed to us, but we dismissed.  In a nutshell, I was inspired to write my own letter to my younger self.  I want to express my gratitude to everyone involved in that book - not just because I was able to write my younger self a letter, but because the guidance also serves as a reminder to my present self.





Yes, I know some will read this and think "Um, how old are you???"  And to answer that question - I'm not as young as I may appear but I am also not so old that I can't have a younger self.  Everyone has a younger self, wouldn't you agree?

I am My Own Best Guide

Dear Chips,


At the moment you feel like the world has just ended and there is no point in continuing school or work.  But stick with it because when you get even just a little bit older – not even five more years – you will begin to see how everything ties in to all of the pain and anger that you’re currently feeling.  Don’t be so mad at the friends who tell you that “everything will be okay.”  They all have your best interest in mind and even if that takes a little bit of false hope, you will be fine and everything will be okay in time – you never were very good at practicing patience.  Just breathe.


As for school and work, no matter how pointless it seems right now you will see how important it was for you to experience many of those classes that you just love to skip out on.  You think that you will never start your own business because it would be too much work – but believe me when I say you’re going to wish you went to those classes and while there, actually listened.  It’s wonderful how you’ve found the subject that excites your mind and keeps you wanting more, but your future will blow you away.  You can’t even imagine how amazing and interesting your work will be.  And even better, you’re going to love it. 


You’re stubbornness and restlessness will get you far and it is through them that you will find the courage to find what you love.  Just breathe.


Listen to your heart and don’t dismiss even the smallest ounce of passion for any subject matter.  You’ve been blessed with an enormous amount of talent and you’re going to get to use it all.  The constant feeling of having your physical body being two steps behind your mind is going to propel your deepest desires and goals.  In fact, you feel this way because it will be useful in your future work.  And since we’re on it, that doesn’t mean you’re better than anyone else – it just means you’re going to be stubborn and unconventional and creative and still have the energy to do even more.  Ironically, it will be learning how to sit still that makes all the difference. 


Be proud of who you are, what you’ve done and the person that you are going to grow into.  I am.

Good luck with everything and when all else fails, I trust that you’re just the person to try try and try again.


With so much future love,


2012: Shift in Consciousness

Posted 13 years ago | Views: 3,208

2012: A Year of Shifting Consciousness

A New Year is amongst us and with it, we move one step closer to raising our vibrations and consciousness.


Balance is ever so important as we approach a time when us humans will begin to become more conscious of how we respect the earth, each other and ourselves.  In essence, we are becoming more aware.


It is never too late to begin your own journey of remembering who you are and where you came from.


Here are a few simple ideas to help you get the new year started off on a positive path: 

1.  Make a list of things you would like to accomplish by the end of the year.  This list need not include the details of how, but instead the intention to actually complete these tasks.


2.  Acknowledge your past accomplishments.  Look back at some of the difficult moments from past years and quickly jot down the lessons you've learned from them.  Give yourself credit for overcoming those obstacles.


3.  Forgive.  Forgive those you've felt have wronged you and forgive yourself for making your own mistakes.  A buddhist proverb says it best: "Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned."


4.  Be open to new experiences. Every moment is an opportunity for you to grow and evolve - as long as you allow yourself the experience.  Creating rigid expectations takes away from being aware of the present moment and may limit your potential understanding, growth and evolution.

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad IV.4.5 - You are what...

Posted 13 years ago | Views: 3,759

You are what your deep, driving desire is.

As your desire is, so is your will.

As your will is, so is your deed.

As your deed is, so is your destiny.

-Brihadaranyaka Upanishad IV.4.5





















Sychronicity and Coincidence

Posted 13 years ago | Views: 2,956


a casual connection of two or more psycho-physic phenomena

coined by Carl Jung


a striking occurrence of two or more events at one time apparently by mere chance

Soulmate, Twin Flame, Twin Soul

Posted 13 years ago | Views: 2,451


Twin FlamE

Twin Soul

What's in a name?

Find them, do good, make love.

God Fearing?!

Posted 13 years ago | Views: 2,789

God Fearing

"You're not a God-fearing person."  The saying that makes me cringe.


My response?  I am not a God fearing person, but a God-loving person.

The idea of a God who plays favorites, instills fear and punishes is like the King who rules over his kingdom by control.

Like Me on Facebook

Posted 13 years ago | Views: 2,458


Thank You

Full Moon Frenzy - Emotions, Emotions, Emotions!

Posted 13 years ago | Views: 2,604

Full Moon Frenzy!

          On August 13, 2011 the full moon was out. Leading up to that night I could feel the energy from everyone walking/driving/running around outside and it was INTENSE!! Being naturally sensitive to energies, it is very easy to fall into the trap of catching other people’s emotions. Therefore, it’s really important to know how to make sure that what your feeling is actually what you’re feeling and not just a reflection of other people’s emotions and feelings.


          Although there are many ways to prevent “catching an emotion."  Here are a few quick, simple and effective suggestions that can be used at any time:


Take 3 long deep breaths. On the first breath recognize the feeling you are experiencing. On the second breath, ask yourself when that emotion began and what was happening at the time. Finally, on the 3rd breath decide if it was really your own emotion or if you got caught up in someone else’s feelings. Usually, if the emotion appeared after being in a trance like state (driving long distance, daydreaming, “zoning out”) it was probably your own emotions brought about whatever it was you were daydreaming about. Your thoughts can easily become elaborate stories and trigger your feelings.



Recognize the reactions people around you are having. One example can be when you are walking down the sidewalk and there is a person angrily yelling on their phone about a frustrating situation. As you hear this, you begin to get agitated and worked up yourself. This is NOT your own feelings but instead you are sensing the same frustrations as the person whose energy is strong and at close proximity to you. At this point, continuing to be agitated will do you no good as essentially there was nothing that you are frustrated about in the first place.


This is my personal favorite because it is the easiest for me to do at anytime. Imagine a bright white beam of light glowing from above the top of your head and passing through the bottom of your feet. As I do this, I visualize my nose, lips, spine and hips lining up and centering my energy. As I do this my body usually also releases a lot of tension and my posture improves. I visualize the beam of light slowly pulsating – brighter, dimmer, brighter, dimmer – and my breath parallels it. In essence, I’ve centered myself within 2 minutes of this exercise.

We are all unique individuals with different likes and dislikes so not all of these will work for everyone.  If you’ve found one method works better for you than another, then great! You’ve found your method. If not, don’t lose hope. Centering yourself takes a conscious effort that begins with first being aware of your surroundings. This takes practice and as you do it more often, you’ll find it will become easier and more natural.

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Posted 13 years ago | Views: 3,272
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