Every Extreme 

I grew up trapped on a mountain top, wishing to ride down that slope, overcoming fear, defeating expectations for the dream and commitment to succeed another day.
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DIY: Styling Your Mason Jars

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DIY: Marilyn Escrobar's Cool Jars

Got a little crafty in between finals and made these bad boys. Super simple DIY I found online a couple weeks ago. Used 3 mason jars(the DIY I found originally used pickle jars), 3 plastic toy animals, krazy glue and Krylon metallic gold spray paint. I’m pretty pleased with the results. :)

Escrobar's own words on the process:

I could of never thought this up on my own. I am glad I came across Marilyn Escrobar's blog. This would make a great gift for a family member if you stick candy in those jars. Come to think of it....hmmm....I might just do it.

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