The Daily Dare Blog: Inspiring You to Be.
Therese is a Certified Intuitive Consultant (psychic-medium) based in New York City. As a natural and trained psychic medium, she only works with the best intentions and is skilled in her psychic abilities as well as in spirit communication. Because she is also a trained psychic, Therese is not only clairvoyant but also uses all of her paraphysical senses to ensure you receive an accurate and detailed psychic reading. She offers psychic readings out of a convenient NYC midtown Manhattan location. Most of her her clients come from New York and the surrounding area and have reported readings with Therese to be 80% - 100% accurate. As a professional Intuitive Consultant, Therese abides by the highest ethical standards. She currently offers psychic readings in the NYC area and by appointment only. She is also available on short term notice.
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2012: Shift in Consciousness

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2012: A Year of Shifting Consciousness

A New Year is amongst us and with it, we move one step closer to raising our vibrations and consciousness.


Balance is ever so important as we approach a time when us humans will begin to become more conscious of how we respect the earth, each other and ourselves.  In essence, we are becoming more aware.


It is never too late to begin your own journey of remembering who you are and where you came from.


Here are a few simple ideas to help you get the new year started off on a positive path: 

1.  Make a list of things you would like to accomplish by the end of the year.  This list need not include the details of how, but instead the intention to actually complete these tasks.


2.  Acknowledge your past accomplishments.  Look back at some of the difficult moments from past years and quickly jot down the lessons you've learned from them.  Give yourself credit for overcoming those obstacles.


3.  Forgive.  Forgive those you've felt have wronged you and forgive yourself for making your own mistakes.  A buddhist proverb says it best: "Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned."


4.  Be open to new experiences. Every moment is an opportunity for you to grow and evolve - as long as you allow yourself the experience.  Creating rigid expectations takes away from being aware of the present moment and may limit your potential understanding, growth and evolution.