
I'm just a young entrepreneur with an artistic vision. We all have a unique story to tell, I can see us all working towards the same goals through my perspective. I do design websites besides this one for artists, entrepreneurs, and personal endeavors. [email protected]

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Sense of Style

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Sense of Style 


You remember when you were younger and you just got up, your parents
dressed you, or they just put out the clothes that you could wear for the day?
Please don’t act like your parents never dressed you because I can count the
number of girls that came to school with the different colored barrettes in
their hair and wore the dresses that looked like they were going to a wedding.
The guys who always had to wear their shirts inside their pants, and their pants
being pulled halfway up to their stomach so you would see the outline of their 
socks. (Michael Jackson style)

    I feel after those crazy moments

that we decided to create our own sense of style. We get to high school and
people's values to stand out and be different, or look a like, changed. They
started reading fashion blogs, make up blogs, and going to fashion websites just
to get started on what they wanted to wear. If you look at Lil Wayne or Kanye
West, you can see their sense of style has changed dramatically. They want to
stand out and be different but at the same time, they want people to take notice
and follow the trend.
    Once we hit college that is really the chance some
of us get to reinvent ourselves and create this sense of style that we always
wanted. Some people will get rid of their high school style and create their 
college style. You are surrounded by new people, new environment so why not
create something new? At each stage of our life, I feel that the sense of style
we have is constantly changed by something we see, and how mature we become.
Instead of wearing a white tee and sneakers everywhere, we changed to a button
up, tie, and some nice shoes. If your sense of style has really changed, you won’t
conform or thirst on what everyone is doing; you will create your own thing and
wing it from there.
   Remember, your sense of style is something you create
from your creative mind. If someone says they don’t like it, respect their
opinion and tell them to fall in a hole. You are the artist and whatever you
create is what YOU create; the more they judge, the more they want to be like

Thoughts of a Random Guy..

Author:Kevin Pierre