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Real straight talk


Do you ever rack your brain trying to figure why NO ONE understands you? Do you walk away or hang up the phone feeling that you were perfectly clear in your communication. You are feeling all proud and sure of yourself then BOOM... 3 minutes later that the person you were  just having a conversation calls you right back and guess what? They had not a clue of what you meant and then you have to re(re)Explain. This used to happen to me all of the time. I used always ask "Really? I KNOW you didn't get THAT from what I just said?" complete disconnect. "I'd scrunch my fore-head and roll my eyes, thinking... "Clearly I must be speaking a foreign language to you.." 

Miscommunication like that would often ruin my day.



 Truth is when dealing with people who say they "keep it real" often just means that they don't have a sensor. Where the kind hearted folks often tend to be sugar coaters. You know... filtering the blow with extra sweet words and thoughtfulness. Now which ever way you are is fine. I just think that in terms of being better at  communicating with ALL types of personalities it's best to understand the type of person you are dealing with.





Just because you "keep it REAL" you do NOT get  free pass to be an ASS

(& that's real) 




if you can dish it out... then suck it up when someone gives it back.

(real folks are extra sensative)

real sweet folks

Just because you have others Best intrest at heart..Does NOT mean they give a DAMN about yours.

(mix your sweet with a shot of sour)



You will be disappointed  every time if you still beleive in "treat people the way you want

to be treated"

(real sweet folks live in LA-LA Land)


I would tell you what side I fall under but I'm sure you can guess that. Communication is the key to everyday life. Learning to be a better communicator does not mean that you are NOT "keeping it REAL" and have any potential of loosing any Cool Points (throwback). And to my fellow Real Sweet Folks it's ok to act a fool every now and then. Plus it will shock

the shit out of everyone!


Please "LIKE" and SHARE this blog. (I'm too sweet to cuss my family and friends out for NOT doing so) thanks in advance lol