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square peg - round hole?

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Okay.... Here's the thing about connection. Everything needs a beginning and an ending. Combined with a full time occupation of attempting to find the right puzzle pieces on your way. You know finding all the missing piece to CONNECT with. By pieces I mean the right career FIT, perfect FIT for a spouse, nurturing our childern to FIT in, and connecting with friends and family along the way.


 I have moved over 17 times and have become a master at being open to connect. As a child I have too many memories of playing out the scene from "The Color Purple".  You know, there I am, in the the backseat waving and tears rolling down sing and patty-cake hand motions of "... You and Me Us NEVA-PART..." Of course that is a bit of an exaggeration (smile) but you get the picture. I shared that scenario to say that I have always been able to CONNECT with people since a child. I had to relive being the NEW KID more than my fair share.  But it's not easy for everyone to connect with people. So some folks tend to stay in the same circle of friends or only deal with neighbors and family for security. Which is cool if you never plan on leaving that 50 mile radius. I'm just saying.  That is so not me. My free spirit can't comprehend that confinement. So I fly free. Connection is not something that "BOOM" just happens, it's a feeling. (kinda like Sexy... either you are or you are NOT no "Bringing it back" sorry JT) It's more like a super power emotion and you have to be willing to let your guard down to survive to save the world.


The most important thing is having the ability and desire to CONNECT with others. But you have to be open to sharing yourself to do so.  You have to be willing to let someone know who you are inside your heart, mind and soul.  I left Body out on purpose. We tend to give that away selfishly reguardless of FIT or Connection {wink}. Being attractive, funny or having a great personality can make you popular, this is true. But life is so short to live it just to say you KNOW a lot of people.  True CONNECTION lies with those paths you have crosss that can say they KNOW (the real) YOU.





Open your heart and connect with the important people in your life. They are there for a reason. 

Life is All for you.

As Janet says....

"if you really want it... if you say you need it.... if you gotta have it! Go ahead and get you some!"


Your life is waiting for you to live it. don't be afraid to open your Heart, Spirit and Soul and Love ..

 It's All For You!

