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Swoosh... like NIKE

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Regardless of age, race, or religion you are the only YOU.  Got to find a way to let your light shine. Make your mark and give people something to remember. Ever wonder how people would describe you to a stranger? What would they say? Hopefully they will list more than physical characteristics, and be able to describe the characteristics that live in your heart. These are the things make you unique, and are qualities that no one can take from you. As some may criticize and put their two cents in, remember it's only because they are NOT you and don't understand. And that is ok. If they truly care they will stick around to "understand" you. If NOT... keep it moving!

So today I DARE you to be YOU and make the world feel your heartbeat. Never know... someone may be ready to dance to a new beat.  How will you CRE8T-VIBES?

Today's challenge is simple! JUST DO IT!.. BE YOU!! May sound strange but I dare you to stop "frontin'" as they say, and  live the life your heart leads you to. Life is so simple, but we complicate it with emotions, worry and fear. I get that we have to learn from our mistakes. Thses lessons are kinda like a yoga or (for some) kick boxing class for our hearts.  But exercise of the heart is needed. Learning is how we grow. Everyday is a new opportunity to expand the muscles in your heart. If you live your life being true to yourself, everyone around you will be blessed.

thank you for reading  LIKE/SHARE/SMILE/INSPIRE
