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SAY "NO" then DANCE...

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yeah buddy! your heard me... I said NO!!

Ok... so I am certain that everyone knows where this is going but here goes. There are always those folks who constantly have their hand out but never have your back in return. I tend to always envision this... Me being generous and then immediately seeing the image of them slappin the "DUMMY" sticker on my back as they walk away. It never fails. So when ever you get that feeling of "ohhhh, this is not going to be good.." That's when you have to (say to yourself) "DUMMY?! are we going to go down this road yet again?"


Now keep in mind that there are a ton of things that you need to say no to. (tons) But more times than not we end up giving others the ability to steal a few of the following ... kindness, time, efforts, generosity and energy. So today you have to decide face the "DUMMY" sticker and be ok with crossing your arms and saying NO.


Now, the feeling of saying NO to people you genuinely care for is not easy, nor does it make you feel good inside. But once people get used to you NOT always saying YES or assuming that you'll do as they ask, that "not so good" feeling will pass. You know why? Because they will STOP asking you!  Keep in mind that some will attempt to make you feel bad for saying NO and may stop contacting you at all, but those that truly care for you will understand.

So in the meantime.... do a little dance every time you say NO. Soon It will make you smile! PARTY ROCK!


thanks for reading and SMiling... it means alot!