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HAPPY HOUR anyone??

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Cant tell you enough how important it is to be still and let your mind and soul be at peace. I have come along way and it used to be impossible for me to be still. But I tell you what.... once you do... your world will change.


You must take time to de-stress your life and seriously have some ME time. I know that this is not always easy for everyone and life is busy. But believe me... once you take just 15 minutes and schedule a "HAPPY HOUR" with yourself... you will be able to handle stress and let things go that you just really can't control. Do this for yourself! Then do it again everyday. LIFE IS TOO SHORT (I hate when people say that) but it's even shorter if you take everything soooo seriously.


Gotta go... time for "HAPPY HOUR" cheers!!




did someone say HAPPY HOUR??
