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C8V- the 8 Seasons of Mz. Hill....

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PEACE                  LOVE                      MUSIC

Samuel Smiles said it best, "We  learn wisdom from failure much more than from  success.We often discover what will do by finding out what we will not do. And probably he who never made a mistake, never made a discovery.​"


I knew that  I was meant to do something extravagan​t on this Earth.  I am only 23 years old and  I am still discoverin​g the many paths to my success destinatio​n.  God has placed multiple gifts and talents, some I utilize more than others. I must admit my charismati​c personalit​y and my gift for gab is something that comes naturally.

Cre8tive VIBES presents.... the 8 Seasons of Mz. Hill

Taylar Hill


Although I am musically inclined,  and God blessed me with a voice to sing, he's also blessed me to have my own radio show on a local station in Connecticu​t. I am connected to music either way because I believe "Where words fail, music speaks."  My goal is beyond measures of becoming successful​. I want to exemplify my positive  characteri​stics  and help others to achieve goals as well.  I learned that it takes strategies and a master plan to make it happen. Your plan may not turn out the way you've envisioned it, but I always instill in myself that nothing is impossible as long as you have faith in God.   There are many obstacles on your road to achievement.



Trust me, I know. I've experienced depression, financial woes, "new friends " popping out of thin air, doubters or " what I like to call my " non-believers", friends becoming foes because of my recognition, and being able to hang out with my friends. Through determination, motivation, prayer, gaining self confidence, obedience, and a major reality check, God has ordered my steps ,removing negativity. I've learned not to please anyone but myself. I can truly say that I have people who believe in my dreams.


Through your journey to discovering your success, you will learn that no one can vision or live your dream but YOU. I've learned that in order to be destined for greatness, speaking it into existence, and walk in to your destiny. Failure should never be in your vocabulary because it's not apart of the success equation. When your'e born to do something, things will emerge naturally.  I know that every low place in my life is preparing me for a higher place. I can't only imagine what doors are going to open for me from  being on the radio.

 MH~ "If I can be a stepping stone to help open another door for an individual, or giving an individual a voice to tell their story, I can be satisfied with myself because I've helped someone."

CV~ Taylar thank you for sharing your 8 Seasons. You defiantly should be proud of your self. There are so many young people that are still running around with out a clue of what their future holds. I hope that your story will encourage other men and women to get focused, trust and build their faith and start living in the

8 Seasons. Stay blessed sweetheart and continue to share your positive energy across the airwaves.

If you are in Connecticut you can catch The MZ. HILL EXTRAVAGANZA with DJ. PHILLY PHIL live every friday on 106.5FM One Love Radio from 4-6PM!


If you are ready to be heard then you need to get your time in with Mz. Hill and join the Extravaganza! Contact her Manager and street team directly via email [email protected]. More information on MZ. HILL log on to facebook and like her official Fanpage

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