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ROLL DICE {{ move forward 10 space and BOOM}}

I'm on a roll. My business is ready to become WORLD known. Thoughts of showing everyone that didn't believe in my capablity that I will OBAMA the game! (cause' YES I CAN!!) Ok... so I stand my ground in my new space. Those around taking their turn and WOW. My excitement haluted as I watch others take their turn and swoop in and pass me by. "WAIT! WHAT's this! No Hello. No THANK YOU. Nothing.."  Ok I get it... So instantly I am confused and start to loose focus. GAMES!



Learning to accept your own faults and flaws is like having a fist fight with yourself. Sometimes just admitting your opportunities can help you understand WHY you have yet to over come them. The last 2 and a half months I was determined to dive in head first and play this "GAME". Everyone around me is constantly winning and I decided it was finally my turn. I went on a mad search for my game piece, you know the perfect game changer. I had to make sure that I had the one that will shine brighter than the rest and be sure to be noticed. Chest out, head high, ((BOOM)) I layed my marker and put on a game face. Determined to PROVE to the "players" that I am NOT the one to sleep on. Letting them know that this "Cute" face is not all that I bring to game board (table, well you get it) My head starts to fill with ideas and immediately I start fumbling through my plays and I landed on my 1st move.

ROLL DICE {{move forward and LOSE 3 clients}}
WHAT? I thought advancement was to GAIN clients and increase productivity.  Man, this GAME is backwards, what happened to scratch my back I'll scratch yours. (I didn't realized to face forward and never turn your back). Arms folded, face frowned heart cracked... Guess I will wait for my turn to come around. side-note: Sometimes less is MORE.

ROLL DICE {{Advance forward passing regret and fear}}


Can I get a "WHAT WHAT"? Learning to forgive is awesome. Next obstacle is Letting GO and putting an end to constant need for conformation is such a great feeling. Who cares what everyone else thinks! (unless they think I'M AWEOSME lol) Any hoo- Still a struggle because my track record of behavior has begun to change and NOW no more Naive Nelly Or Sugar Sweet Me. Brand NEW attitude! let's ROLL!!

ROLL DICE {{go straight to JAIL}}


DAMN!! So playing the "GAME" is not for me. I really suck at it. My over sized heart and ability to give and Forgive are too big. People are just nasty! lol Lucky for me I know that NOT everyone falls into that category. So with a lot of luck and tons of Faith I will PRESS forward in my zone. OUTSIDE the norm. OUTSIDE the box. You better believe , I came to WIN, to fly, to conquer to thrive. I came to win to survive to prosper to rise to FLY. Get ready for it!



A great friend of mine once told me.


So no game playing for this chick. Running on true integrity REAL love and complete desire to inspire, encourage and help bring your dreams to life!


press play----->>>>>>

 and turn it up!

Because I CAME TO WIN!!