Absinthe Diaries

Immortal Tattoos, Singapore - For Tattoo Appointments - Email : [email protected] or SMS/CALL : +65 96676536 - FB : Facebook.com/DiamondFangs
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Redemption 2012

Posted | Views: 2,824


- 6 Sinners Wanted
- $150 for each tattoo
- I am charging BY the Design, big or small. ( Not by Session )
- This is a flat rate of $150 for customized Designs Only.
- Tattoo Designs are entirely up to the Artist but Ideas and Pointers can be given by the Sinners.
- Minimum size is A5 is required - Half Sleeve for example.
- Tattoos will require more than one sitting, so Sinners must be dedicated in completing the Tattoos.
- Prefer Sinners with Lighter Skin Tones.

Interested : Email - [email protected]