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Are you ready for a SIMPLE LIFE? SNOOZE control....

Schooln' 101

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I Slipped... but I'm back...

I have given you a break from all my 8 SEASONS speeches, but guess what it is that time again. Enough with the back and forth and ups & downs in your life got to get it together. Stop waiting for someone else to make the 1st move and pull the trigger. Now I don't mean shoot a gun, but you do need stop drop and RUN. Run away from the negative thoughts that tend to lead you away from reaching your finish line. Keep in mind not everyone will help you. So run on past them. People who just don't get it... just don't GET IT. This is what you need to tell folks that are stepping in your way and distracting you from moving forward...



"umm... yea... soo listen, I would school you, but you don't have enough credits to take my class...."  BOOM....

(feel free to quote me NINA B~)lol


any hoo.... It may be harsh, may hurt some feelings but it is long over due. Not everyone is meant to be in your "CIRCLE", especially if they are still trapped inside the "BOX" ( I'll wait) let me break it down so it will forever and consistently be Broke (LJ)... When you out grow your favorite pair of pants, what do you do? You go get some more. Some times the is a need for change. not every relationship is comfortable and sometimes you may not "FIT". What do you do? Try to loose weight? or walk around uncomfortable and bust in out of what USED to be your favorite pair of pant? I think you get the picture. So this is for all of the people who were like me and tend to be consistently trying to fit in the space that others provide or don't provide.  Solution is simple STOP it! buy some new pants in a new color new size and new style and keep it moving!  Like India said... strength Courage wisdom... waist no more time today. Be brave. be strong. be faithful most of all Be LOVE... .xoxo

Truth is that there is a whole giant world out there that you are missing out on. So PLEASE stop what ever it is that you are doing that is making you loose your mind. Cause "Crazy ain't cute"  Ok now seriously, Insanity is continuing to do the same miserable things over and over thinking that your are just miraculously going to get a different result. Hellllloooo? It is so unattractive... lol repeat quote above.




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