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SHUT UP & listen...

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Question is will your heart be full of  POSITIVE WORDS that will bring guidance and love?
 or will you realize that the WORDS coming from your heart have been full of NEGATIVITY that are mean and hurtful? Taking time to re-evaluate yourself & you may be surprised how much NEGATIVITY resides in your heart. My Vow of silence helped me to realize that I speak Positive WORDS that are consistently playing a tennis match with people who's hearts are serving up Negative WORDS. It can be exhausting playing this game and I realized that I didn't want to play anymore.  HUGE BREAK-THRU!! I hope that you find just as much success in this Challenge.
(You may not be able to vow 24 hours but it will do wonders if you are dedicated)
 Words of every kind come directly from your heart. Can you actually say you speak from your heart? Truth is we all do. The way you feel emotionally is expressed verbally. At times we may not think before the words start flying, and that's when confusion begins. But you have to care enough to change. It's time to understand where your heart is pulling the words from. Once you communicate with yourself you can connect with your heart. For example...Have you ever taken a vow of silence? I mean NO talking!! No Facebook/Twitter updates, No texting. NOT even conversations with yourself. No WORDS. It is the hardest thing to do. But it allows you to learn to listen. The thoughts in your head that usually are running a mile a minute are forced to slow down. You will be amazed in the clarity it can bring. Today's challenge is to STOP and Listen to the WORDS your heart speaks to your from inside for 24 hours. Make notes. Make list. Do what ever you need to do but FOCUS on your WORDS so you can speak from your heart.

by Nina
