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Girls Basketball Destiny's Magazine Day 1

Summer Youth Article 1

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Hey guys, it's time to get off your butts. You need to go out into the fresh air and find a job. Aren't you tired of your parents saying, "Money doesn't grow on trees". You better hurry up and get your Summer Youth application sent in before, the other 132,593 applications get turned in ! 

Do you know what Summer Youth is ? Well, let me tell you, it's no joke.

Here is what you need to know:
1. You apply online at
2.  You must be14 through 24 years old to apply 
3. There will also be a lottery you might not get a job this summer if you don't move fast enough 
4. If you do get the job you would have to work 25 hours a week 
5. You would get paid  seven dollars and twenty five cents an hour 
6. you need working papers to work at summer youth 
 7. In order to get your working papers you must get them from your guidance counselor