I’ve been making paintings that have a cartoon quality to them…but at the same time they are painted a bit aggressively and not so much in a traditional cartoon graphic style. Some cartoon shapes would make great abstract paintings. Cartoons are a strong force because they grab us as children….so the moment we see them as adults in a serious context we pay a bit more attention because it pulls us to childhood. The only other power to do that are parents. I see it as an extremely powerful tool to say something in painting right now. If it wasn’t I wouldn’t bother. For me it’s just a stage where I’m at right now. It makes sense to me.
Well it’s cool because I partnered up with my dealer Mike and got the Rozenblum Foundation involved. The work is really about what is happening in the artist studio right now. It’s really about where these 11 artists are going. They all got different backgrounds. It’s the beginning of something special and we are piecing together all these artists that work very differently but are actively making work. None of these artists… career-wise could have a retrospective at this point in their lives….so its called FUTURESPECTIVE for the works these artists are creating right now will define where they go in their careers in the next 5 to 10 years.