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Congrats Grad

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So, you graduated from college. Congratulations! You survived years of all-nighters, finals, 10 page essays, overpriced textbooks, and too much alcohol consumption.

You should be proud of yourself, really! College is really really hard, and not everyone makes it through. And now you have a degree which is a huge accomplishment in your life.

But after years and years of school, from Kindergarten til now, you may have absolutely no idea what is next. I mean really, what the eff do you do after graduating college??

1. Breath, it may have been awhile since you last did that. For a brief amount of time enjoy the fact that you have just accomplished a huge life goal.

2. Now stop breathing, for the rest of your life, and define your goals. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Write down your short and long term goals, this will give you a better chance of achieving them.

3. Network! Contact any connections you may have, take internships if you can afford to. Impress as many people your desired field as possible so that you will have recommendations and a place to build up from

4. Dont turn your nose up at a job. Beggars cant be choosers. If you absolutely need a job, take one.

5. Keep a positive mind set! Employers love fresh, hungry people who believe there are endless oppurtunities.

6. Update and monitor your social networks. Clean up Facebook/Twitter/Instagram and update your linked in. Employers check these things, believe it or not.

7. Be Prepared To Fail

8. Respond well to that failure. That's how we learn and grow. Learn from your mistakes, fix them, and improve.

I may not have a job, but I have cupcakes
Femme Fit