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Congrats Grad

Posted 2013-04-29 21:57:43 | Views: 929
So, you graduated from college. Congratulations! You survived years of all-nighters, finals, 10 page essays, overpriced textbooks, and too much alcohol consumption.

You should be proud of yourself, really! College is really really hard, and not everyone makes it through. And now you have a degree which is a huge accomplishment in your life.

But after years and years of school, from Kindergarten til now, you may have absolutely no idea what is next. I mean really, what the eff do you do after graduating college??

1. Breath, it may have been awhile since you last did that. For a brief amount of time enjoy the fact that you have just accomplished a huge life goal.

2. Now stop breathing, for the rest of your life, and define your goals. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Write down your short and long term goals, this will give you a better chance of achieving them.

3. Network! Contact any connections you may have, take internships if you can afford to. Impress as many people your desired field as possible so that you will have recommendations and a place to build up from

4. Dont turn your nose up at a job. Beggars cant be choosers. If you absolutely need a job, take one.

5. Keep a positive mind set! Employers love fresh, hungry people who believe there are endless oppurtunities.

6. Update and monitor your social networks. Clean up Facebook/Twitter/Instagram and update your linked in. Employers check these things, believe it or not.

7. Be Prepared To Fail

8. Respond well to that failure. That's how we learn and grow. Learn from your mistakes, fix them, and improve.

I may not have a job, but I have cupcakes
Femme Fit


Posted 2013-04-29 20:56:37 | Views: 919
 What's with all of these...
Femme Fit 

Travel while you're young

Posted 2013-04-29 20:24:50 | Views: 945
while you're young

One Day you will wake up and all of a sudden you will be 40. Hopefully with a career, maybe with a family and a home. They say when you get older life just seems to happen to you, you have to deal with loads of responsibilities and take care of other mini people, if you have children that is.

But your youth is a time of empowerment, to some degree it is the opportunity to do what you want. Now, some don't have as much control over their circumstances as others, but if you do, SEIZE THE FREAKING DAY!

When you are in early adulthood, you have some sorts of responsibilities, a vague view on what adult life will actually be like. This is the time you are developing your views on the world, and these views are often shaped by experience. This means you need to get out there and experience!!

"So, young person, travel. Travel wide and far. Travel boldly. Travel with full abandon."
As if you needs reasons to travel, here are 3

1. Life is an adventure, and one you should not take for granted. Travelling shows you to take the oppurtunity for every adventure that comes your way. Some day you will look back on your life, and hiking the Appalachians, biking around Paris, and laying on the Brazilian sand will not be moments you will regret, they will be the moments that you savor, the ones that keep you young when you look back on them. Travelling shows you how full life can be, and that seeing the world is an investment, not a luxury.

2. When you travel, you become compassionate. We all have our defining moments in life, choices that make us who we are. Travelling will catapult you into make decisions based on the bigger picture, because you will be forced to see that the world is much wider than your little tiny scope of things. Travelling will show you that you need to care about world issues, because you will be seeing them first hand, and you will not be able to ignore them.

3. You will become a cultured individual, which is truly a rarity in this day and age. Gaining appreciaton and respect for other cultures is extremely important in being a good person, and in your success in the real world. The world is full of all kinds of different, but amazing people. And it is filled with so many beautiful things and wonderful art. Experience the world for all its worth, and appreciate what it has to offer. Become cultured and know that it is an important thing to be.

Femme Fit

healthy treats

Posted 2013-04-29 18:20:00 | Views: 872
Have your cake and eat it too...

Healthy treats to satisy a sweet tooth
Frozen Fruit Pops
slice up some fresh fruit and place it in a popsicle mold along with some low-sugar or freshly made fruit juice for a healthy and refresshing treat
Yogurt With Honey
Drizzle some organic honey on Plain or flavored 0% Greek yogurt. This offers a little sugar and tart with the added bonus of protein!
Dark Chocolate
One word: Antioxidants!
                   But make sure its    
                   70% cocoa or more
Fruit Smoothie
Mix in some fresh fruit, greek yogurt, whey protein, and ice and you have the perfect healthy, sweet treat.
Chocolate dipped Frozen Banana
Dip a banana in some dark chocolate and freeze it overnight
Frozen Grapes
Sweet and refreshing, great for summer nights instead of ice cream
Femme Fit

standing abs

Posted 2013-04-29 16:45:24 | Views: 963
Standing Ab Workout
Standing Knee Crunch
15 reps 3x each side
Double Arm Reach
15 reps 3x each side
Side Imprint
15 reps 3x
each side
Overhead Dumbell Side Bend
15 reps 3x each side
Triangle Press with
15 reps 3x each side
ABs can be such a drag, especially when you have to get down on the floor to do them...
Luckily there are a few moves you can do with out getting down in the dirt. But if you do end up laying down, add the following moves into your workout routine!

15 crunches (to warm up)
1 min regular plank
15 Russian twists with two 5lb. weights
10 v-ups
Rest-10 seconds
35 bicycle crunches
25 competition sit ups
1 min regular plank
Rest-10 seconds
15 leg lifts
25 crossover crunches right
25 crossover crunches left
Rest- 10 seconds
Femme Fit


Posted 2013-04-29 16:01:03 | Views: 932
whats with all this... NEON

Femme FIt

Shorts Weather

Posted 2013-04-29 14:13:02 | Views: 954
Shorts Weather!
Nicholas French Jaquard Shorts $250
Geometric Jaquard Shorts $406
Rebecca Taylor Pleated Shorts $225
Hudson Jeans Hampton Cuffed $160
Rag and Bone Highclare Short $165
Philip Lim Leopard Print Short $325
Ksubi Alberceque cut off short $184
Parisian Lace Floral Shorts $26
Rag and Bone Highclare Short $595
Femme Fit
It's hot, and so are you. We're all getting a ittle bored of the predictable jean shorts, not to mention they instantly make your outfit super casual, which isn't always the look you're going for. Check out these cool (pun intended) shorts that are a statement all on their own.


Posted 2013-04-29 12:57:18 | Views: 849

Pilates...and why it rocks
Remember a few years back when all the moms were trading their Jazzercise classes for that new thing, that weird Pilates thing. Well, as it turns out that Pilates thing is making a come back and for good reason!

What exactly is Pilates?

Pilates is a body conditioning routine that may help build flexibility, muscle strength, and endurance in the legs, abs, arms, hips, and back. It puts emphasis on spinal and pelvic alignment, breathing, and developing a strong core or center, and improving coordination and balance. Pilates' system allows for different exercises to be modified in range of difficulty from beginning to advanced. Intensity can be increased over time as the body conditions and adapts to the exercises.Pilates improves muscle tone, balances musculature, supports correct posture, and teaches to move with ease and grace.

Take a class or do it at home with YouTube videos!
Check out BLOGILATES, videos all done by pilates instructor Cassey Ho, with all different levels of expertise and focus on every body part!

Work out of the week!
Femme Fit
Look at that form!


Posted 2013-04-29 09:23:41 | Views: 1,372

Why you should make the switch to a vegetarian lifestyle
3 reasons to become a Vegetarian!

1. Significantly improve your health
Studies have shown that becoming a vegetarian can reduce your risk for heart disease and other cardiovascular diseases. As well at decrease your chances for strokes, breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, bladder cancer, stomach cancer and ovarian cancer, but also osteoporosis, obesity, diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Additionally, processed meats are often covered in chemicals that your body cannot handle.

2. Save our planet
Becoming a vegetarian will drastically reduce your carbon footprint! It reduces deforestation and saves our water.
1 meat eater 1 day = 4200 gallons of water. 1 vegan 1 day = 300 gallons of water. Grains and corn are fed to livestock in excess in order to bulk them up to get more meat out of them, if that extra gran/corn was fed to starving children instead it could end world hunger. Livestock creates a huge amount of waste and toxic emissions that end up in our earth and drinking water.

3. Animal Cruelty
No one wants a little animal to suffer, but its hard to say that if ten minutes later you are going to be eating a hamburger that came from a mistreated cow. The majority of people are aware there is some sort of mistreatment to animals in slaughterhouses, but are not exactly sure of the extent to this problem. The animals are bread to be killed and are often mistreated and kept in terrible living conditions. Take the time to educate yourself on exactly how the animals you are eating are being treated and you may think twice about eating them.

3 Ways To Become A Vegetarian

1. Make sure you really believe in it
Cutting out meat entirely from your diet is hard. Especially, if you eat a large amount of meat on a daily basis. So, it is important that your heart is in this decision so that you know you will stick to it. It is easier to make a permanent decision if you really believe in it. Just make sure you know all of your reasons for becoming a vegetarian and have done all of the necessary research. People will criticize your decision, but if you know why you did it, what they think doesn't matter.

2. Find A Buddy
Everything is easier to do when you've got a friend next to you. It's cheesy, but really! When you have someone with the same goals as you, it is easier to achieve yours together. You can be each others cooking buddy and support system. It also adds a degree of accountability, you don't want to be the one to give up first.

3. Give it 30 Days
Just tell yourself you are going to try becoming a vegetarian for 1 month, or at least 30 days. It takes 30 days to break a bad habit, or make a good one stick. And this makes it seem less daunting than trying to make a decision that will last for the rest of your life. If you love it and still feel passionate and notice how much better you feel health wise after 30 days, then keep going to 60 days, and then 90, and so on and so on. It doesn't have to be a life commitment, but you'll notice after that time that it wasn't as hard as you thought to make the switch, or to stick to it.

Honestly, being a vegetarian is not for everyone, but there are a few things you can do to start making the transition slowly, and reap some of the benefits

1. Be A Pescatarian (no meat or poultry, but fish is allowed)
2. Meatless Mondays
3. No Meat After 5pm
4. Cage-free, Free-Range Organic meat
Check out or for more info!
Femme Fit

best fitness apps

Posted 2013-04-28 22:10:41 | Views: 966
Best Fitness Apps
Turn Your Smart Phone Into A Personal Trainer
Nike Training Club
Cost: Free
Good For: People who need to squeeze in a work out at home

Nike Training Club features over 90 comprehensive and custom-built workouts, and it’s totally free.  Select your goal (Get Lean, Get Toned, Get Strong, or Get Focused), and your fitness level (beginner, intermediate, advanced), then the app creates several 30-45-minute full-length workout options. This app is great for building cardio endurance and breaking a sweat

Gain Fitness
Cost: Free
Good For: People who want at-home and in-gym work outs

Start by choosing your goal (health, fat loss, muscle gain), location (home or the gym), duration, session type (full body, upper body, lower body, abs) and muscle focus. Pick the equipment you have to work with, like a chair, study table, dumbbells or resistance bands, and GAINFitness will design a custom work out for you. This app can be used as an assistance for your work outs in the gym, or you can use it to design a challenging work out for when you want to work out at home. 
Fitness Buddy
Cost: Free and 99 cent versions available
Good For: People wanting guidance in the gym

Start by entering your statistics (height, weight, age) and Fitness Buddy will create a workout based on your personal fitness goals and the amount of weight/reps you want to use. The app offers pictures and descriptions for each work out to ensure you do them properlty and tracks your progress for each work out, and overall.

Femme Fit

wardrobe staples

Posted 2013-04-28 21:20:19 | Views: 1,041
10 things every girl needs
in their wardrobe
Black Blazer
instantly adds a touch of sophistication

Striped Shirt
add a little ooh-la-la to a pair of jeans

Classic Trench
The perfect coat for rain or shine

Little Black Dress
For those last minute soirees and dinner parties

Nude Pumps
Because they match everything

Big Bold Bag
FIts everything and adds a pop of color

Skinny Jeans
The perfect jeans can make all the difference

Gold Watch
because you always need to be on time

Black Flats
For when you dont want to wear heels, but can't wear sandals

Statement Neckalace
GIves a plain tee a little sumthin sumthin

Femme Fit

eat clean!

Posted 2013-04-23 19:42:35 | Views: 1,273

Stop dieting and start eating clean!
But, what is this "clean eating" everyone is talking about? It's simple, and easy! Clean Eating is the idea of eating foods as close to their natural state as possible. The less ingredients the better. This ensures your body gets the most nutrients possible from the food you are eating, and there for you are truly fueling your body with food it needs.

Follow these basic guidelines to start your clean-eating journey!
- Eat whole foods: Foods that ar organic, untampered with, or fresh off the farm. For example; whole fruits and vegetables, whole grains, grass-fed and free-range meats, low fat dairy products, unsalted nuts, and seeds.
- Eat unporocessed foods: Processed foods are foods that have a label. A label means that more than one ingredient was used to make that food. You don’t have to eliminate all processed foods (like whole grain pasta or natural cheeses), but if you can’t pronounce an ingredient on a label, don’t put that food in your shopping basket.
-No refined sugar: stick to fruit to get your sugar fix! Every once in a while it is ok, but mostly refined sugar is just calories that do nothing for you.
-Cook your own meals: When you cook at home you know exactly what is going into your food. No more boxed meals

Meal 1 - Morning Start

Lean Protein: 3 egg whites, scrambled
Complex Carb - Starch: whole grain english muffin
Complex Carb - Fruit or Vegetable: small apple sliced thinly
Healthy Fat: 2 tsps extra smooth no-salt added almond butter
Supplement: multi-vit with lipotropic factors, omega 3-6-9, elemental calcium 500mg
Drinks: Decaf coffee

Meal 2 - Midmorning Booster

Healthy Fat: 15 raw almonds
Drinks: 2 cups of water

Meal 3 - Lunchtime Refuel

Lean Protein: 3 ounces tomato basil tuna
Complex Carb - Starch: 6 multigrain rice crackers
Complex Carb - Fruit or Vegetable: romaine, 2 cups mixed fresh vegetables
Healthy Fat: olive oil
Supplement: omega 3-6-9
Drinks: 2 cups cold green tea

Meal 4 - Mid-afternoon Munch

Complex Carb - Fruit or Vegetable: Large apple or 2 cups veggies
Drinks: 2 cups water

Meal 5 - Dinner Delight

Lean Protein: 4-5 ounces baked salmon
Complex Carb - Starch: 1/2 cup brown or wild rice
Complex Carb - Fruit or Vegetable: 6-7 asparagus tips, 2 cups large mixed greens salad
Healthy Fat: olive oil, lemon juice
Supplement: multi vit with lipotrophic factors, omega 3-6-9,
Drinks: 2 cups of water
Femme Fit
Follow this plan!

wake up, work out

Posted 2013-04-15 09:30:35 | Views: 922
Wake Up, Work Out
Lets face it, when that alarm goes off the first thought that goes through most people's heads  no "OH YEAH LETS WORK OUT", and there's nothing wrong with that. But, along with many benefits, working out in the AM is a great way to get a healthy, energetic, start to your day. Here's how to make sure you never hit that snooze button again!
Quick Tip: Invest in a Keurig, it makes getting your morning coffee much faster and easier, so you'll get your caffeine fix and be on your way!
Femme Fit


Posted 2013-04-09 20:00:14 | Views: 895
Femme Fit
Jennifer Lawrence
Go Veg!
Why Being A Vegetarian Can Be Beneficial
Wake Up,
Work Out
How to get your work out done in the AM

10 things every girl needs
Shorts Weather!
Best Fitness Apps
turn your phone into a trainer!

