Why is fashion so important to me? What do I get out of being fashionable? Ever since I was little I looked up to my aunts, every year I got older, I saw their wardrobe differ and there closets get bigger and bigger. They always went shopping with me, always helped me find the best of the best clothing. They are my idols! I have a cousin that was the age that I was when I was watching my aunts, she is watching me now. Now I know the feeling of someone looking up to me and it feels great to have someone looking up to me, it makes me feel good! It makes me feel as good as my clothes make me feel! Amazing and Confident.
My point I’m trying to get across is that looking good, finding the wardrobe that is you, it's an amazing feeling! It’s not about “fitting in” or getting people to like you because of what you have or what you look like! I’m 17 years old now, and fashion is my life; it makes me. That is why I write these magazines, I want every one of you to feel as good or even better than I do when wearing clothes!