Hey everyone! EsMarie here. Thanks so much for checking out my post. This is just a little introduction on who I am and why I chose to write about this.
I was born in the Alexandria hospital in 1997 to Nate and Jess (I prefer not to give out last names). I am the third oldest of ten siblings and, being the oldest girl, have taken on many house and garden responsibilities while my mother is devoted to the littlest children. I grew up in rural Minnesota near Holmes City surrounded by fields, trees, and all other manner of creation which is probably one of the reasons I love it so much. As far back as I can remember I have loved to be outside in the garden or field planting, hoeing, and weeding vegetables for our family. I've worked for my grandpa, who runs an organic produce business and grows all his own vegetables, since I was twelve and have gotten pretty good at making things grow.
Myself and all of my siblings were home schooled by our mother in the school room located in the basement. Many fond memories are attached to that room where I struggled through learning math, reading, geography, history, and all the other subjects. I'm sorry to say we were not always dutiful students and would often fool around when Mother was out of the room but the peaceful scene of everyone with bent heads over our books is one quite fixed in my mind.
People often look at me strange when I say that my favorite thing to do is to be at home cleaning, cooking, and helping with my younger siblings but it is true! That is what I like to do! When I'm not doing it I miss it a lot! The main focus of my life, however, is to love God and to please Him and that is what I strive for.
The reason I chose this topic for my magazine is probably now clear to you. Raised in a home where I was taught to help everywhere you can, where you learn to clean and run a home, properly interact with small children, deal with suitors, raise a garden successfully, and live in purity, I have come to love these things and often wondered if there are other girls out there who feel the same way. This magazine is meant as an encouragement to girls like me or any young lady because it doesn't take a perfect home to enjoy being a lady, or lots of siblings or living in the country. It takes a lady to be one and every lady can do these things. So I hope this is a blessing to someone out there and I hope you keep reading these posts and maybe you will learn something you never knew! Enjoy!
Psalm 62:11