The Science behind Bulking for hardgainers
Almost everyone involved in the fitness world has heard the word "hardgainer". It usually describes a person that is hard for him to put on mass or gain weight. A person that does not matter what, he will not gain a pound. There has been a lot of misinformation about ectomorphs (another word for hardgainer) and what steps to take in order to bulk up or gain weight.
If you are that guy who is fed up with being skinny. If you feel like punching the face of the next person that tells you to simply eat more calories to gain weight; Here are the tips for gaining quality mass in the least time possible.
It is a fact that for someone to "get big", he has to "eat big". You have to eat minimun 15 calories per pound of bodyweight to make significant gains. But first of all, you have to make sure you don't get all of your calories on junk. Ratios are very useful if you want to have a balanced diet and get all the nutrients your body needs in. A recommended ratio would be:
50% protein
35-40% carbs
10-15% fat
Protein is the foundation of muscle. They aid in muscle recovery and are the catalizers in muscle growth. The body requires a minimun of 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. If you are bulking, you may consume 2 grams of protein per bodyweight.