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Squats and Deadlifts under the microscope
Loved by few, feared by lots. Squats and deadlifts consitute two of the most important exercises in building strenght and muscular growth. Now, we will put these two exercises under the microscope and see what is the science benhind them and how they act in your body
The Squat

It is not rare to see how guys at the gym will just ignore their legs at the gym because they think they do not matter as much. Legs are often underrated as well as squatting is. So, it all comes down to  WHY ARE SQUATS SO IMPORTANT?

*When you are doing squats there are about 200 muscles involved in this process

*The endocrine glands are stimulated to release hormones by a chemical signal received by the receptors on the gland or by neural stimulation, which is what occurs during weight training. Your body, endocrine and nervous system become involved during this process.

*Squat releases GH (growth hormones) that make your body stronger and muscles larges by incorporating different muscle fibers.