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There is only a couple hours left until the groups ride arrives at this cabin and seconds feel like hours they want to leave so bad. Jake is laying there motionless knowing he only has so much more time as he progressively gets worse and worse. The group is trying to give him water and get him to talk and figure out what is wrong with Jake. The gaudy roar is heard once more in the distant and the roar is getting closer and closer. The monster hasn’t roared while the sun was up this whole time they were at this cabin, this is very different. Jake laying on the floor while this is all happening and the most movement he made all day he made when that roar hit his ear. The group remembered the saying that they should wait, but they aren’t sure if they should wait for this monster to show up after it just paralyzed Jake. They look at Jake to make the decision to stay or run from the monster. They ask Jake to blink if he thinks they should stay to see what’s going to happen, Jake tries his hardest to blink and the group can tell the half blink was a for sure yes. So everybody huddles up and waits, preparing for the worst but hoping for the best. Boom the monster seems inches away now from the tiny cabin. Jake is still by the window and gets a look at the beast once again, and something unthinkable happened. Jake popped up and the monster slowly turns away. The group is in shock while Jake magically jumped up and was just like him old self. It’s fair to say that these group of kids won’t be going to going to a cabin in the middle of the woods anymore, they did however learn a valuable lesson of friendship, and patience. On the ride home the group discusses and promises each other to never tell anyone what happened in that cabin that weekend.