We are worth so much to God! We are precious beings, worthy of His love and adoration. We are worthy of His infinite affection. We are worthy of His infinite forgiveness. Sin does not separate us from God once we become part of God’s family. It took me personally a very long time to comprehend that I am worthy in the eyes of the Lord Almighty. Personally I felt as though I didn’t deserve forgiveness, mercy or love. I felt ashamed of my sins. Then I heard a speaker at a conference called Districts. Jennifer Strickland was a model who was recruited to move to Europe because she was (and is) beautiful. While abroad she was homesick, lonely, lost and without God. She endured being anorexic and weighing 110 pounds, despite being a tall woman, all for the sake of “beauty”. One lonely, dark night she found God and he forgave all her past mistakes.
Jennifer’s message is a powerful one. Her message is that there are many lies that Satan tells us. He (Satan) tells us our worth is found in a man and in the mirror. The deceiver says you are only as good as the man in front of you says you are. If he says you are worthless, you are. If he says you are beautiful, you are. This is not true because your worth and value does not change because a man decides to change his opinion of you. God’s opinion of you is the only one that matters. Letting human beings define us can shatter our hearts. We are beloved daughters of the King, making us princesses. We deserve to be in a relationship with a pure, loving man. Nevertheless, remember, man cannot fill that empty void in your heart, only God can (Strickland, 1).
Your worth is not found in the mirror. The mirror is always changing and never satisfied. Your looks may fade but true beauty is on the inside, not the outside. Our outside is temporary and not a reflection of our beauty and value. The mirror never says you are perfect and is never satisfied. It is exhausting to be a slave to the mirror. You need to stop thinking to yourself; maybe if I’m thinner he will like me. That number on the scale does not define you. You do not need to search for imperfections because you are a beautiful, valued child of God. Feed your inner beauty by feasting on the word of God. Always remember that you are worthy of God’s love and forgiveness. Jennifer has written several books about self-worth. I highly encourage you to read them if you so choose (Strickland, 1).