Magazine Posts Table of Contents

Water Experiment

Posted 2014-11-23 14:04:21 | Views: 1,462
Dr. Emoto has also done other experiments concerning the waters reaction to words. In the water experiment, he purified and decontaminated water. Next, he said a word or phrase with a positive or negative connotation, depending on the bottle. Then these bottles were subsequently frozen. Afterwards, he had professional photographers take photographs of the crystalline structures in the ice that formed. The results are astounding. All water that had positive words like praise, prayers, and words of affirmation, formed crystalline structures more aesthetically pleasing to the eye and far more symmetrical. Water that was spoken to negatively for example “You make me sick,” formed aesthetically less pleasing crystalline structures and are less symmetrical. This is another experiment proving that words honestly do have an effect on water, therefore our body, because it is 60% water. 
Water Experiment 
I will end with a quote from St. Augustine, “Miracles are not contrary to nature, but only contrary to what we know about nature.”

Words Affect Water

Posted 2014-11-22 13:27:27 | Views: 1,383
“Every thought we think, every feeling we have, every word we speak goes out into the atmosphere to either heal or harm. Let us be healers. Let us be harmless” 
“Kind words are like honey— they cheer you up and make you feel strong (Proverbs 16:24, 
Words have the power to make or break us. A few simple sentences can cheer a person up, or tear them down. Research done by Dr. Masaru Emoto shows that positive words feed the soul, negative ones harm the soul, and the absence of words slowly destroys the soul. He also gives us proof that our thoughts, intentions, and words affect the physical world (Positivity, 1). Question on this?! Keep an open mind and be receptive to this new discovery because what you learn may change how you live your life.
Dr. Masaru Emoto, a researcher and alternative healer, says, “HADO creates words. Words are the vibrations of nature. Therefore, beautiful words create beautiful nature. Ugly words create ugly nature. This is the root of the universe.” 
What Is Hado?
HADO (pronounced “HA-DOE”) is an expression meaning “wave and “move.” It is the smallest unit of energy, and the basic of energy for human consciousness.
The idea is simple, yet extraordinary: water is a direct reflection of us. Many people say Emoto has introduced a life changing, yet natural, idea that water is an exact reflection of human words and thoughts. Skeptics say his teachings are pseudo-science and should not be considered scientifically valid because they lack intellectual rigorousness. However, only you can be the judge of that. Chose to continue, and decide for yourself.  
What Are His Teachings?
Dr. Emoto’s most popular work was featured in the shocking movie, “What the Bleep Do We Know?” He thinks human consciousness can directly affect physical reality. His books, seminars, and discussions are the best way to get more detail on the subject, but my overview will suffice for now. 
In 1999, Emoto published his most famous work called ‘Messages from Water’. This book has sold several million copies all over the planet. His book explains in great detail about his research on what we say, feel, and listen to effects water. In his research of how the power of positivity transforms our physical reality, he uses water as an example. He does this because humans are made up of largely water, 60-75 percent depending on whom you ask. Water has a direct effect on us.
Rice Experiment 
Dr. Emoto says, “If you have a peaceful mind and peaceful thoughts, water becomes more peaceful.” He demonstrates to power of human words and thought in an unusual way. He does a rice experiment. In this experiment, he has three jars slightly filled with rice, and then adds enough water to slightly cover the rice. To the first beaker, he says “Thank you” in Japanese, to the second beaker, he says, “You’re an idiot.” (In Japanese also). He says nothing to the third, completely ignoring it. He does this routine once a day for a month. After this time period, he checks his findings. 
After a month, the rice in the first beaker who was thanked, smelled pleasantly and fermented, turning a lovely pinkish, tannish color and giving off a strong pleasant aroma. The rice who was insulted turned completely black. The rice that was ignored began to rot. To watch a video of this experiment go to YouTube and search “Dr. Emoto Rice Experiment.”
Dr. Emoto thinks this experiment teaches an important lesson concerning children. We should love them; get to know them, and converse with them daily! Ignoring your child can do worlds or harm and cause irreparable damage. Giving your child positive feedback and encouragement nourishes their soul and makes them feel good inside. The power of positivity will absolutely astound you! It’s crazy that after a month the thank you jar is still pleasant, not black, and moldy like one would expect. 

Food Affects Mood

Posted 2014-11-22 13:27:16 | Views: 1,471
How, When, and Where Food is Eaten Affects Your Body
How, when, and where food is eaten directly affects the body’s digestion ability. Europeans are well known for taking long, luxurious lunch breaks, during which they drink large quantities of wine, consume high-fat foods, and talk with friends. In the U.S., everything is much more rushed. Multitasking, like eating while talking on the phone, is very common. Quickly, we grab a muffin while running out the door, then eat as we drive. The whole time we are rushing to arrive on time. Studies are now showing that this is a bad habit to have (Illiades, 1). Studies show that Europeans don’t gain weight or have health problems because of their food habits (Illiades, 1). This surprises most people because most Europeans don’t have the healthiest diet. Research shows that because Europeans slow down and take time enjoying their food, their body digests and absorbs the nutrients better than most American’s who are rushing to devour lunch (Gersdorff, 1). The stomach digests food better when the body is relaxed; Europeans eat with friends and have merry conversations creating a pleasant lunch and a happy stomach (Illiades, 1). The moral of the story is that you should do your best to multitask as little as possible during lunch break. Closing your eyes to enjoy food is perfectly acceptable. Take a lunch break with a friend!
Other studies show that what people eat affects their mood. Food provides valuable nutrients, which the body needs to survive and function. The vitamins help heal the body and numerous sundry things. Often people who suffer from depression need to add more selenium to their diet. Selenium is in seafood, nuts, seeds, lean meats, whole grains, and low fat dairy products. In many people, avoiding caffeine improves ones mood and can cause aggravation, and sleep deprivation. Try to eat foods high in vitamin D (found in milk and other things) because it increases serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a chemical in the brain that regulates mood, function, and various other mechanisms. Another recommended vitamin is folate, which is in legumes, and various fruits. Omega 3 fatty acids are also important to the function of the body and brain, which are in fish (Magee, 1). 
Overall, keep in mind that what, where, and how you eat affects the body, remember these tips next time you choose a meal.

6 Vitamins and Minerals

Posted 2014-11-18 13:22:05 | Views: 1,498
6 Vitamins And Minerals You Need To Start Eating Now
Food, vitamins, and minerals are extremely important to the body’s function because they give the body instructions. We couldn’t think, breathe, digest food, or walk without them! Many people, women especially, are not getting enough of the “good stuff” our body needs, and figuring out what your body needs all by yourself is somewhat tricky. Deciding which should foods we can eat directly from food sources, and which are okay to buy from a bottle is difficult. What you eat affects your mood, whether that is positively or negatively. How, when, and where food is consumed also affects your body.
This antioxidant does many things including, improving the immune system, boosting vision, decreasing the risk of heart disease, and might slow down skin aging, however; remember, Michael Holick, author of The Vitamin D Solution, says it can be toxic in large doses. The recommended daily dosage is 2,300 international units (IU). Vitamin A is better when you take it straight from a beta-carotene source, found in carrots, cantaloupe, and other foods, instead of in pill form (Gersdorff, 1).
Vitamin A
B Vitamins 
All eight B vitamins maintain metabolism, muscle tone, and a sharp mind, says Mary Ellen Camire. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is especially important for young women because it maintains red blood cell health, and guards against cancer and birth defects. The recommended daily dosage is 400 micrograms (mcg), 600 mcg if pregnant. People don’t necessarily need to take supplements for it because foods like breakfast cereals, other whole grains, asparagus, and beans contain it (Gersdorff, 1).
This antioxidant helps fight sickness and boosts the immune system. Other benefits include heart disease and prenatal problem prevention, and prevention of eye illnesses. Vitamin C also fends off wrinkles, and helps wounds heal faster. 
Vitamin C
The recommended daily dosage is 75 milligrams (mg). If you eat citrus fruits and colorful veggies, supplements are unnecessary, although one can never have too much Vitamin C because it is water-soluble, meaning excess will exit in the bathroom.
Vitamin D
This vitamin is practically a wonder “drug.” Doctors believe it can reduce the risk of breast cancer by up to fifty percent, and may offer protection from ovarian cancer and diabetes. This amazing vitamin also aids in calcium absorption and plays a central role in muscle function. The recommended dosage is 1,000 to 2,000 IU. A supplement is recommended because the small amounts you may eat aren’t nearly enough.
Two words: strong bones. Camire says, “Women start losing bone density in their early twenties. Calcium is your single best defense, and you should start taking it now.” This mineral builds strong teeth, and provides nourishment for the nervous system. The recommended daily dosage is 1,000 mg. Supplements are necessary because yogurt, milk, and cheese, do not pack nearly enough calcium.
Without adequate amounts of this mineral in blood, you become anemic. Anemia means to be lacking red blood cells in the blood stream, and to have a weakened immune system. We encourage women who have particularly heavy periods to take supplements. The daily recommended dosage is 18 mg. It is highly recommended because most people don’t eat enough red meat or foods that contain iron. First, talk to a doctor about taking this supplement because too much may be harmful.

Why Am I Here?

Posted 2014-11-18 07:45:55 | Views: 1,455
      “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).
      Although it often takes a while to find our given purpose, there are so many things worthy of our pursuit on this earth. Follow your heart and pray for His awesome guidance whenever you are unsure of where to go and what to do in life. The Bible says we are here to give God glory and to accomplish His will here on earth (Ephesians 5:11). We make God so incredibly happy when we do what He has planned for us! He loves us so much that He sent His one and only son to die on the cross for us (John 3: 16). How crazy is that! 
Did You Know?
      Jesus Christ literally holds us together. Our body has trillions of cells, which are connected and held together by this miraculous little thing called laminin. Laminin is a cross shaped protein that binds cells together. It never ceases to astound us how God created us is a way that He literally, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically holds us together.
Final Thoughts
I hope you now realize we all have worth and value. God created us and loves us no matter what. We are amazing creatures with many sides to us, but He appreciates them all. We are who we are, growing and expanding with each and every experience. We have no need to search for who we are, for what is the point in searching for what you already obtain?
Structure of laminin ->

Do I Have Worth?

Posted 2014-11-17 12:02:00 | Views: 1,304
We are worth so much to God! We are precious beings, worthy of His love and adoration. We are worthy of His infinite affection. We are worthy of His infinite forgiveness. Sin does not separate us from God once we become part of God’s family. It took me personally a very long time to comprehend that I am worthy in the eyes of the Lord Almighty. Personally I felt as though I didn’t deserve forgiveness, mercy or love. I felt ashamed of my sins. Then I heard a speaker at a conference called Districts. Jennifer Strickland was a model who was recruited to move to Europe because she was (and is) beautiful. While abroad she was homesick, lonely, lost and without God. She endured being anorexic and weighing 110 pounds, despite being a tall woman, all for the sake of “beauty”. One lonely, dark night she found God and he forgave all her past mistakes.
Do I Have Worth?
Jennifer’s message is a powerful one. Her message is that there are many lies that Satan tells us. He (Satan) tells us our worth is found in a man and in the mirror.  The deceiver says you are only as good as the man in front of you says you are. If he says you are worthless, you are. If he says you are beautiful, you are. This is not true because your worth and value does not change because a man decides to change his opinion of you.  God’s opinion of you is the only one that matters. Letting human beings define us can shatter our hearts. We are beloved daughters of the King, making us princesses. We deserve to be in a relationship with a pure, loving man. Nevertheless, remember, man cannot fill that empty void in your heart, only God can (Strickland, 1).
Your worth is not found in the mirror. The mirror is always changing and never satisfied. Your looks may fade but true beauty is on the inside, not the outside. Our outside is temporary and not a reflection of our beauty and value. The mirror never says you are perfect and is never satisfied. It is exhausting to be a slave to the mirror. You need to stop thinking to yourself; maybe if I’m thinner he will like me. That number on the scale does not define you. You do not need to search for imperfections because you are a beautiful, valued child of God.  Feed your inner beauty by feasting on the word of God. Always remember that you are worthy of God’s love and forgiveness. Jennifer has written several books about self-worth. I highly encourage you to read them if you so choose (Strickland, 1). 

Who Am I?

Posted 2014-11-17 12:00:28 | Views: 1,331
“Who are you, really?
 You are not a name, a height, or a weight, or a gender.
 You are not an age, and you are not where you are from.
You are your favorite books and the songs stuck in your head.
 You are your thoughts and what you eat for breakfast on Saturday mornings.
You are a thousand things but everyone chooses to see the million things you are not.
You are not where you are from. You ARE where you’re going, and I’d like to go there too.”     
By M.K. 
Who Am I?
          We love this quote here at “Think Up Magazine”.  It shows the reality of the world and how judgmental of a place it can be, but we, as part of society, have the ability to change this cultural norm. What you need to realize is that what people think of you isn’t necessarily who you are, nor how you think of other people isn't necessarily who they are. “Do not judge others, and you will not be judged” (Mathew 7:1).

           We are many things. God says we are made in His image to be like Him (Genesis 1:27).  We are beautifully, fearfully, and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). God also says we are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). The old is gone and the new has come. In God we find ourselves washed away from our past mistakes, pure and holy in His eyes.  He sees our past as nonexistent because he accepts us for what and who WE are. We are our favorite books, drawings, and paintings. Everything that is created by us is a part of us in one way or another. We call it self-expression for a reason. They are expressions from inside our very being. You are creating something unique from nothing but your imagination. How absolutely wondrous is that? 

Who are You?

Posted 2014-11-15 11:02:45 | Views: 1,389
Who Are You?
This month is all about YOU. Ask yourself, who am I? Why am I here? What is my calling? Do I have worth and value? These are all valid questions to be asked. In this day and age people are continually trying to find themselves, but who are they searching for? Your life is yours and how you chose to live it is completely up to you! No matter if you are Christian, Muslim, or Atheist; all religions accept themselves as a person, a being on this planet. In the Christian religion we promote self-discovery, not internally but externally, to know who we are as Christians. 

Days of Discovery

Posted 2014-11-15 11:02:38 | Views: 1,300
1 Read Jeremiah 29:11 
2 Catch up with an old friend  
3 Pray persecuted Christians   
4 Go to bed an hour earlier than usual
5 Meet someone new today   
6 Eat a star fruit   
7 Keep a journal for 4 days
8 Try playing an instrument  
9 Memorize  1 Peter 5:7    
10 Try taking a yoga class   
11 Buy yourself a new outfit   
12 Go for a run, or continue journaling if you like   
13 Read in the bathtub   
14 Give your grandparents a call
15 Find an old hymn and try singing it   

30 Days Of Discovery
16 Try drawing   
17 Make a list of things you are grateful for   
18 Talk to a random stranger   
19  Listen to a new music genre  
20 Give your mom a hug   
21 Encourage someone 
22 Compliment someone   
23 Taste a new food   
24 Write a handwritten letter to your future self  
25 Share your testimony   
26 Read a Psalm   
27 Make someone proud   
28 Smile :) 
29 Learn the song “His Eye Is On The Sparrow”   
30 Give yourself a reward for completing this challenge!     (Shellenberger, 6, 7).
it takes?
This is one of the best videos I've ever watched about the importance of reading your Bible

6 quick Relaxation tips

Posted 2014-10-21 12:06:12 | Views: 1,535
Life can be very stressful. There are many healthy ways to deal with it. In this day and age, it is very difficult to truly relax, but life does not need to be stressful! By taking the time to learn proper relaxation techniques, you can learn how to live life to the fullest, without worry holding you back. Learning how to relax is as easy as breathing. This often thought ‘mythical’ state of relaxation is all about mindset. Picture this: you go to the spa for a massage because of taut muscles, but instead spend the entire time worrying and making a list of all the items that need to be done AFTER the message. You leave feeling just as stressed. Was the massage relaxing like it was supposed to be? The answer is no, because instead of emptying the mind and letting the body find its equilibrium again, you continued to have busy and anxious thoughts. Relaxation is only a state of mind. Try these ideas the next time stress tries to take over!    
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Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.
Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.
Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.
Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.
Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.
Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.
Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.
Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.
Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.
Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.
Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.
Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.
Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.
Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.
Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.
Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.
Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.
Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.
Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.
1.    Remember to focus on the present. Do you often catch yourself worrying about the future? The majority of people would say yes. Huge amounts of our thoughts are wasted thinking of situations and scenarios that will most likely never happen. Worrying does not change the past or the future; it only takes away the here and now. By focusing on the present, you can live in the moment and enjoy the life you have been given to the best of your ability (Pettinger, 1).

6 Quick Relaxation Tips

2.    Your surroundings matter. Subconsciously, the body relaxes and calms due to being in a clean, pleasant environment. Clutter is a stress on the brain because it is a visual indication of all the items on your to-do list. A tidy room is a tidy mind. When an atmosphere is peaceful and tranquil, relaxation will come, making thinking and working much easier. Make the living/working domain one of comfort and function. Try buying a potted plant to brighten up the space. The ability to enjoy its beauty will last a long time (Pettinger, 1).
3.    Meditate. Meditation may help find a type of peace you have never known. By doing this, you become relieved of constant worries and problems. There are many types of meditation. Our personal favorites are mantra, and spiritual. Before you decide to do mantra meditation, find a Bible verse, or positive thought that speaks to you. Chant these words or phrases loudly or softly, whichever you prefer, in choral like rhythms.  As you do this, deeply inhale and exhale.  In spiritual, you focus on communication with God by thinking your prayers, thoughts, and obstacles you have been dealing with in your life by being calm and quiet. Meditation can help you relax and absolve many of life’s stressors (Pettinger, 1).
4.     Productivity not procrastination. Relaxing doesn’t mean you have to spend the day lying on a beach doing nothing all day. It’s important to have the ability to find relaxation in our everyday lives. Break down large tasks into several small tasks and spread them periodically throughout the week or month. Prioritize the tasks you need to accomplish, and then eliminate them one by one. This gives you a feeling of completion with each task you finish. Also, try turning off your cell phone. Doing this not only can give you a break from the stress of people constantly wanting to talk to you, but also keeps you on task. Having tasks done in a timely manner reduces the stress associated with tardiness. Do one thing at a time and enjoy it. When you’ve completed your task, reward yourself (Pettinger, 1).                                                                   
5.    Take a little time for yourself. Do anything you enjoy that is maybe a bit of a splurge or reserved for special occasions. Go get your nails done! Get a massage! Take a bubble bath with some candles! Go shopping and buy yourself some new clothes! Sure appearances aren’t everything, but shopping sure does make one feel good! It is crucial to take good care of yourself (Pettinger, 1).    
6.    Reach out to others. Talk to other people, whether they are a counselor, a close friend, boyfriend, or partner, whomever you feel comfortable talking to. Tell them why you’re stressed, upset or having difficulties. They can offer advice and guidance (Pettinger, 1).
We hope these tips help create a more relaxing and stress-free life for you. One other tip if all else fails is deep breathing. Rhythmically pretend you are inhaling peace and exhaling your anxieties and worries. We hope you now realize relaxation is more easily attained than you may have originally thought. Relaxation is as simple as breathing! 

About The Author

Posted 2014-09-23 10:13:49 | Views: 1,273
About the Author

Hey, it's Liz, your editor-in-cheif here at "Think Up" magazine! maybe this is the first time, maybe you get this magazine delivered to your door every month, but either way I thank you just the same. Reading this is the first step to makng you learn even more about yourself! Your body, mind, and soul, thank you for it also.

I have a strong desire to tell the world how important having a positive attitude truly is. It affects your overall quality of life! By physically and mentally pushing your boundaries, you will learn much more about yourself than you would ever expect. My goal of this magazine is to help you catch on to "Thinking Up" also! Think uplifting thoughts through out the day, think of gently curving your body upward as you quickly transfer into a backbend on your paddle board, think of raising your hands upward sending praises to God, think upward strokes with your paintbrush it lightly skims the canvas. I sincerely encourage you to think up with me. I invite you to join me in exercising your physical and mental 'muscles'.

It took many years for me to figure out how important it is to have balance on your life. You have to evenly take care of all your needs, physically, spiritually, and emotionally. If you ignore one for too long it will come back to bite you in the butt. I know this from personal experience. I may be young, but I am a wise old owl. Let me help you learn from my mistakes. 


   ~ Liz


Posted 2014-09-19 10:19:43 | Views: 1,361
Think Up
Taking Care Of You
New Research Shows The Power Of Positivity
6 Vitamins and Minerals You Need to Eat Now
Relaxation Tips
Who Are You?
Summer Issue
Summer Issue
6 Quick Relaxation Tips