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6 Vitamins and Minerals

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6 Vitamins And Minerals You Need To Start Eating Now
Food, vitamins, and minerals are extremely important to the body’s function because they give the body instructions. We couldn’t think, breathe, digest food, or walk without them! Many people, women especially, are not getting enough of the “good stuff” our body needs, and figuring out what your body needs all by yourself is somewhat tricky. Deciding which should foods we can eat directly from food sources, and which are okay to buy from a bottle is difficult. What you eat affects your mood, whether that is positively or negatively. How, when, and where food is consumed also affects your body.
This antioxidant does many things including, improving the immune system, boosting vision, decreasing the risk of heart disease, and might slow down skin aging, however; remember, Michael Holick, author of The Vitamin D Solution, says it can be toxic in large doses. The recommended daily dosage is 2,300 international units (IU). Vitamin A is better when you take it straight from a beta-carotene source, found in carrots, cantaloupe, and other foods, instead of in pill form (Gersdorff, 1).
Vitamin A
B Vitamins 
All eight B vitamins maintain metabolism, muscle tone, and a sharp mind, says Mary Ellen Camire. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is especially important for young women because it maintains red blood cell health, and guards against cancer and birth defects. The recommended daily dosage is 400 micrograms (mcg), 600 mcg if pregnant. People don’t necessarily need to take supplements for it because foods like breakfast cereals, other whole grains, asparagus, and beans contain it (Gersdorff, 1).
This antioxidant helps fight sickness and boosts the immune system. Other benefits include heart disease and prenatal problem prevention, and prevention of eye illnesses. Vitamin C also fends off wrinkles, and helps wounds heal faster. 
Vitamin C
The recommended daily dosage is 75 milligrams (mg). If you eat citrus fruits and colorful veggies, supplements are unnecessary, although one can never have too much Vitamin C because it is water-soluble, meaning excess will exit in the bathroom.
Vitamin D
This vitamin is practically a wonder “drug.” Doctors believe it can reduce the risk of breast cancer by up to fifty percent, and may offer protection from ovarian cancer and diabetes. This amazing vitamin also aids in calcium absorption and plays a central role in muscle function. The recommended dosage is 1,000 to 2,000 IU. A supplement is recommended because the small amounts you may eat aren’t nearly enough.
Two words: strong bones. Camire says, “Women start losing bone density in their early twenties. Calcium is your single best defense, and you should start taking it now.” This mineral builds strong teeth, and provides nourishment for the nervous system. The recommended daily dosage is 1,000 mg. Supplements are necessary because yogurt, milk, and cheese, do not pack nearly enough calcium.
Without adequate amounts of this mineral in blood, you become anemic. Anemia means to be lacking red blood cells in the blood stream, and to have a weakened immune system. We encourage women who have particularly heavy periods to take supplements. The daily recommended dosage is 18 mg. It is highly recommended because most people don’t eat enough red meat or foods that contain iron. First, talk to a doctor about taking this supplement because too much may be harmful.