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6 quick Relaxation tips

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Life can be very stressful. There are many healthy ways to deal with it. In this day and age, it is very difficult to truly relax, but life does not need to be stressful! By taking the time to learn proper relaxation techniques, you can learn how to live life to the fullest, without worry holding you back. Learning how to relax is as easy as breathing. This often thought ‘mythical’ state of relaxation is all about mindset. Picture this: you go to the spa for a massage because of taut muscles, but instead spend the entire time worrying and making a list of all the items that need to be done AFTER the message. You leave feeling just as stressed. Was the massage relaxing like it was supposed to be? The answer is no, because instead of emptying the mind and letting the body find its equilibrium again, you continued to have busy and anxious thoughts. Relaxation is only a state of mind. Try these ideas the next time stress tries to take over!    
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1.    Remember to focus on the present. Do you often catch yourself worrying about the future? The majority of people would say yes. Huge amounts of our thoughts are wasted thinking of situations and scenarios that will most likely never happen. Worrying does not change the past or the future; it only takes away the here and now. By focusing on the present, you can live in the moment and enjoy the life you have been given to the best of your ability (Pettinger, 1).

6 Quick Relaxation Tips

2.    Your surroundings matter. Subconsciously, the body relaxes and calms due to being in a clean, pleasant environment. Clutter is a stress on the brain because it is a visual indication of all the items on your to-do list. A tidy room is a tidy mind. When an atmosphere is peaceful and tranquil, relaxation will come, making thinking and working much easier. Make the living/working domain one of comfort and function. Try buying a potted plant to brighten up the space. The ability to enjoy its beauty will last a long time (Pettinger, 1).
3.    Meditate. Meditation may help find a type of peace you have never known. By doing this, you become relieved of constant worries and problems. There are many types of meditation. Our personal favorites are mantra, and spiritual. Before you decide to do mantra meditation, find a Bible verse, or positive thought that speaks to you. Chant these words or phrases loudly or softly, whichever you prefer, in choral like rhythms.  As you do this, deeply inhale and exhale.  In spiritual, you focus on communication with God by thinking your prayers, thoughts, and obstacles you have been dealing with in your life by being calm and quiet. Meditation can help you relax and absolve many of life’s stressors (Pettinger, 1).
4.     Productivity not procrastination. Relaxing doesn’t mean you have to spend the day lying on a beach doing nothing all day. It’s important to have the ability to find relaxation in our everyday lives. Break down large tasks into several small tasks and spread them periodically throughout the week or month. Prioritize the tasks you need to accomplish, and then eliminate them one by one. This gives you a feeling of completion with each task you finish. Also, try turning off your cell phone. Doing this not only can give you a break from the stress of people constantly wanting to talk to you, but also keeps you on task. Having tasks done in a timely manner reduces the stress associated with tardiness. Do one thing at a time and enjoy it. When you’ve completed your task, reward yourself (Pettinger, 1).                                                                   
5.    Take a little time for yourself. Do anything you enjoy that is maybe a bit of a splurge or reserved for special occasions. Go get your nails done! Get a massage! Take a bubble bath with some candles! Go shopping and buy yourself some new clothes! Sure appearances aren’t everything, but shopping sure does make one feel good! It is crucial to take good care of yourself (Pettinger, 1).    
6.    Reach out to others. Talk to other people, whether they are a counselor, a close friend, boyfriend, or partner, whomever you feel comfortable talking to. Tell them why you’re stressed, upset or having difficulties. They can offer advice and guidance (Pettinger, 1).
We hope these tips help create a more relaxing and stress-free life for you. One other tip if all else fails is deep breathing. Rhythmically pretend you are inhaling peace and exhaling your anxieties and worries. We hope you now realize relaxation is more easily attained than you may have originally thought. Relaxation is as simple as breathing!