“Every thought we think, every feeling we have, every word we speak goes out into the atmosphere to either heal or harm. Let us be healers. Let us be harmless”
“Kind words are like honey— they cheer you up and make you feel strong (Proverbs 16:24,
Words have the power to make or break us. A few simple sentences can cheer a person up, or tear them down. Research done by Dr. Masaru Emoto shows that positive words feed the soul, negative ones harm the soul, and the absence of words slowly destroys the soul. He also gives us proof that our thoughts, intentions, and words affect the physical world (Positivity, 1). Question on this?! Keep an open mind and be receptive to this new discovery because what you learn may change how you live your life.
Dr. Masaru Emoto, a researcher and alternative healer, says, “HADO creates words. Words are the vibrations of nature. Therefore, beautiful words create beautiful nature. Ugly words create ugly nature. This is the root of the universe.”
HADO (pronounced “HA-DOE”) is an expression meaning “wave and “move.” It is the smallest unit of energy, and the basic of energy for human consciousness.
The idea is simple, yet extraordinary: water is a direct reflection of us. Many people say Emoto has introduced a life changing, yet natural, idea that water is an exact reflection of human words and thoughts. Skeptics say his teachings are pseudo-science and should not be considered scientifically valid because they lack intellectual rigorousness. However, only you can be the judge of that. Chose to continue, and decide for yourself.
Dr. Emoto’s most popular work was featured in the shocking movie, “What the Bleep Do We Know?” He thinks human consciousness can directly affect physical reality. His books, seminars, and discussions are the best way to get more detail on the subject, but my overview will suffice for now.
In 1999, Emoto published his most famous work called ‘Messages from Water’. This book has sold several million copies all over the planet. His book explains in great detail about his research on what we say, feel, and listen to effects water. In his research of how the power of positivity transforms our physical reality, he uses water as an example. He does this because humans are made up of largely water, 60-75 percent depending on whom you ask. Water has a direct effect on us.
Dr. Emoto says, “If you have a peaceful mind and peaceful thoughts, water becomes more peaceful.” He demonstrates to power of human words and thought in an unusual way. He does a rice experiment. In this experiment, he has three jars slightly filled with rice, and then adds enough water to slightly cover the rice. To the first beaker, he says “Thank you” in Japanese, to the second beaker, he says, “You’re an idiot.” (In Japanese also). He says nothing to the third, completely ignoring it. He does this routine once a day for a month. After this time period, he checks his findings.
After a month, the rice in the first beaker who was thanked, smelled pleasantly and fermented, turning a lovely pinkish, tannish color and giving off a strong pleasant aroma. The rice who was insulted turned completely black. The rice that was ignored began to rot. To watch a video of this experiment go to YouTube and search “Dr. Emoto Rice Experiment.”
Dr. Emoto thinks this experiment teaches an important lesson concerning children. We should love them; get to know them, and converse with them daily! Ignoring your child can do worlds or harm and cause irreparable damage. Giving your child positive feedback and encouragement nourishes their soul and makes them feel good inside. The power of positivity will absolutely astound you! It’s crazy that after a month the thank you jar is still pleasant, not black, and moldy like one would expect.