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Ms. Quilty has been a vegan* since January, 2016. Vegan: a person who does not eat or use animal products.

Ms. Colbourne was a competitive gymnast for 5 years!

Mr. Foss plays guitar, bass and accordion….. but not all at once.

Created by: Dylan Pittman 
 Python Post
By: Samantha Frew 
Welcome back! 
   Vol. 1, Number 3

Mm. Blundon and The French Club make Yule logs.
Are we ever happy to see you again!
SPJH Pythons wear blue in support of Bell Let's Talk day on January 25th. 
          Quote of the Month

"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are".



If you turn on your TVs in January, it’s very likely – as in, extremely likely – that if you 

find a news channel or talk show, they’ll be discussing topics with people titled 

“fitness professional” about everybody’s #1 New Year’s Resolution: getting healthy, or 

being healthier. Now, this is probably where I should say something like, “Follow your 

dreams!” or something like “You go, girl!” but unfortunately that’s not the case. If you’re 

looking for inspiration for your goals for the new year, I suppose that’s what I’m giving, 

but not quite in the same way as you might think. I find that in January, all these health 

kicks and exercise tutorials can make a person feel pretty bad. I mean, as somebody who 

likes to indulge in the odd (okay maybe not “the odd”) piece of cake, all of this kale stuff 

can make you think, “hey… maybe I should be working out every day at five in the morning 

and eating nothing but leafy things”. In January, after consuming copious amounts of 

turkey over Christmas, it’s pretty easy to get sucked up in the whirlwind of ‘being a better 

you’, whatever that’s supposed to mean. Well, I’d like to say that in this new year, you 

should be whatever you want to be. Stay the same if you want! Relish your cake. Exercise in 

the early hours of the morning if you want. In 2017, I would suggest that your goal be to 

live life to the fullest, and not to just replace your chips with quinoa. Take this time full of 

gym-going people to redefine what it is that you want out of these next months, and you 

know what? Whatever it is, I know it’s going to be great.
This Month's Feature 
Written by: Eva Haas 
Dates & Reminders  
February 10: Early Dismissal
Students will be dismissed at 12:20 as teachers have an afternoon PD session.

February 16- gr 9 junior achievement  

February 22 - Pink Shirt Day 

February 27 - fundraiser tickets due 

March 1 - Last day to submit work from term two

March 3 - Fundraiser Ticket Draw

A message to any grade 9 student: you will need your powerschool login and password to complete your grade 10 course selection forms  

Teacher Facts: 
Grade 7 boys volleyball team who their second banner of the year! The boys won the Memorial Sea Hawks Eastern Canadian Challenge. The team defeated St.Paul's in the semi final and Macdonald Drive Junior High in the championship. The team is now preparing their Provincial Championship in Clarenville during March. 

Grade 7 Girls volleyball (team white) participated in the Macdonald Drive Invitational. The girls had an awesome tournament and played some great volleyball! The team defeated Brother Rice in the semi final and came away with a hard earned silver medal in tier 2. Way to go girls! 

The grade 7/8 ski trip to White Hills was a huge success! We had 82 students who took part in a fun day of skiing and snowboarding. All students did a lesson in the morning and then spent the rest of the day riding different hills! Everyone had a great day!
Sports Section

Go Pythons, Go!
Mr.Christopher cracks another joke...
Something to Think About
by Eva Haas

     In grade eight, one of our units in Language Arts is centered around “Global Citizenship”, and my English teacher Ms. Ezekiel got me thinking about what it is to be a global citizen. That’s not quite what I’m coming to you to talk about, because that sounds too stuffy for what I’m trying to say. No, saying “global citizen” sounds a little bit big and important, but the message I want to come to you with is a little bit smaller. Recently, I’ve been getting involved in activism within my school and within the worldwide community through the wonderful Internet, and I’ve been hearing a lot of stories echoed in the school. A lot of people when they think about being a global citizen or being an activist think somewhere along the lines of, “That’s too much work”, or even, “I don’t care enough for that”. Well, I’m pretty sure that all of us on this beautiful yet problematic earth have something that we consider important enough to check out: maybe you’re really against name calling, maybe you’re passionately against racism in school or you think that it’s horrible discriminating against the entire Muslim culture because some people think they’re terrorists. So I’m here to give you a nice harsh wake-up call, because if you sit around on your bottom all day and think, as so many of us do, “Someone else will do something,” you’re going to be waiting your entire life to see a change. Do whatever you can to better the world in YOUR eyes, and see where it gets you! Be an activist and a global citizen and be passionate about whatever issues you want. As Mahatma Ghandi once said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Do you have any news you want to share? 

Would you like to join our team? Are you a parent with an idea?

We would love to hear from you! 
The Python Post is a student-run online newspaper written for students by students. 
We look forward to hearing from you! 

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Until next time!
by: Mr. Christopher