Magazine Posts Table of Contents

Post title...

Posted 2017-03-16 10:51:35 | Views: 1,440
Python Post
Abby Power
_Comic Corner_
_Spotlight On..._
SPJH celebrated Pride day on April 5, 2017. 
Meet the Team!
 I am one of the enthusiastic info-bringers for The Python Post. My jokes are based on Mr. Christopher's winter jokes. My favorite section of our newspaper is G’s World! I hope that students are reading the school newspaper. I have a dog named alligator.
Hey there. I’m Abby Power, and I give the newspaper recipes, and… that’s it. I also provide much moral support while I play “monkey go happy escape” or “plants vs zombies” (while providing walnut related commentary) with Eva. I’m also very funny (and by funny I mean so bad at puns they’re hilarious).
Welcome back!
Vol. 1 Number 5
The Python Post team 
From top left Nathan, Victoria, Sam, Mr. Burton 

From the bottom left: Abby, Eva, Catherine 
Missing: Dylan
Sam Frew
Why, hello!
I’m what I’d like to call (even if it’s not entirely true), “The Head Of Artistic Design and Visual Editing” but most people just call me Sam, much less of a mouthful. I’ve drawn about half of our comics, and I also write the majority of “Poet’s Corner”. I’ve recently messed around with some ideas and created our official Python Post mascot, the Newspaper-Snake(I know, I know, but it’s funny). I’m in grade eight, French, and I was just told to add that by my superior, but I’d much rather tell you about how cool Anna Kendrick is, or artwork, or human rights, maybe even the stars... I’m often told that I get distracted too easily as well, but I think that’s what makes me so artistic... I always tell myself that inspiration often blooms from a beautiful distraction, and being a part of the newspaper has certainly been that and much more.
Eva Haas
Hey, I’m Eva Haas and I’m the Editor-in-Chief of the Python Post – or what I like to call the Big Kahuna, but everybody knows that it’s only me who says that. I’m in eighth grade and most of the time I’m laughing too loudly or inflicting my opinion on anyone who will listen. I absolutely adore writing and reading – I think that words are one of the most interesting things ever. I have a very loud voice and I like to talk so maybe that’s one of the reasons I like newspaper so much. I usually write the feature and always Something to Think About. I’m glad to have an outlet to talk to the school and not have anybody be like, “Oh my goodness, Eva’s talking again – no surprise!” P.S. I also have a bad habit of playing games (i.e. Monkey Go Happy Escape or Plants vs. Zombies with Abby) while I’m supposed to be doing work, but don’t tell Ms. Autexier...
Catherine Somerton
Nathan Edwards 
Sports Reporter extraordinaire
Do you have a sporting event? Nathan will cover it! 
Dylan Pittman 
Dylan Pittman is a French immersion student in grade 8. Him and Samantha create our monthly comic which make us laugh so much! Dylan is also known to write a book review now and again. Thank you for all your hard work! 
Ms. Autexier & Mr. Burton
(Teacher sponsors) 
Congratulations are extended to Mr. Christopher for being the recipient of the 2017 PHE Canada Dr. Andy Anderson Young Professional Award! Thank you for everything that you do. We are so lucky to have you as our gym teacher! Even when you dress up for retro day....
Mr. Christopher! 

MAY 5   - PD Day - No classes for students
MAY 12 - Grade 9 Orientation at O'Donel
MAY 15 - All tickets for fundraiser due back
MAY 16 - Grade 9 Junior Achievement
MAY 18 - Ticket draw for fundraiser
MAY 22 - Victoria Day holiday
MAY 25 - Volunteer Appreciation 5:30 - 6:30pm
MAY 25 - Open House 6:30 - 7:30
MAY 25 - Grade 6 Parent Orientation 7:30 - 8:30
MAY 26 - Public Health - Vaccinations
MAY 31 - Last Day to Submit Late Term Three Work
JUNE 1  - Grade 9 School Leaving Celebration 5:30pm
JUNE 8 - SPJH Spring Concern and Fine Arts Showcase!
JUNE 14-16 - EXAMS
JUNE  19-21 Sports Day activities will take place during the last week of school
JUNE 22 - Term ends 

Post title...

Posted 2017-02-23 10:11:10 | Views: 1,735
Python Post
Welcome back!
  Vol. 1 Number 4
  Monthly Feature
  Spotlight on...  
  Sports Section  
  Teacher Facts  
  Poetry Corner 
This recipe is made in a blender!
1 cup low-fat milk 
1 ⅓ cup flour
2 cups spinach
2 tbsp flaxseeds
3 large eggs
2 tbsp sugar
1 banana
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp baking powder

Add milk, flour, spinach and flax seeds to blender.
Blend on a high speed for 50 seconds. Add remaining ingredients and blend on medium-low speed for 30 seconds.
Allow batter to rest 5 minutes.
Heat pan over medium to medium high heat and grease.
Pour approximately ¼ cup of batter onto heated pan and cook approximately 1 minute or until bubbles break the surface of the pancake, and the underside is golden brown.
Flip and cook for approximately 30 seconds.
Repeat with remaining batter! Yum!
Python Athletes Congratulations to the Grade 7 Boys Basketball (Team Blue) who won the NLBA Provincial Basketball Championship. The boys went undefeated all weekend and defeated MacDonald Drive Junior High in the championship game! Awesome job boys!
Our Pythons Grade 8 Girls Basketball Team won the Python Cup in the month of February! The girls hosted an 8 team tournament and went undefeated! The girls played an awesome championship game vs Leary's Brook Junior High to win the trophy! Way to go girls!
Pythons Grade 7 Boys Volleyball Team who their third championship of the season. The boys went undefeated to win the Leary's Brook Invitational. The boys will be traveling to Clarenville in March to play their Provincial Championship! Good luck boys!
February Python Athletes of the Month:
Gabe Trickett- Grade 7 Boys Basketball
Karen Greek- Grade 7 Girls Basketball
                            Winged Thieves

Fluttering moth at our rec-room ceiling light Spinning round and round
And up and down. 

It steals into the house
As I try to escape
A summer night's Porch light clutter.

I swing at it with determined hands
Or maybe a rolled-up flyer
Or the flyswatter from under the sink.

Though swathed in light,
Their jagged, fluttery movements
Make them hard to see
Unless they land.

Maybe it is coloured like
Brazen night-time eyes,
Maybe a foul skull,
Or some non-descript pale wraith.

They are my wife's tender enemies,
Her icky anathema,
And though I owe them no personal grudge,
I am her tender soldier
Defending against the tainted taunt
Of their wings.

They are wiley
And fast,
And evade as good as any thief.

They enter and
Some small part of
Our wont comfort
Is stolen away.
In February our Physical Education classes celebrated the NLESD Dart Outside Week. Our students were bused to Paradise Park to enjoy a morning of sliding and hot chocolate. Everyone had a great time in the fresh air!

-During February and March our students are participating in badminton lunch time Intramurals. All students are welcome! Drop by the gymnasium any lunch time Monday- Thursday to have a game!
-French tutorials take place every Thursday afternoon after school. 
-Gaming Club every day 3 & 6 in the library at lunch.
-Social Action every day 4 in the library. 
-GSA every day 2 in the library
March 13th - 17th - Spirit Week
March 10th & 20th - Grade 9 Needles
March 17th - Report cards go home
March 20th - March 24th - Scholastic Book Fair
March 20th
- Dress as your favorite literary character day! Prizes will be given to the most creative costumes!
March 24thDeadline for Science Fair registration
March 30th - Heritage Fair

   Throughout the winter months, one thing on everybody’s mind is the sheer amount of SNOW. There’s so much, it’s everywhere and inescapable! Everybody has to ask before they go anywhere if the roads are okay, and most times they aren’t. This blocks us inside and drives us crazy and it’s rainy and snowy and everyone’s miserable for a block of at least three solid months of year. Of course, all us students adore our frequent snow days during these gloriously chilly months, but in all honesty, we’re driven mad with cabin fever very quickly. All that dirty snow, accumulating everywhere? Yeah, a lot of us would like to pass. And so, to kick away these winter blues, the school has of course been selling tickets for a warm vacation somewhere nice – but other than that, I want to share some tips on how to cope with feelings of being trapped by nasty Old Man Winter. So without further ado, here are my coping mechanisms so I don’t go snow-crazy:
1.    Hot drinks! They’re a welcome distraction from the chill.
2.    Some cozy you-time, reading or writing or drawing wrapped up in a nice blanket. Mmm…
3.    Taking a walk – I know most of you might be thinking, ‘yuck, exercise’ but here I am to tell you that a breath of fresh air can cure most any cabin fever. If it’s a snowstorm this obviously isn’t the best thing for you, but in the aftermath, in all that quietness, you can be alone with yourself. It’s really calming for a stressed student such as myself!
4.    Getting together with friends wherever possible. Go sliding! Make use of good company and snowy weather.
5.    Finally, I’ll say that though winter is pretty frozen and bums most all of us out, it really is a gorgeous time, and getting out is a really good cure for all of the feelings that come along with being snowed in.  So, good luck banishing those pesky blues, and if you’re not having luck, find solace in the fact that we’re all in this together! 
By: Mr. Burton 
By: Eva Haas
Mr. G. Williams!
Mr. G is The Python Post Teacher of the Month!
During the third week of March (13th- 17th) SPJH will show our school spirit by participating in numerous exciting activities organised by the one and only, Mr. G. Please watch the video below for more details about spirit week at SPJH.  
Interviewed by: Victoria Tuck
"Luck is when preparation meets opportunity. I wish you the BEST of luck today."

-Irish proverb 
A Month In Review 
Chase Away the Winter Blues and Positive Python winners!
The grade 8's visit The Rooms and remember those who fought for our freedom. 
The French club hosting their annual French carnival! 
Our Pythons hard at work during Skills NL.
Pythons stand up to bullying and show awesome support for Pink Shirt Day!
Quebec trip 2017!
Ms. Pearce jumped out of an air plane from 3500ft in the air! It was a single jump which means she did it all by herself!! 

Mr. Staple has beaten every Super Mario game ever invented! woo hoo!  
Why didn't the vampire bite Taylor Swift? 


Because she had BAD BLOOD!
Brought to you by: 
Victoria Tuck

Do you have any news you want to share?
Would you like to join our team?
Are you a parent or student with an idea?
We would love to hear from you! 

The Python Post is a student-run online newspaper written for students by students!
We look forward to hearing from you!

Please tweet us your ideas on twitter: @ThePythonPost 

Or email us at: [email protected]

See you next time, Pythons! 

Post title...

Posted 2017-01-05 10:58:29 | Views: 1,649

Ms. Quilty has been a vegan* since January, 2016. Vegan: a person who does not eat or use animal products.

Ms. Colbourne was a competitive gymnast for 5 years!

Mr. Foss plays guitar, bass and accordion….. but not all at once.

Created by: Dylan Pittman 
 Python Post
By: Samantha Frew 
Welcome back! 
   Vol. 1, Number 3

Mm. Blundon and The French Club make Yule logs.
Are we ever happy to see you again!
SPJH Pythons wear blue in support of Bell Let's Talk day on January 25th. 
          Quote of the Month

"It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are".



If you turn on your TVs in January, it’s very likely – as in, extremely likely – that if you 

find a news channel or talk show, they’ll be discussing topics with people titled 

“fitness professional” about everybody’s #1 New Year’s Resolution: getting healthy, or 

being healthier. Now, this is probably where I should say something like, “Follow your 

dreams!” or something like “You go, girl!” but unfortunately that’s not the case. If you’re 

looking for inspiration for your goals for the new year, I suppose that’s what I’m giving, 

but not quite in the same way as you might think. I find that in January, all these health 

kicks and exercise tutorials can make a person feel pretty bad. I mean, as somebody who 

likes to indulge in the odd (okay maybe not “the odd”) piece of cake, all of this kale stuff 

can make you think, “hey… maybe I should be working out every day at five in the morning 

and eating nothing but leafy things”. In January, after consuming copious amounts of 

turkey over Christmas, it’s pretty easy to get sucked up in the whirlwind of ‘being a better 

you’, whatever that’s supposed to mean. Well, I’d like to say that in this new year, you 

should be whatever you want to be. Stay the same if you want! Relish your cake. Exercise in 

the early hours of the morning if you want. In 2017, I would suggest that your goal be to 

live life to the fullest, and not to just replace your chips with quinoa. Take this time full of 

gym-going people to redefine what it is that you want out of these next months, and you 

know what? Whatever it is, I know it’s going to be great.
This Month's Feature 
Written by: Eva Haas 
Dates & Reminders  
February 10: Early Dismissal
Students will be dismissed at 12:20 as teachers have an afternoon PD session.

February 16- gr 9 junior achievement  

February 22 - Pink Shirt Day 

February 27 - fundraiser tickets due 

March 1 - Last day to submit work from term two

March 3 - Fundraiser Ticket Draw

A message to any grade 9 student: you will need your powerschool login and password to complete your grade 10 course selection forms  

Teacher Facts: 
Grade 7 boys volleyball team who their second banner of the year! The boys won the Memorial Sea Hawks Eastern Canadian Challenge. The team defeated St.Paul's in the semi final and Macdonald Drive Junior High in the championship. The team is now preparing their Provincial Championship in Clarenville during March. 

Grade 7 Girls volleyball (team white) participated in the Macdonald Drive Invitational. The girls had an awesome tournament and played some great volleyball! The team defeated Brother Rice in the semi final and came away with a hard earned silver medal in tier 2. Way to go girls! 

The grade 7/8 ski trip to White Hills was a huge success! We had 82 students who took part in a fun day of skiing and snowboarding. All students did a lesson in the morning and then spent the rest of the day riding different hills! Everyone had a great day!
Sports Section

Go Pythons, Go!
Mr.Christopher cracks another joke...
Something to Think About
by Eva Haas

     In grade eight, one of our units in Language Arts is centered around “Global Citizenship”, and my English teacher Ms. Ezekiel got me thinking about what it is to be a global citizen. That’s not quite what I’m coming to you to talk about, because that sounds too stuffy for what I’m trying to say. No, saying “global citizen” sounds a little bit big and important, but the message I want to come to you with is a little bit smaller. Recently, I’ve been getting involved in activism within my school and within the worldwide community through the wonderful Internet, and I’ve been hearing a lot of stories echoed in the school. A lot of people when they think about being a global citizen or being an activist think somewhere along the lines of, “That’s too much work”, or even, “I don’t care enough for that”. Well, I’m pretty sure that all of us on this beautiful yet problematic earth have something that we consider important enough to check out: maybe you’re really against name calling, maybe you’re passionately against racism in school or you think that it’s horrible discriminating against the entire Muslim culture because some people think they’re terrorists. So I’m here to give you a nice harsh wake-up call, because if you sit around on your bottom all day and think, as so many of us do, “Someone else will do something,” you’re going to be waiting your entire life to see a change. Do whatever you can to better the world in YOUR eyes, and see where it gets you! Be an activist and a global citizen and be passionate about whatever issues you want. As Mahatma Ghandi once said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Do you have any news you want to share? 

Would you like to join our team? Are you a parent with an idea?

We would love to hear from you! 
The Python Post is a student-run online newspaper written for students by students. 
We look forward to hearing from you! 

Please tweet us your ideas on twitter: @ThePythonPost

Or email us at:
Until next time!
by: Mr. Christopher 

Post title...

Posted 2016-12-08 10:07:27 | Views: 1,906
Welcome back!
  Vol. 1, Number 2
Python Post

  This Month's Feature_
  Sport's Features  
  Teacher Facts  
  The Funny Page  
  Teacher Wish List  
  And I Quote...  
  Mr. G's World  
No one is free, even the birds are chained to the sky. 
~Bob Dylan

Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night! 
~Clement Clarke Moore
Teacher Dream Team Dominate Dodgeball!!

This year the teachers Dream Team has once again beaten the grade 7, 8, and 9 teams. While each student team lost, they maintained their respective pride with admirable, valiant effort. The grade nines came very close to ousting the champs when one student clipped the teachers numbers down to four. This, combined with the efforts of both the grade 7s and 8s, made the Dream Team nervous, causing Mr. G to call for an expanded training regiment before next year's tournament. Besides a couple of scintillating catches on the part of the teachers, the grade 7s were the only team to catch a teacher-tossed dodge ball, so give them a good hoot! The whole student population hopes that next year one of its teams will overcome the incredible challenge posed by the teachers.
St. Peter's Grade 7 boys volleyball team takes Gold at the Regional tournament! Silver was taken by MacDonald Drive Junior High.
Candy Cane Cookies 


~1 cup butter 
~1 cup icing sugar 
~1 egg 
~½ tsp vanilla extract 
~½ tsp almond or peppermint extract (peppermint for more seasonal-ness) 
~¼ tsp salt 
~2 ½ cups flour 
~red food colouring 
~green food colouring 


~Cream butter and icing sugar on medium speed until light and fluffy. 
~Beat in egg, both extracts, and salt. 
~Add flour, beating at low speed until combined. 
~Divide dough in half. 
~Colour one half with red food colouring and the other with green. 
~Form dough into disks. 
~Wrap disks in plastic wrap and chill for at least 20 minutes. 
~Line baking sheets with parchment paper. 
~Divide each disk of dough into 6 pieces and roll pieces into 12’’ long logs. 
~Chill for 10 minutes. 
~Twist one log of each colour together and turn down one end to form a candy cane shape. 
~Arrange on prepared baking sheets and chill for 1 hour. 
~Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. 
~Bake for 20-24 minutes. 
~Remove from the oven before cookies start to turn colour. 
~Transfer sheets to wire racks to cool completely. 

Tip: You can make the cookies thinner by dividing the disks into more pieces, but roll logs of the same length.
**A SPJH Christmas!**
SPJH can get a little festive around the holidays... 
Ms. Gladney and her elves!
  Coats for Kids!
French Club Christmas gathering!
Ms. Barbeau and Mr. Staple leading our wonderful choir and band during the SPJH Christmas concert. 
Social Action Team and Ms. Clancy mid-Christmas dance.
Social Action Team and the band/choir raised $900 for our Christmas hampers during the cake auction. A big thanks to Ms. Clancy and her elves!
November vibes
We are so happy to see you again!
Mr. Baird all lit up!
Mm. Hubley's homeroom showing their Christmas spirit during the door decorating contest.  
Ms. Derible wishes to spend time making memories with family and friends.
Ms. Autexier is wishing for her students to speak more French in 2017.
Ms. O'Rourke is wishing for a good book to read.
Mr. Myers wishes for students to place books back on shelves in their proper place (and a happy 2017 for all)!
Ms. Torraville wishes you all to be confident always.  
Mr. Molloy hopes for a stellar 2017!
Mr. Burton wishes for a better sound system in the class, for pencil crayons, for tonnes of holiday fun and cheer for all!!!
Ms. Janes hopes that students will come to class prepared in 2017. 
Ms. Caines dreams of a snowy Christmas with lots of skiing!
Ms. Kennedy would like all SPJH students to have an enjoyable Christmas!
Mr. Langdon wishes for a Super Grover bobblehead.
Mr. Ryan wishes you a healthy and happy 2017. 
Mr. Thistle wishes that all our students have a safe holiday and return with renewed energy and initiative.
Ms. Blundon Mes voeux: un joyeux noël et une bonne année!
Ms. Lushman is wishing that the kitchen will work in 2017!
Ms. Pardy hopes that everyone will have a more positive attitude in 2017.
Ms. Hubley hopes to hear students speaking more French in 2017.
Ms. Galgay hopes that all staff, students and their families have a joyous Christmas and all the blessing in the New Year.
Ms. Noseworthy would like to make more art in 2017!
Ms. O’Keefe-Swain is wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday and that Santa brings calculators and pencils to all!!
Ms. Pearce wishes for our students to treat each other with kindness and respect, not just at Christmas but all throughout the year! #peace
Mr. Williams AKA Mr. G  wishes for some pencils for my students, some loose leaf for my students, a new chair, a new fancy fountain for the basement, and peace on Earth.
Ms. Walsh wishes for a new snow globe. 
Ms. Barbeau is hoping for a new coffeemaker, the Bruce Springsteen book and a chance to meet the Boss himself!
Mr. Tilley wishes that students be especially kind to each other in 2017. 
Ms. Rhyder hopes that all our wishes come true.

                       And from the rest of us at SPJH, we wish you a happy holiday!
     (It's true! Teachers have wishes too!)
Add some text, Yo! Click this text box to change the text, style, color and fonts.
SPJH teachers raise money for Movember! 
Remembrance Day
Skills NL 
Field trip fun at the GEO centre 
Congratulations to Mallory Button, winner of the Lions Club Poster Contest
Pancake Breakfast! 
Teachers vs. Students Hockey Match!

And the students win!

Mr. Staple has completed every “Super Mario” game of all time!

Ms. Pardy is married to a magician!
Do you have any news you want to share? 
Would you like to join our team? 
Are you a parent with an idea? 
We would love to hear from you! 
The Python Post is a student-run online newspaper written for students by students. 
We look forward to hearing from you!

Please tweet us your ideas on twitter: 


                                             Until next time!

Post title...

Posted 2016-10-27 10:51:44 | Views: 1,624
Python Post     
By: Samantha Frew 

Moonlight pierces the shrouded sky, 
He searches for his maiden, to answer her cry. 
With a delicate glow, the moon carefully seeks, 
His young mistress to wipe the tears from her cheeks. 
She walks slowly, alone, in swirling white sand 
Reaching gently to grasp a warm pale hand. 
She floats into his arms, so peaceful, yet strong, 
With a comfort in knowing she must truly belong. 
The moon carried her way past the clouds, so far, 
And the moon was at last with his lover, the star.
Poet's Corner
Quote(s) of the Month
"We are the Kraken of our own sinking ships".
-Switched at Birth
We Scare Hunger 

In October, the Social Action Team put off We Scare Hunger, an initiative of the Me to We organization that our school works with. 
Maybe you spotted the snazzy masks put up all over the walls. You also could have seen the cans that showed how much food each grade collected, in which the grade eights totally dominated. All of these things were designed to catch the attention of us distracted young people so that we would bring in oodles and oodles of food. We did, too - Ms. Clancy’s room was bursting with Kraft Dinner and Fudgeos for weeks. This was all for a good cause, which makes parting with your Aunt Jemima and cake mix worthwhile: people who wouldn’t normally be well-fed are benefiting from our school’s efforts. 
Although you see food drives all over the place, it’s important to do your part, however small it may seem. Our school did it's part; pretty spectacularly I might add. That’s pretty cool, no matter how you slice it! 
A sincere thank you to all those who brought in food! Remember, the food that might still be gathering dust in the back of your pantry has gone to people who really need it.
-Eva Haas
Miss Smith: We would like to thank Mark’s for sponsoring both our grade 8 and 9 junior high girls volleyball team so they could enter the NLVA after school league.

Tutoring for tuition is starting up and will be on Thursdays from 2:45-3:45 in room 106. This program is free to students and is a great way to get extra help in your school subjects. See or contact Ms. Andrews for details.

French tutorial takes place every Thursday at 2:15 for one hour in room 317. 
Come, let us help you!
The Funny Page
Teacher Messages
This Month's Feature
Members of the Social Action Team with the spoils of our food drive (no pun intended).

Social Action meet in the library during lunch every day 4; new members are always welcome!
Mr. Christopher - Was accepted into firefighting school before he completed his Physical Education degree.

Mr. Burton - Is a musician and a published poet.

Ms. Autexier - Taught her cat how to do tricks like “sit,” “paw,” “jump”.
Teacher Facts
Sports Feature
All Python Softball Championship
For the second year in a row St.Peter's Junior High hosted the Pythons Fall Softball Classic, a junior high softball tournament. Our school started this tournament last year with 6 teams and it grew this year to include 11 teams from in and outside the St.John's Metro Region. In the first semi final, Pythons Navy defeated Villanova, in the second semi final Pythons Royal defeated Mobile, setting up an all St.Peter's Junior High Final! In the end, St.Peter's Royal defeated St.Peter's Navy in a great championship. When the game was over both teams celebrated the win! It was a sign of great sportsmanship and that's what this tournament is all about, having fun! Daniel Harris was the tournament MVP. Not only did Daniel demonstrate great skill all weekend at the shortstop position he also showed great sportsmanship and was a great leader to our younger players. Daniel displayed what being a Python is all about!
A Message from Our Lovely Administrators  
Ms. Cecilia Kennedy 
Mr. Shane Welcher 
Assistant Principal
Mr. Trent Langdon
"The thing that got me through that moment, and any other time that I've felt stuck, is to remind myself that it's about the work. Because if you're worrying about yourself — if you're thinking: 'Am I succeeding? Am I in the right position? Am I being appreciated?' — then you're going to end up feeling frustrated and stuck. But if you can keep it about the work, you'll always have a path. There's always something to be done".
-Barack Obama 
Author: Michael Grant
Reviewed by: Dylan Pittman  

Gone, by Michael Grant, is an intriguing, well-developed story. It left me desperate for more. An amazing climax, with tense moments and sad events. But, all in all, an action-packed, exciting story that will leave you breathless. I mean, who wouldn’t like a bit of sci-fi dystopia? Let me set the scene; another normal day in Perdido Beach. Oh, wait - anyone above fifteen is gone, vanished into thin air. Sam Temple doesn’t know what has happened, but he knows they have to keep things running until the adults come back. Along with his friends, Astrid, Edilio, and Quinn, Sam puts Perdido Beach back in the right direction, along the way trying to find Astrid’s brother. But, as they were gone, the Coates kids (from a school for the unruly) come into town and take charge. Sam has his doubts about the new kids, and he doesn’t want them to stay. To make things more complicated, war is breaking out and a barrier traps everyone inside the town. Animals are evolving rapidly. Oh, and by the way, watch out for your birthday. You might be gone then...
A Book Review for You!
The SPJH Gaming Club held their Midnight Madness in the school gym on September 30th and November 10th.

Stay tuned for the overnight fundraiser after Christmas!

Gaming Club welcomes all new members to the library every day 6 during lunch!
Mr. G in his natural habitat, learning how to save lives at our first aid PD session. 
Joyeux l'halloween! 
SPJH Social Action team and French Club join together to bake crepes for the bake sale. The money we raised was sent to those affected by Hurricane Matthew. 
Thank you/Merci for your support!
Soft Pumpkin cookies

~2 ½ cups flour
~1 tsp baking soda
~1 tsp baking powder
~1 tsp cinnamon
~½ tsp nutmeg
~¼ tsp ginger
~1/8 tsp allspice
~½ tsp salt
~1 ½ cups brown sugar
~½ cup butter
~1 cup pumpkin puree
~1 egg
~1 tsp vanilla extract
~2 Tbsp applesauce

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Combine flour, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, allspice and salt in a large bowl. Beat sugar and butter in another bowl. Beat in pumpkin, egg, vanilla, and applesauce until smooth. Gradually beat in flour mixture. Drop spoonfuls of batter onto a baking sheet and bake for 15-18 minutes. To make it even tastier, serve the cookies with cream cheese icing!
Baking on the Brain?
Until next time!
Do you have any news you want to share? 
Would you like to join our team?
Are you a parent with an idea?

We would love to hear from you!

The Python Post is a student-run online newspaper written for students by students.

We look forward to hearing from you! 
  Vol. 1, Number 1