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Python Post
Abby Power
_Comic Corner_
_Spotlight On..._
SPJH celebrated Pride day on April 5, 2017. 
Meet the Team!
 I am one of the enthusiastic info-bringers for The Python Post. My jokes are based on Mr. Christopher's winter jokes. My favorite section of our newspaper is G’s World! I hope that students are reading the school newspaper. I have a dog named alligator.
Hey there. I’m Abby Power, and I give the newspaper recipes, and… that’s it. I also provide much moral support while I play “monkey go happy escape” or “plants vs zombies” (while providing walnut related commentary) with Eva. I’m also very funny (and by funny I mean so bad at puns they’re hilarious).
Welcome back!
Vol. 1 Number 5
The Python Post team 
From top left Nathan, Victoria, Sam, Mr. Burton 

From the bottom left: Abby, Eva, Catherine 
Missing: Dylan
Sam Frew
Why, hello!
I’m what I’d like to call (even if it’s not entirely true), “The Head Of Artistic Design and Visual Editing” but most people just call me Sam, much less of a mouthful. I’ve drawn about half of our comics, and I also write the majority of “Poet’s Corner”. I’ve recently messed around with some ideas and created our official Python Post mascot, the Newspaper-Snake(I know, I know, but it’s funny). I’m in grade eight, French, and I was just told to add that by my superior, but I’d much rather tell you about how cool Anna Kendrick is, or artwork, or human rights, maybe even the stars... I’m often told that I get distracted too easily as well, but I think that’s what makes me so artistic... I always tell myself that inspiration often blooms from a beautiful distraction, and being a part of the newspaper has certainly been that and much more.
Eva Haas
Hey, I’m Eva Haas and I’m the Editor-in-Chief of the Python Post – or what I like to call the Big Kahuna, but everybody knows that it’s only me who says that. I’m in eighth grade and most of the time I’m laughing too loudly or inflicting my opinion on anyone who will listen. I absolutely adore writing and reading – I think that words are one of the most interesting things ever. I have a very loud voice and I like to talk so maybe that’s one of the reasons I like newspaper so much. I usually write the feature and always Something to Think About. I’m glad to have an outlet to talk to the school and not have anybody be like, “Oh my goodness, Eva’s talking again – no surprise!” P.S. I also have a bad habit of playing games (i.e. Monkey Go Happy Escape or Plants vs. Zombies with Abby) while I’m supposed to be doing work, but don’t tell Ms. Autexier...
Catherine Somerton
Nathan Edwards 
Sports Reporter extraordinaire
Do you have a sporting event? Nathan will cover it! 
Dylan Pittman 
Dylan Pittman is a French immersion student in grade 8. Him and Samantha create our monthly comic which make us laugh so much! Dylan is also known to write a book review now and again. Thank you for all your hard work! 
Ms. Autexier & Mr. Burton
(Teacher sponsors) 
Congratulations are extended to Mr. Christopher for being the recipient of the 2017 PHE Canada Dr. Andy Anderson Young Professional Award! Thank you for everything that you do. We are so lucky to have you as our gym teacher! Even when you dress up for retro day....
Mr. Christopher! 

MAY 5   - PD Day - No classes for students
MAY 12 - Grade 9 Orientation at O'Donel
MAY 15 - All tickets for fundraiser due back
MAY 16 - Grade 9 Junior Achievement
MAY 18 - Ticket draw for fundraiser
MAY 22 - Victoria Day holiday
MAY 25 - Volunteer Appreciation 5:30 - 6:30pm
MAY 25 - Open House 6:30 - 7:30
MAY 25 - Grade 6 Parent Orientation 7:30 - 8:30
MAY 26 - Public Health - Vaccinations
MAY 31 - Last Day to Submit Late Term Three Work
JUNE 1  - Grade 9 School Leaving Celebration 5:30pm
JUNE 8 - SPJH Spring Concern and Fine Arts Showcase!
JUNE 14-16 - EXAMS
JUNE  19-21 Sports Day activities will take place during the last week of school
JUNE 22 - Term ends