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Surreal 3D Buildings by Victor Enrich

Posted by Wildcats Views: 17,707

Surreal 3D Architectural

Amazing illustrations by Victor Enrich. Could you imagine driving and coming across one of these? Wow


This is the Shalom Tower…On the sides we find a vertical strip of windows that honestly, for me, look like the zip that I always wanted to tear down in order to see what’s hidden inside.

The Opera Tower…militarization, tends to be a forgotten concept in the city of Tel Aviv, who apparently lives outside what’s happening a few miles away. It is known as the Tel Aviv bubble, where everything is wonderful and ideal. It is worth to remind people of this wonderful city, that the conflict is still alive and that it is exactly in Tel Aviv where some of the most controversial decisions are taken.

This tower…has always caught my attention…its square shape reminds me more of a bandonion to an accordion, which is why this project has got the name of “Tango”.
















































































































































Trenton Doyle Hancock

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 15,949

Growing up in a Christian household in Texas, Trenton Doyle Hancock was immersed in myths and narratives that he found while reading The Bible. Couple these narratives with his love of comic books, toys and the Masters of the Universe series and one is able to see the pool of imagery and ideologies that helped shape Hancock's world.

"If you look at the grouping of the stories and belief systems that I learned from growing up, I wanted to take them, breakaway from them and apply them to my own art project based around a series of myths and symbols."

Through his prints, drawings, painting, collages and even ballet, Hancock has created an ongoing narrative involving a group of mythical creatures that live and die in a Tolkienesque underworld. There are Vegans - small ant-like creatures that live in his underworld and militantly hate meat. There's Mounds - hairy mountainous creatures that are rooted in Earth and a handful of supporting character's like Torpedo Boy, Painter and 


























Lloyd. There are good guys, bad guys, murders, plots, subplots, ideologies, and just about everything that goes with a continuing series of fantastical sagas.

"I feel it's important to have this narrative coupled with paintings because it's something I haven't really seen before in fine art world. I mean painters throughout history used narratives, even the abstract expressionists did, but I wanted to take it to a different place. I want to tell explicit stories and have them be major components of the work to create a new hybrid conversation."

Trenton was recently commissioned to be one of the artists to do mural work at the new Dallas Cowboys stadium. His work is part of the collection at many museums, including The Brooklyn Museum, MoMA, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and The Whitney. He was part of the PBS Series Art 21 and is represented by James Cohan Gallery here in New York.

Meddler, 2008. Mixed media on paper. 23 X 19 1/2 inches

Vegan Arm, 2006. Urethane, steel, string
84 X 108 X 9 inches. Edition of 3

Myth + Symbols

Peace Vincent Gallo

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 17,872



Many more great flicks, via: Patrick Hoelck

Funny Kenny Powers quote

Posted by Humby Views: 21,475

"I've been blessed with many things in this life. an arm like a damn rocket, a cock like a burmese python, and the mind of a fucking scientist."

Kenny Powers

Pacman Swimsuit

Posted by Wildcats Views: 14,892



When you go to the beach or out to the pool, bring it back to the 80's with this vintage Pacman Swimsuit. Just make sure no Ghosts are following you. You can find this and many other cool clothing at Black Milk.


Only $90

For Mothers Only

Posted by Wildcats Views: 14,459


Alysha Nett on being Friendly

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 29,850

Alysha Nett

  "I try my best to do nice things on a daily basis. its so much easier to be nice than be mean. yesterday, i mailed a card to a friend so he would know i was thinking of him."

Deck Chair by Bernhard-Burkard

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 15,587

This deck chair is attractive in its simplicity. In combination with the environment it serve its purpose as a deck chair. To achive best stability, it needs to be leaned against walls or rails in a flat angle. The anti-slip coated stand provides safe grip on every surface. Even though it looks dangerous it provides comfort seating and relaxing in every occasion.


curt | deck chair


About the Studio:


The Swiss design studio BERNHARD | BURKARD was established in 2010 by Fabian Bernhard and Thomas Burkard.

During their time together as students they soon realized the potential that derives from the synergy of their individual skills and approaches to design. Their comprehensive experience and excellent network enables BERNHARD | BURKARD to accomplish a project from conception and formal elaboration to technical realization. Their focus lies on both innovative and creative solutions that are at the same time highly esthetic and an appropriate resource management. Design starts with a call for change. Besides technical skills it needs curiosity and the will to face the world with open eyes. Beyond styling and optical dressing contemporary design, as a process for products and communication, can generate the additional benefit that leads to sustainable success for all users.
Before setting up their studio Fabian was working as creative director at capartis AG. Thomas used to work for the well known designer Michael Young in Hong Kong.





















































Big Damn Heads - DDB

Posted by Wildcats Views: 15,404

Some Big Heads


DDB's design team made these awesome big heads that weigh pretty heavy. These guys should see me in the morning. Pretty sweet. Check out more work here.

Cookie Monster with Rebel Militia

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 22,026

Granada-born artist Paco Pomet bases his paintings on old archival photographs, interjecting silly, surreal, and absurd elements — skewed and stretched features, scale shifts, extra or missing limbs, or goofy pop imagery — commenting on the distorting nature of memory.

Paco Pomet - “Cookie Monster with Rebel Militia”




















Claire Morgan: In her own words

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 14,255

My work is about our relationship with the rest of nature, explored through notions of change, the passing of time, and the transience of everything around us. For me, creating seemingly solid structures or forms from thousands of individually suspended elements has a direct relation with my experience of these forces. There is a sense of fragility and a lack of solidity that carries through all the sculptures. I feel as if they are somewhere between movement and stillness, and thus in possession of a certain energy.


Claire Morgan

Animals, birds and insects have been present in my recent sculptures, and I use suspense to create something akin to freeze frames. In some works, animals might appear to rest, fly or fall through other seemingly solid suspended forms. In other works, insects appear to fly in static formations. The evidence of gravity - or lack of it - inherent in these scenarios is what brings them to life, or death.

I feel a close connection with the natural world which I hope is evident in my work, but our clumsy, often destructive relationship with nature, and the 'artificial' world we have contrived for ourselves are of equal significance. Ultimately I find myself focussing on areas where the boundaries cannot be clearly defined.


The titles of the works are very important, and often make reference to historical or contemporary popular culture, words being appropriated from the titles of films or books, or phrases being manipulated through combination with the artwork. These connections often add a comedic element to the works, a sense of irony or bluntness that keeps them firmly rooted in my experience of the world that we humans inhabit. Though the phrases have a specific history, the jarring between the title and the form can bring a desirable ambiguity through intentionally creating confusion.


The processes involved in the work are laborious and there are thousands of individual elements involved, but clarity of form is of high importance. I do not wish the animals to provide a narrative, but rather to introduce an element of movement, or energy, or some sort of reality; animating or interacting with the larger architectural forms.


Drawing is important, and allows me to explore a different side of each idea. The processes involved in my blood drawings bring a growing degree of understanding of material and form. "

In Her Own Words

Audrey Hepburn in 1961

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 24,841

Lady Diamond Rocks

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 20,177

Fanny Maurer




Word, Lady Diamond is one of my favorites. She currently lives in Linz, Austria.  Join her fanpage on Facebook! - right here!

La Invasion De Los Marcianos

Posted by Wildcats Views: 14,335

X-Ray Pin-Up Calender

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 16,219

IZO (medical imaging and radiograph service) is giving out unique x-ray pin-up calendars to their clients (many of which are doctors). The goal of the project is to break free of taboo, i.e. showing the traditional, sexy pin-up in all its glory and details.



Via: Zero

Be All You Can Be...

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,255



you can be

Female Marine Hollers at Justin Timberlake

Posted by Wildcats Views: 15,932


By now, we know full well that Marine Sgt. Scott Moore's YouTube invitation to Mila Kunis worked in part because of a timely assist from her "Friends With Benefits" co-star Justin Timberlake.

Well, now Timberlake himself is the target of a Marine Corps Ball invitation.

Cpl. Kelsey De Santis has posted her own video proposal, requesting that the actor/musician accompany her to a Ball set to take place in Washington D.C. on Nov. 12th.

If he refuses, Cpl. De Santis advises that he "cry me a river."

We know Timberlake has slick dance floor moves, but he may want to be careful should he agree to escort De Santis - she's currently the only female enrolled in the Martial Arts Center for Excellence at Marine Corps Base Quantico.

Female Marine Targets

Justin Timberlake

Will Justin go? Of course he will. He loves his country.

Vampire Banks

Posted by Wildcats Views: 14,121












































Hello, we are the banks and we have become vampires. we like to suck everything from your life, we do this Along with the government. slowly we will take all your shit! So, just go right along and keep watching your reality TV and play on your facebook.

Shit Could Be Worse

Posted by Wildcats Views: 15,981


JFK Talking about Secret Societies

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,257

"The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in ensuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know."

JFK on

Secret Societies