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Donald Duck arrested for DUI

Posted by Wildcats Views: 27,987

Damn Donald. Things ain't been looking so good since Duck Tails got cancled huh? Ever since Disney Channel replaced cartoons with bad teen actors...things ain't been the same!

























































Rest in Peace Mickey Mouse

Posted by Wildcats Views: 29,942


Rest in Peace Mickey Mouse

Crayola Carved Animals

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 17,344

Crayola Animals!

Someone had crazy amount of time on their hands. Wow, but God bless em'. These are pretty amazing. I wonder how many Crayola's they went through to make these. The detail is uncanny. I guess that's what you call some beastly skills, no doubt!

Crayola Crayons carved out to look like Animals. Sick!

George Orwell was Right about Facebook

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 17,709














































Beauty is Nature

Posted by Wildcats Views: 22,095

Beauty. Nature.

It's everywhere if you really look for it.

Perros Sucios

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 28,103

This set of pictures were taken by Nicolás Santiñaque. Some of the photos were included in a spread for Pluz Ultra Magazine. View more: I'm Not Keith Richards


Nicolás Santiñaque


When Tattoos Were Taboo

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 31,021

Back in the day..when this shit was taboo. Now, you can get a tattoo of cupcakes and change the color of your hair and your considered cute. Back then, you got this and you looked like an animal to pretty much the outside world!


Feeling Grouchy Today?

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 16,033

So, leave me alone!






























Larry David Talks 8th Season of Curb Your Enthusiasm

Posted by Wildcats Views: 14,992

"New York, Same Larry," promises the tagline for the eighth season of "Curb Your Enthusiasm," which sees our favorite curmudgeon landing back in his native city and encountering guest stars such as Michael J. Fox and Ricky Gervais. In honor of the show's premiere Sunday, Mr. David spoke with us about taxi patrons versus subway riders, the dearth of bald celebrities (and politicians), and why "Curb" is like an ex-girlfriend.

How was filming in New York different from filming in L.A.?

There were very big crowds watching us film in New York as opposed to L.A., where you can't get one person to stop. In New York, they're very vocal and really tend to be enthusiastic. And in L.A. they're pretty blasé about TV shows filming there, I guess because so many do. Nobody really cares, because they see so much of it.



How do you decide what celebrities play themselves versus made-up characters?

If you look at the history of the show, I'm sure we could unearth the answer. Dustin Hoffman didn't want to play himself on the show, so he played a character that was suited to him. Some actors don't want to play themselves. And other actors are comfortable playing themselves. Of course, when we say "playing themselves" they're not really playing themselves. They're playing themselves like I'm playing myself.

If you found out you had Groat's syndrome [the fictional disorder that afflicted Michael Richards last season] and had one day to live, how would you spend it?

Yelling and screaming, how else could I spend it? I'm not going to have any fun, if that's what you're getting at. I'm not going to do anything enjoyable. I'd be too nervous and scared. I'd just be crying and weeping and screaming. That's how I'm going to spend it -- on the floor, in the fetal position.

In the episode "The Seder" [season five], Larry was concerned that a follically-challenged sex offender was "very bad for the bald community." Who, in your opinion, is good for the bald community?

I'm not the president of Hair Club for Men. I'm not president of the bald celebrity league. I don't even know who the bald celebrities are. It used to be Telly Savalas and Gavin MacLeod. Who else is there? Mikhail Gorbachev is bald... Joey Pants... there's not that many of them. I mean, we always welcome new members with open arms. Most actors don't let themselves get bald. They get transplants or weaves or something. When's the last time you saw a bald president? There'll be a woman and a Jewish president and maybe even a Muslim president before a bald president. That's my prediction: There'll be a Muslim president before a bald president.


Larry David On Groat's Syndrome, The Bald Community And Curb's Eighth Season

"Muslim President Before Bald One"

Ilustration: Jason Horning


Impeach the Mayor

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 13,921

Some Things Never Change, Do They?

Bridget Blonde on Friends

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 39,974

"I have A LOT of acquaintances...I only keep a few solid people around me due to the fact that relationships take time and you have to maintain them...right now my life is selfishly driven around work and producing as much as i can"


On Having Friends


Snake in a Water Glass

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 20,444

For Some Reason:

This Makes Me Think of

A. Photo Art


B. Snakes


C. A Drowning Snake


D. Tap Water

The Surface Merchants: Miami Heads

Posted by WPD Views: 15,276

The Surface



Just came across this and had to post it. Newly formed collective group are branching out.

Tiger Eating Models Arm!

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 17,114

Cool Flicks

Stumbled across these on the internets. Love em'

Art is like Flowers - Lincoln Steffens

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 14,473

Art is like a border of flowers along the course of civilization.

Lincoln Steffens

Half Naked, Listening to Records

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 27,512

I discovered these fun photos at Winzor's Live Journal. Check them out.

Sleep in the Kitchen!

Posted by Wildcats Views: 15,134

Cookie Monster Cupcakes

Posted by Wildcats Views: 15,810

Cookie Monster

cupcakes for everyone!

These are pretty amazing. Gotta try to make these sometime. Gotta love the cookie sticking out of the cupcake mouth.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Illustration

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 17,923

This would be sick if this is what the ninja turtles look like in the new film. I guess I'll just dream for now.

Smoking Facts for Women

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 24,629

Scientific studies have proven that a hot babe smoking actually looks like exhibit B.

Exhibit A

Exhibit B