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Black Cats as Clothing

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 15,320

Black Cat

This top is very superstitious.

Don't Follow The Stream.

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 15,204

























The Truth Right There...

Fake Bitches Wear Masks

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 17,289

All fake bitches cut it out and wear it if you can't keep it real.

Cell Flicks Rock

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 15,777



for Cell Flicks!

Hell Yeah...










































New Jersey Fist Pump

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 16,809

Punk Rock Patriotism - Happy 4th of July

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,490


Here's some Punk Rock patriotism by Warzone. Everyone have a blast. Don't drink and drive...and eat a lot of BBQ and swim with your family and friends. Get a sun burn too!


We are all born Originals

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 32,449

We are all born originals,why is it so many of us die copies? - Edward Young

Bad B-Movies: The Video Dead Review

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 16,784

Bad B-Movies!

When the other B-Masters decided that this roundtable would be based off of a sort of "Secret Santa" idea I had some reservations. Not least was that the phrase "Tyrannical and Sadistic Santa" would have been more accurate. You see, the truth of the matter is that we all jumped at the opportunity to inflict something God awful on each other. Ken Begg was threatened with "The Trial of Billy Jack" and Dr. Freex had the poor luck of being given "Jonathan Livingston Seagull." So, when the latter gentleman informed me that my particular torment would be "The Video Dead," I was more than a little relieved.

The film begins when Mr. Jordan is roused by two deliverymen (who need new brakes for their van). They insist on him signing for a large crate, though the sender and contents are unknown. Okay, I'm paranoid anyway; plus watching movies like this for years doesn't help, but I would politely refuse the consignment. "No, I will not sign my death certificate. Now leave, before both myself and Mr. Twelve Gauge Mossberg get angry." Unfortunately for Mr. Jordan, he accepts the crate and unpacks the B&W television inside. The set has a worrisome peculiarity; there is only one movie on: "Zombie Blood Nightmare." After the writer goes to sleep the TV turns itself on and the main characters crawl out. When the deliverymen come back, because they delivered death to the wrong address, they make a gruesome discovery.

Three months pass before the Blairs purchase the home. Mom and dad are out of the country, so Zoe and Jeff take on the responsibility of moving in. I have no idea if the parents even visited the house before making a down payment. The important facts are that the TV is in the attic and the zombies are still loose in the nearby woods. Oh, Jeff also meets April and they seem to hit it off.

Jeff finds the television when he investigates a sound in the attic. The young man brings the infernal thing downstairs to his room and plugs it in. Immediately "Zombie Blood Nightmare" comes on (sort of odd, since the zombies are already out), but then the picture fuzzes over. What replaces the low budget horror film is a seductress who tantalizes Jeff's libido. Something about her features set off warning bells in my head; they are reminiscent of a woman who used to be a man! Telling Jeff wouldn't have done much good. At that age, most young males just look for the major landmarks of womanhood (boobs) and he was entranced, even moreso when she suddenly materialized in his room. A briefly embarrassing necking scene ensued, but then the woman reappeared inside the TV. 




Spy vs. Spy 50th Anniversary

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 26,098

2011 marks the 50th Anniversary of Spy vs. Spy. To celebrate this historic milestone, every day TheIdiotical will be devoting a post to Antonio Prohias’ classic strip. Today, it’s the very first Spy strip, from MAD #60 (January, 1961).




The World with No Liars

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 16,446

Imagine that folks.

Kiki Valdes - Some Cartoon Expressionism or something.

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 20,774


Q-Tip Beef Over Documentary with Rapaport.

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,430

Tags: MTV Shows

The stormy relationship between actor/director Michael Rapaport and rapper Q-Tip continued to develop Wednesday, when Rapaport told New York Daily News that he was "completely done" reasoning with the rapper and that they have no relationship. The pair's dispute arose from the portrayal of hip-hop group A Tribe Called Quest, which Q-Tip co-founded, in Rapaport's upcoming documentary "Beats, Rhymes & Life: The Travels of A Tribe Called Quest."


The group's other three members have expressed support for the film, but Rapaport claims Q-Tip demanded more and more control of Tribe's sometimes unflattering portrayal. "The movie version Q-Tip thinks should be coming out would be going straight to DVD," Rapaport told New York Daily News.


In March, however, Q-Tip said that his major disagreement with Rapaport was that producers were plotting to deny the band members production credits. In an interview with MTV News, he claimed that one of the film's producers accidentally sent him an email discussing this plan:










Rapaport ,Q-Tip Feud Over Documentary

"Beats, Rhymes & Life: The Travels of A Tribe Called Quest" is off to a shakey start. Q-Tip has discovered an e-mail that wants to rip them off. Also pumping heads with Rapaport, the director. 

Mama Say Knock You Out!

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,405

Momma say Knock You Out!

Hugo Chavez has Cancer. Might Step Down?

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,872


CARACAS, Venezuela -- Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez confirmed late Thursday what many in his country suspected: He has cancer.

Chavez, whose government denied repeatedly he was gravely ill, made the admission during a live speech to his country from Cuba, where he has undergone medical treatment for much of the past month under a veil of secrecy.


"Studies confirmed the existence of a tumor with cancerous cells," he said.


Chavez said he was initially operated on for a pelvic abscess on June 11, but that follow-up tests indicated there were other growths that turned out to be cancerous. He said he had a follow-up surgery days after that.


The former army officer, who has ruled Venezuela for 12 years, did not elaborate on his prognosis. But he said he was determined to overcome the illness.

Read more at The Wall Street Journal

The Last Space Shuttle

Posted by Humby Views: 17,804

After 30 years, NASA is retiring the Space Shuttle program.

American exploration in low-Earth orbit is over

After 30 years, NASA is retiring the Space Shuttle program.

American exploration in low-Earth orbit is over

Image via FYS via NASA

Vanessa Lake and Pop Art

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 44,884

Vanessa Lake

looking like Pop Art.

Justin Timberlake, Part Owner of

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 14,440




Justin Timberlake has invested in MySpace and plans to help breathe life into failing social media company.


The advertising firm Specific Media purchased MySpace from Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. this week for $35 million. "As part of the deal, Emmy and Grammy winning artist Justin Timberlake will also take an ownership stake and play a major role in developing the creative direction and strategy for the company moving forward," Specific Media said in a press release.


MySpace, which recently attempted to rebrand itself as an entertainment hub, will continue to play on its strengths with Timberlake's input. "I'm excited to help revitalize MySpace by using its social media platform to bring artists and fans together in one community," Timberlake said in a statement. "Art is inspired by people and vice versa, so there's a natural social component to entertainment."

MySpace and Timberlake plan to unveil their vision for the site later this summer; in the meantime, the company claims it will become "the premiere digital destination for original shows, video content and music."


Timberlake will have a challenge on his hands; the company has continued to rapidly lose its market-share to Facebook since FB opened up its cyber-doors to non-university students.


However, if he manages to infuse MySpace with the same energy he has to "Saturday Night Live," MySpace may rise again. In addition to his music career, Timberlake has a portfolio that contains a tequila brand, several restaurants and the clothing line William Rast. He is expected to have an office at MySpace and a staff of six, according to published reports.


In related news, MySpace laid off a reported 450 people this week in the wake of the company's sale to Specific.

MySpace has new owners 



Source: Sound Spike

Betty Brosmer was Hot

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 27,538



was pretty hot back in the day.

Heart of Glass. Heather Marks. Shots by Max Abadian

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 16,847

Heather Marks photographed by Max Abadian in « Heart of Glass » for Dress to Kill

































































Old School Halloween

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 15,908

Dang, Old school Halloween.

This feeling could never be recreated. I don't care what witch you claim to be.