Make your own magazine.

Make your own magazine

Star wars ascii art

Posted by Humby Views: 25,290
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Apple's new HQ

Posted by Humby Views: 16,744

Apple's New Headquarters

Steve Jobs presents his proposal for a new Apple Campus to the Cupertino City Council.   The presentation was recorded Tuesday, June 7, 2011 at the Cupertino Community Hall.

Superhero Weird

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 13,242

The Simpson's Creator Matt Groening freelanced for Apple

Posted by Wildcats Views: 14,499

The Simpson's creator Matt Groening

did work for Apple.

In this booklet, dating all the way back to 1989, there are quite a few Matt Groening pieces, and a handful of glimpses at old school MACs, and the commercial concepts that accompanied them.

Apparently Matt Groening did some illustration work for MAC back in the days.

Yoshitomo Nara - Park Ave Sculptures

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 15,645

If you live in the New York area, don’t miss your chance to see two huge sculptures by Yoshitomo Nara on Park Avenue (one is located at 62nd and Park, the other is at 70th and Park).  The installations entitled “White Ghost.” The installations on Park Avenue will be removed in November 2011. Make sure to check them out before they move!



"White Ghost"

Less Sleep, Less Bullshit

Posted by Wildcats Views: 16,044

Erwin Wurn's Cars

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 15,169

Erwin Wurn

Born in 1954. Lives in Vienna and Limberg, Austria. There's something amazing about these bloated cars. Check these out.



"If you approach things with a sense of humor, people immediately assume you're not to be taken seriously. But I think truths about society and human existence can be approached in different ways. You don't always have to be deadly serious. Sarcasm and humor can help you see things in a lighter vein."



Yves Marchand & Romain Meffre: Ruins

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 16,757



The work of Yves Marchand & Romain Meffre is not only taking pictures of ruins, it is the memory of humanity... It reminds me "I am legend" amazing city were human being is gone... But this is real... They explain it better than me : Ruins are the visible symbols and landmarks of our societies and their changes, small pieces of history in suspension.

The state of ruin is essentially a temporary situation that happens at some point, the volatile result of change of era and the fall of empires. This fragility, the time elapsed but even so running fast, lead us to watch them one very last time : being dismayed, or admire, making us wondering about the permanence of things.Photography appeared to us as a modest way
to keep a little bit of this ephemeral state.


Yves Marchand & Romain Meffre

Sunburn 1945

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 12,917

Punk Rock buttons (1980's)

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 18,335

Punk Rock Buttons from the early 1980's

Ultimate Warrior Beefing with Hulk Hogan

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 19,974



is beefin' with Hulk Hogan

In a rant that seems out of the WWE’s golden years, wrestler The Ultimate Warrior released a YouTube video accusing his one-time rival Hulk Hogan, born Terry Bollea, of being a cocaine-using, wife-swapping “dope head.”


“You’re a real piece of shit,” an angry, bald Warrior, AKA James Hellwig, directly addressed Hulk Hogan. “What kind of human being are you? The things that have real value mean nothing to you in your life.”

















Classic UFO

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 13,072

Unidentified Female on Ownzee








































Pirate Girls

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 14,776














TAMPA, FLORIDA -Pirate girls as seen aboard the Jose Gasparilla during Tampa’s annual February Gasparilla Pirate Festival.

Great Francis Bacon Interviews (Edited)

Posted by LEV Views: 15,986





David Sylvester: Have you ever had any desire at all to do an abstract painting?
Francis Bacon: I've had a desire to do forms, as when I originally did Three Forms at the Base of the Crucifixion. They were influenced by the Picasso things which were done at the end of the 20s ...

After that triptych, you started to paint in a more figurative way: was it more out of a positive desire to paint figuratively or more out of a feeling that you couldn't develop that kind of organic form further at that time?
Well, one of the pictures I did in 1946, the one like a butcher's shop, came to me as an accident. I was attempting to make a bird alighting on a field. And it may have been bound up in some way with the three forms that had gone before, but suddenly the lines that I'd drawn suggested something totally different, and out of this suggestion arose this picture. I had no intention to do this picture; I never thought of it in that way. It was like one continuous accident mounting on top of another.

An edited extract from Interviews with Francis Bacon by David Sylvester in 1963, 1966 and 1979

Did the bird alighting suggest the umbrella or what?
It suddenly suggested an opening-up into another area of feeling altogether. And then I made these things; I gradually made them. So that I don't think the bird suggested the umbrella; it suddenly suggested this whole image. And I carried it out very quickly, in about three or four days.

It often happens, does it, this transformation of the image in the course of working?
It does, but now I always hope it will arrive more positively. Now I feel that I want to do very, very specific objects, though made out of something, which is completely irrational from the point of view of being an illustration. I want to do very specific things like portraits, and they will be portraits of the people, but, when you come to analyse them, you just won't know - or it would be very hard to see how the image is made up at all. And this is why in a way it is very wearing, because it is really a complete accident. For instance, the other day I painted a head of somebody, and what made the sockets of the eyes, the nose, the mouth were, when you analysed them, just forms which had nothing to do with eyes, nose or mouth; but the paint moving from one contour into another made a likeness of this person I was trying to paint. I stopped; I thought for a moment I'd got something much nearer to what I want. Then the next day I tried to take it further and tried to make it more poignant, more near, and I lost the image completely. Because this image is a kind of tightrope walk between what is called figurative painting and abstraction. It will go right out from abstraction, but will really have nothing to do with it. It's an attempt to bring the figurative thing up on to the nervous system more violently and more poignantly.

In painting this Crucifixion, did you have the three canvases up simultaneously, or did you work on them quite separately?
I worked on them separately, and gradually, as I finished them, I worked on the three across the room together. I did in about a fortnight, when I was in a bad mood of drinking, and I did it under tremendous hangovers and drink; I sometimes hardly knew what I was doing. And it's one of the only pictures that I've been able to do under drink. I think perhaps the drink helped me to be a bit freer.

"I sometimes hardly knew what I was doing. And it's one of the only pictures that I've been able to do under drink. I think perhaps the drink helped me to be a bit freer."

There's no such thing as normal.

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,262

Can She Cook?

Posted by Wildcats Views: 15,593

Something Every Man Wants to Know

Denise Simao

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 16,487

Denise Simao

I found these pictures of some chick named Denise Simao. Nothing extremely special about these except fo the fact the girl in the photos is pretty cute. Shots are by Tanya. Sorry, don't know homegirl's last name. Oh yeah, these were taken in Portgual.

FUCK YOU ALL - Glen E. Friedman

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 15,270


Glen E. Friedman makes you love photos, even if you never had an interest in the art form. This guy was at all the right places at all the right times. He was able to capture the purist form of things happening and make it look amazing. His photos want you to join in the fun of skating, punk rock culture and hip-hop in a way that nobody has been able to capture quite like he has. I love this video below, Check it out, I think you will dig it too. 

Kurt Cobain was Gay

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 19,576

"I started being really proud of the fact that I was gay even though I wasn't."

- Kurt Cobain

Pop Art Make-Up

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 21,201


When I saw this picture on the left I couldn't help to notice how much it reminded me of Roy Lichtenstein's work. Do you agree?