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Dogs on Bacon Day!

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 15,177

dogs on

bacon day

Real Men Watch Movies with their Sons

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 13,532

My dad never read to me when I was a little kid. But, we would watch old westerns about the Wild West or Mexican outlaw films. After we watched them we would role play and he would let me pretend to kill him.

The Lotus

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 12,900

There's just something wonderful about classic model photos.

The Original Popsicles

Posted by Wildcats Views: 13,245

The Origins of Popsicles



...then some guy came along and started putting them in bags and selling it to small children. Lame.









































Top Ten Death Row Meals

Posted by Wildcats Views: 17,529


8. TED BUNDY, FLORIDA, 1989— The scourge of Chi-O’s across America, Bundy didn’t eat a special last meal. He was given the traditional steak (medium-rare), eggs (over-easy), hash browns, toast, milk, coffee, juice, butter, and jelly

7. GERALD MITCHELL, TEXAS, 2001 — one bag of assorted Jolly Ranchers & LEWIS GILBERT, OKLAHOMA, 2003— a half-gallon of vanilla ice cream, a box of assorted cones and a box of Whoppers.

6. TIMOTHY MCVEIGH, THE FEDS, 2001 — 2 pints of mint chocolate chip ice cream. Federal criminals are limited to a frugal $20 tab for their last meal requests. During the time leading up to his execution, the radical, self-serving, asinine, propagandizing, deluded animal rights group, PETA, spent time corresponding with McVeigh, imploring him to order a meatless last meal.

5. THE IDEALISTS—ROBERT MADDEN, TEXAS, 1997— He asked that his final meal be provided to a homeless person. His request was denied. & ODELL BARNES, JR., TEXAS, 2000—Justice, Equality, World Peace. His request was denied.

4. AILEEN WUORNOS, FLORIDA, 2002— One from the softer side of death row. Wuornos didn’t order a last meal and skipped the regular fare of barbecued chicken, mashed potatoes, apple crisp and tea but had a cup of coffee about 12:30 a.m. Instead, ate a hamburger and other snack food from the prison’s canteen. Later, she drank a cup of coffee. Her story has been portrayed in two movies, three books and an opera.

3. WALTER LAGRAND, ARIZONA, 1999— LaGrand asked for six fried eggs, 16 strips of bacon, one large serving of hash browns, a pint of pineapple sherbet, a breakfast steak, a cup of ice, 7-Up, Dr Pepper, Coke, hot sauce, coffee, two sugar packs. And, as a final item: four Rolaids.

2. JOHN WAYNE GACY, ILLINOIS, 1994— Kentucky Fried Chicken, fried shrimp, french fries, strawberries and Diet Coke. Once you get the Colonel’s recipe of secret herbs and spices in your blood, it’s pretty tough to shake. Gacy, the killer of at least 33 young men, was a former manager of a KFC.

1. ROBERT BUELL, OHIO, 2002—A single black, unpitted olive. Actually, Buell was paying homage to to Victor Ferguer, the last prisoner executed by the federal government until Timothy McVeigh. Ferguer was hanged in 1963. His last meal—an olive with the pit still in it. He told prison officials that he hoped it would sprout from his body an olive tree — a sign of peace. Ferguer’s body was unclaimed by family and was quickly taken away by a funeral home after the execution and buried. His unmarked grave in a barren corner of a public cemetery bears no olive tree.



Ever been curious what serial killer nutjobs eat as a last meal? Well, here's the top 10. I never knew this shit was achived. WTF?




10. GARY GILMORE, UTAH, 1977— The alpha. The first person executed when the death penalty was reinstated. Hamburger, eggs, potatoes and contraband bourbon. Happy about winning his legal battle for immediate execution, Gilmore spent his last evening dancing with relatives and tossing back a few mini-bottles of smuggled bourbon.

9. THOMAS GRASSO, OKLAHOMA, 1995— The signature meal in “Last Suppers”. Mr. Grasso devoured a dozen steamed mussels, a Burger King double cheeseburger with mustard, mayonnaise, lettuce and tomato, a can of Franco-American spaghetti with meatballs, a mango, half of a pumpkin pie with whipped cream, and a strawberry milkshake. But, there was a problem. Mr. Grasso had been served spaghetti and meatballs, but had actually requested Spaghetti-O’s. He did not take this slight lightly, his last words included this complaint, “I did not get my Spaghetti-O’s. I got spaghetti. I want the press to know this!”




Images: Snifty

No hotdog tonight!

Posted by Wildcats Views: 13,527

I don't want your wiener in my buns!






























James Lillis - Holy Leggings

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 16,324

"Ibought these James Lillis holy leggings on BlackMilk and they've become a really important part of my identity. My Docs are falling apart and the sole is halfway disconnected from the rest of the shoe so I like to wiggle my toes to make my feet talk." - Style Rookie


Holy Leggings

Superhero Mayhem

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 13,863

we don't believe you, you need more people.

Optical Illusion of the Body

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 23,910



We have the internet, they had the radio.

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 13,426

We have the internet.

They had the radio.

Sophia Loren on Classy Dresses

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 16,665

"A woman's dress should be like a barbed-wire fence: serving its purpose without obstructing the view."

- Sophia Loren

Eggs in the Shape of Flowers

Posted by Wildcats Views: 15,112

Dear, how do you like your eggs?

"I like happy flower  shaped eggs."



































Bats on a Dress

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 14,872

Bats on a dress.

I guess even high fashion has to pull things from a very familar place huh? This is dope. I would go nuts if my girl wore this. I wonder what the price tag is? I doubt I can afford it, I'm just a Robin.
















































Charile Brown T-Shirt, Awesome.

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 15,550






























Charlie Brown


Get this for your shy friends with bad luck or for yourself. I haven't seen a Charlie Brown/Peanuts shirt in a long time that caught my attention...I guess the egg head Charlie flipping off his bike did it for me....Good Grief!





This shirt is by AAUGH. You can place an order on this t-shirt right here.

Some Chicago Fun Facts

Posted by Wildcats Views: 15,006

some chicago fun facts



Chicago produced the first Roller skates in 1884

Chicago produced the first Elevated railway in 1892

Chicago produced the first Cracker Jacks in 1893

Chicago produced the first Zipper in 1896

Chicago produced the first Steel-framed skyscraper in 1885

Chicago produced the first Window envelope in 1902

Chicago was incorporated as a city in 1837.


The first steel rail road in the United States was produced in Chicago in 1865.


The first mail-order business, Montgomery Ward & Co., was established in 1872.


The world’s first skyscraper, the Home Insurance Company, was built in 1885.

The first televised U.S. presidential candidates’ debate was broadcast from Chicago’s CBS Studios on September 26, 1960, between John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Richard Milhous Nixon.



Is California Sinking?

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 13,023

Vintage Vanessa Lake

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 15,806



















- Vintage Style

How to grill pizza

Posted by Humby Views: 16,590

The best home made pizza EVER!!!

My cousin David saw this on TV, heard it from a friend or whatever but he had this idea of making pizza on the grill. At first I just pictured a pizza that substituted tomato with BBQ sauce. When he explained it I was like “Shit that’s awesome!”

So the idea is simple, make a pizza on the grill.

PAM Cooking Spray
Tomato Sauce
Good Glorious Cheese

Tip. Just head to the bakery section in your supermarket and ask them for some raw dough. I'll save you the hassle and cost like 70 cent.

So this is how it went down

  1. First he played pizza guy and threw the dough up in the air, rolled out the dough into a crappie circle and headed outside.

  2. PAMed that sucker up. I guess if you want to be Mr. Italian he could have used some authentic extra virgin olive oil but this is America...

  3. Usually pizza recipes tell you to knead out the air from the dough but we actually found the bubbles to make the pizza taste better. Later on when making another and kneaded the hell out of the dough it didn't taste as awesome. 

  4. When he flipped over the dough it looked like a enormous pita bread! 

  5. Then the tomato sauce and cheese was added. Close the grill and wait for about 3 mins or til the cheese looks perfect.

Hands down the best pizza made at home, the crust was perfect! The holy grail in pizza making: Crunchy on the outside, soft and chewy on the inside. It was pizza heaven! Just check out the pictures, they speak for themselves!

Give it a try and let me know what you guys think!

Stay Gold, Ponyboy

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 21,525



Nikki and the Corvettes, Word!

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 13,433

Nikki and the Corvettes...word!

Diggin' the hair dews.