"I think I just have a different look then some other girls can offer due to my freckles and red hair, not that it's a disadvantage or advantage, just different. Don't worry I get called a ginger all the time."
Via: Friends of Type
Your boss is a real douchebag!
Just in case you forgot what a douchebag is, you can read below and make sure you nor your friends become one.
Via: Urban Dictionary
What do you get when you add a Frat and an Al Pacino together?
A Frat plus Al Pacino =
A Frattpacino!!
Time for some Bad Joke Pop Culture Math!
One of my favorites smiles.
American Zombie.
Home Sweet Home is Brains.
Scientists have discovered a genetic mutation responsible for a disorder that causes people to sprout thick hair on their faces and bodies.
Hypertrichosis, sometimes called "werewolf syndrome " is a very rare condition, with fewer than 100 cases documented worldwide. But researchers knew the disorder runs in families, and in 1995 they traced the approximate location of the mutation to a section of the X chromosome (one of the two sex chromosomes) in a Mexican family affected by hypertrichosis.
Men with the syndrome have hair covering their faces and eyelids, while women grow thick patches on their bodies. In March, a Thai girl with the condition got into the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's hairiest child.
A man in China with congenital hypertrichosis helped researchers break the case. Xue Zhang, a professor of medical genetics at the Peking Union Medical College, tested the man and his family and found an extra chunk of genes on the X chromosome. The researchers then returned to the Mexican family and also found an extra gene chunk (which was different from that of the Chinese man) in the same location of their X chromosomes.
The extra DNA may switch on a hair-growth gene nearby, resulting in runaway furriness. The best bet for a culprit, wrote study researcher Pragna Patel of the University of Southern California, is a gene called SOX3, which is known to play a role in hair growth.
Seems like Teen Wolf isn't just a movie anymore. Scientists found a genetic mutation that gives people way too much hair. But, I don't think anyone will be howling at the moon.
Yesterday I went to my local bookstore and I saw hotgirl Leah Jung on the latest cover of Inked Magazine. The spread is awesome. She looks really great. Pick it up when you stop by the bookstore! Don't miss out! Check out this interview from Sexy Riot while your at it.
Pick up latest issue of Inked magazine to see Leah Jung spread.
Via: Inked Magazine
I never heard of this comic book before, but like the Vault of Horror art I posted earlier, this is the orginal art before printing. I love how you can notice the cutouts of the title and lettering.
So True...
Most of the time, the cutest cats are the stray cats that you find in the street, or in some alleyway behind a Burger King or something.
I can't stand the expensive one's that look like Korean dictator's and they are too fat to run. Are they smarter or something? What's the appeal?
Source: Fuck Yeah Internetz
Ugly Ass Cats are always more Expensive.
His work is amazing.
I'm still waiting to see
audrey hepburn
As if you didn't know.
During an interview with ESPN radio last Friday, Scottie Pippen said that Michael Jordan “is probably the greatest scorer to play the game” but LeBron James “may be the greatest player to ever play the game.”
After watching James and the Heat begin the celebration early, only to blow a 15-point fourth quarter lead to the Dallas Mavericks during Game 2 of the Eastern Conference Finals last night, Pippen may be thinking about taking back his rather questionable statement from a week ago.
And if LeBron’s un-Jordan-like performance from last night wasn’t enough to convince Pippen that M.J., among several others, is still greater than James (six rings to zero, by my count), perhaps this video will do the trick.
How quickly they forget…
Scottie Pippen's Short Memory
Via: Total Pro Sports
"One thing about being successful is that I stopped being afraid of dying. Once you're a star you're dead already. You're embalmed."
- Dustin Hoffman
One of my
The Ramones Wanna, The Misfits Want