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Shelley Duvall on Houston

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 19,243

"In Houston everyone owns guns and uses 'em - sometimes just for the hell of it."

- Shelley Duvall


Yoe Eyes

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 15,462

Darkness and Dawn: Classic Coney Island Souvenir

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 11,321

“This is a souvenir of a visit to a Coney Island Bowery amusement called Darkness and Dawn. It was a Cyclorama, and had been created for an exposition in Omaha, Nebraska in 1898. It was brought to the Coney Island Bowery at the turn of the century. The souvenir is card stock, in the shape of a coffin, and has a skull and crossbones illustration at top. It also has a quote from “The Devil.” The same image and text is printed on both sides (shown). The attraction on the Bowery was destroyed by fire in 1903, and was rebuilt for Luna Park several years later.”



of Yesterday

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 13,665


Cat Put to Sleep Instead of Getting Flea Bath

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 11,522
A Massachusetts woman says her cat went to the veterinarian for a flea bath and was mistakenly euthanized instead.
Colleen Conlon of Gardner is grieving the loss of the cat, 8-year-old Lady, which she attributes to "negligence" by the vet.
Her son took Lady to the Broadway Animal Hospital last week and unknowingly authorized the cat to be put to sleep after he says he was handed the wrong forms.
He says he learned of the mix-up when he returned with a second cat and the vet asked him if he wanted to keep the bodies.
Conlon doesn't think the vet had any "malicious intent." But she's filed a complaint with the attorney general's office and plans to talk with the state Board of Registration.
The veterinarian didn't return a call from the Telegram & Gazette seeking comment.



WTF: Cat goes to vet for flea bath but gets euthanized.

Via: 14News

Outlaw Smiling for NJ Drivers Licenses

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 11,141

TO VELVET S. McNeil, a photograph of yourself carries a lot of weight.


It's a statement of your personality. It's how people will remember you when you're not around. It's your official image, your introduction to strangers, even, should you get kidnapped and the cops send your picture to all the newspapers and TV stations.

So she smiles when she's photographed.

"Your picture means a lot; it's who you are," said McNeil, 38, of Sicklerville, N.J.


So, when the manager of the Motor Vehicle Commission office in Cherry Hill told her Tuesday that she wasn't allowed to smile for her driver's-license picture, she balked - and left, saying that the office's staff couldn't adequately explain the smile ban.


"Why should we all look like androids, looking mopey? I know there are some people who don't have good driver's licenses, but I actually keep all mine," said McNeil, whose pleasantly smiling image adorns old licenses from the six states in which she's lived, as well as her debit and credit cards.


Turns out, the state really does prefer that its six million drivers scowl rather than smile for the camera.


In January, New Jersey launched new face-recognition software that forbids license applicants from smiling widely or making other exaggerated facial expressions that might confuse the computer.


No Smiling matter

You can not smile for your drivers license photo in New Jersey. The state that wants to be more and more like 1984.

The goal is to catch fraudsters. If a new photo, for example, matches an old one that carries a different name, a red flag goes up, and investigators step in.


"That could be someone trying to steal someone else's identity to get insurance benefits, or someone trying to get out of a DUI by getting a license under another name," said Mike Horan, spokesman for the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission. "This helps us weed out fraud."

If facial expressions vary greatly in photos of the same person, the software could incorrectly signal a problem, Horan said.


Slight smiles are OK. "Hey-I-won-the-lottery-type smiles" are not, Horan said. "To get an accurate photo, you don't want an excessively expressive face in the photo."


Pennsylvania and Delaware use the software, too. But "smile/no-smile is not a problem," said Jan McKnight, a Pennsylvania Department of Transportation spokeswoman. "You can smile in Pennsylvania."  -- keep reading story


Gabby Mejia Breaks Up the Family at Santos

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 14,836


Gabby Mejia is throwing a party and she has lined up all her usual and unusual suspects to make it right. It's this Sunday in the basement of Santos Party House. It's free. There are dozens of DJs lined up, including Arthur Baker, Stretch Armstrong, Cosmo Baker, Eli Escobar and Lloydski, Justin Strauss, Citizen Kane, Geology, Rok One, and so many worthy etceteras. I caught up with Gabby and asked her to tell me all about it.

Sex Tips of the TSA

Posted by Wildcats Views: 19,444

Coffee Books that Didn't Sell

Ha, gotta love Conan. Check out the sketch right here at Team Coco

I am a Burrito of Sadness

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 20,586

Lady Bug Power Ranger Style!

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 10,828

Ragu Sauce as Blood? Ha. Looks like it!

Posted by Wildcats Views: 15,479




You Scream. 

I Scream.

We all Scream for...



A scene from the film "Dracula AD 1972." The blood in this movie reminds me of a certain sauce my mom forced me to eat as a kid. 




























New Flicks For Ya

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 10,897


It's that time again folks. Cleaned out my desktop and sharing some of my favorites that I've saved lately. Go!

Every kid wants to be Popeye!

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 19,345

"I was a really picky eater as a child. Because I was obsessed by Popeye, my mum and aunts would put my food in a can to represent spinach and we'd hum the Popeye tune and then I'd happily eat it"

- Paul O' Grady

Drunken Hurricane Evacuation Plan

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 16,462

Jealous Boyfriend Beats Up Girlfriend Over Romney Photo on Facebook

Posted by Wildcats Views: 14,746

CLINTON — He suspected his live-in girlfriend of planning an affair, and when he saw a picture of a man he didn't recognize on her Facebook page, it set him off, according to reports.


Lowell Turpin "angrily demanded to know who the male was," an Anderson County Sheriff's Department incident report states.


The answer, his girlfriend told him: presidential contender Mitt Romney.


Upset at the woman's "attempting to communicate with friends through her Facebook account," Turpin jerked her laptop computer from her grasp, smashed the machine into a wall, and then hit her in the face with his fist, according to reports.


The 40-year-old Turpin remains in the Anderson County Jail, charged with domestic assault in connection with the July 22 incident in Anderson County's Claxton community.


The woman told a deputy that Turpin "has been violent toward her multiple times over several years."

Social Media Rage

When a jealous boyfriend confronted his girlfriend over a photo of a man she posted on Facebook, he flipped out. He assaulted her over a myserious man he did not recognize, the man being Mitt Romney, candidate for President. LOL

Gangsta: Golden Eagle Packs a Knife

Posted by Wildcats Views: 21,326

A forgetful photographer had the shock of his life when this soaring golden eagle made off with his knife.

Dutch snapper Han Bouwmeesterhad been using the utensil, in Västerbotten, Sweden, to carve up chunks of meat in a bid to attract the birds of prey.

But, busy with the task in hand, the wildlife aficionado clumsily dropped it in the snow.


He said: 'Once it flew away in the sight of my camera I saw something red in his claws and made some shots of it.

'On the display from my camera I saw immediately that it was the knife we used to cut the meat. We surely left it in the snow.

Golden Eagle

will slice you're ass.

Dog Hits the Gym.

Posted by Wildcats Views: 19,334

I know you are, but what am I?

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 14,236

I know you are,

but what am I?

You Have No Idea

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 15,872

Chicken Head McNuggets

Posted by Wildcats Views: 15,984

An American mother went to a McDonald's with her two 6 and 8 -year old children.

She ordered two Happy Meals with chicken for the children and a hamburger with fries for herself. While they were eating, the 6-year old was more interested in the slide across the street than in the chicken nuggets which he didn't even touch. So the mother decided she would eat them. Without actually watching what she was doing she was bringing a chicken biggest to her mouth, just when her 8-year old son yelled not to eat it. So she looked at the biggest to find that -- despite the crust, it looked just like a chicken's head.The manager offered them their meal for free and two more weeks of free meals. The mother pressed charges and demanded 100,000 dollars compensation.



          Filed Under: GROSS FAST FOOD

Source: Oddee