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Cats Are Good At Falling

Posted by Wildcats Views: 17,908

Most of the time, a cat will land on his feet when he falls. His body reflexively corrects its course so that by the time he arrives on the ground, his feet are in position to hit first. The height of a cat’s fall determines how well, or how poorly, his legs can absorb the shock of landing.


Veterinarians treating the broken legs and other injuries of cats that survive falls from high-rise apartments noticed that the cats who fell from greater heights, such as more than five stories, often suffered less severe injuries than those falling from just a few floors because the longer drop gave the cats’ bodies more time to right themselves.


I Prefer Sexy...

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 16,529

Vincent Gallo is a Hustler!

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 18,155

I`m not an artist, I`m a hustler. As a hustler I`ve done many things. You should really believe it when I tell you that, `cause I`m not being sarcastic. I`m a total hustler. What that means is I`ve hustled to make a buck and I`ve hustled to change the world and I`ve hustled to take revenge - but it`s always hustling. I`ve never had a career or a single goal. I`ve never been formally educated. To get things together, to make a living, I constantly have to hustle.

- Vincent Gallo



Time Always Wins.

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 16,481

Image:Hannes Beer




The Exorcist: Limited Edition Lunchbox

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 22,064


Limited edition vintage style lunchbox and thermos by Christopher Franchi.

Futura 2000: Future Shock

Posted by WPD Views: 17,463

The world knows Leonard McGurr as Futura, and Futura can divide the world into two distinct places that have impacted his career and his art. Both the Big Apple and the City of Lights have shaped Futura over his 40+ years in the game.

Raised on Manhattan's Upper West Side, Futura came of age during the '70s, eventually sharing a studio art space with Fab 5 Freddy, another pioneer. In 1981, Futura travelled to Paris with the Clash during the lead-up to the release of Combat Rock.

Though his work is closely associated with the downtown scene, the gallery that reps him, la Galerie Jérôme de Noirmont, is located in Paris, and the artist identifies with France heavily; after all, he met the mother of his children there.

Now, Futura is preparing for his first solo show in NYC in over a decade. Opening September 6, the "Future Shock" exhibition at 560 Washington St. will navigate our current dystopia. In the meantime, let the artist show you around his cities.



Cockroach Derby Predicts Romney Win

Posted by Wildcats Views: 15,496

NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. -- It remains to be seen what happens in November, but Romney has defeated Obama in a New Jersey race in August.


The contestants Thursday were not the president and his Republican challenger, but rather a couple of Madagascar hissing cockroaches standing in for the candidates.


Phillip Cooper, vice president of the New Jersey Pest Management Association, tells The Star-Ledger that it was a close, clean race.


The Cockroach Derby is a regular event for the group, which uses it to drum up publicity. Thursday's event was the 16th.


It's also proven a decent predictor of the presidential elections. The group says the candidate represented by the winning roach has won the presidential election 84 percent of the time.

Cockroach Race Predicts

Romney Wins Election.

It was a close race of Obama and Romney at this year's Cockroach Derby...the closest thing to "real" political elections.

Source: AZ Central

No Negative BS

Posted by Wildcats Views: 18,496

Hamburger Super Facts

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 16,735







- In 1921, Walter A. Anderson (a short-order cook) and E.W. Ingram (an insurance executive) founded White Castle in Wichita, Kansas. It is the oldest hamburger chain. They served steam-fried hamburgers, 18 per pound of fresh ground beef, cooked on a bed of chopped onions, for a nickel.


- The Big Mac was introduced in 1968. The price was 49 cents.


- 1999 there were more than 25,000 McDonald's in 115 countries.


- Hamburgers and Cheeseburgers comprise 71% of the beef servings in commercial restaurants. (2001)


- Burgers account for 40% of all sandwiches sold. (2001)


- 8.2 Billion burgers were served in commercial restaurants in 2001.


- 65% of all hamburgers and cheeseburgers are consumed away from home. (2001)


- The record for the largest hamburger is in Seymour, Wisconsin in 1989 and that the weight was over 5000 lbs. To this day it is uncontested.

- The Hamburger hall of fame is located in Seymour, Wisconsin.



- June is the biggest month for beef sales in restaurants, with nearly 800 million pounds of beef consumed in this month alone in 2005.

- Denny's Beer Barrel Pub in Clearfield, Pennsylvania has offered a 6 pound hamburger, named Ye Olde 96er (6 pounds = 96 ounces) since 1998. It comes garnished with 2 whole tomatoes, 1/2 head of lettuce, 12 slices of American cheese, a cup of peppers, 2 whole onions, plus large quantities of mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard. No one has been able to finish one.


- Liberty Cabbage was the alternative name created during World War I, used to refer to Sauerkraut, to avoid using words from the enemies language. A hamburger was referred to as a 'Liberty Sandwich,' and German Measles were 'Liberty Measles.'


- On average, Americans eat 3 hamburgers a week.


Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 15,630

The Kids Love Slayer

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 18,906


This little girl has good parents.


Scrabble Player Cheats - Ejected from Championship

Posted by Wildcats Views: 14,803

Perhaps unable to memorize semi-words such as "Ne" and "Ef" like the rest of the field, a young Scrabble playerwas booted from the game's national championship tournament in Florida after he was caught cheating in one of the final rounds, reports the Associated Press. Tournament officials did not name the male player because he's a minor. He was busted when a competitor at a nearby table spotted him with a pair of blank tiles — which players can use to represent any letter — that he had kept from the previous game. "It's unfortunate," said John D. Williams Jr., executive director of the National Scrabble Association. "The Scrabble world is abuzz. The Internet is abuzz." Just like a Scrabble nut, Williams must have been trying to discard all his Zs.

Scrabble Finalist Cheats.

Young Scrabble Player Ejected From National Championship for Cheating


Adam West Net Worth: 30 Million

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 16,686

Adam West is an American actor; he has a net worth of $30 million. Adam West has built his net worth from acting roles such as Batman 1960’s series, and a movie also named Batman. Born in Seattle, Washington, West has also appeared in well-known movies like The Young Philadelphians, and Robinson Crusoe on Mars. Today he is doing voice work on The Fairly OddParents and Family Guy, animated series for children.


Butt Implant Hospital Scam in Cuba

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 15,101

The reports focus on low paid Cuban medical personnel allegedly treating patients who pay under the table to receive better care than that available from the public health system, which is the island’s only legal option.

Elective surgeries, including a range of cosmetic plastic surgery, are also said to be commonplace – at a price.

According to Miami physician Julio Alfonso, Cubans living in South Florida often pay in dollars to improve the care of relatives on the island or undergo medical procedures themselves during visits to the country to avoid the high costs of health care in the United States.

Doctors in Cuba, where the government controls the entire health system, have long provided better treatment to patients who could give them “a little gift,” said the father of a gynaecologist outside Havana. “But it has been a matter of a pig or a chicken.”

But after the Soviet Union ended its subsidies to the island in the early 1990s, the public health system began to deteriorate and medical personnel started to offer more complex procedures for cash, usually US dollars.

Word of the Calixto Garcia Hospital investigation has been circulating in Havana for weeks. The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and the blogs Havana Times and Diario de Cuba have all posted reports on the case.

Havana human rights activist Elizardo Sánchez said he had confirmed reports that five to 12 medical personnel had been detained for interrogation and sent home to await the prosecutors’ decisions. They were alleged to have performed relatively simple procedures, such as plastic surgeries and abortions, on paying patients in public hospitals.

Reports out of Cuba indicate that a number of doctors, nurses and other medical professionals have been interrogated by police for allegedly treating private, paying patients in public hospitals and running post-operative recovery rooms in private homes.

Personnel from the Calixto García Hospital and the Workers’ Maternity Hospital are said to be among those under investigation.


Breast and Butt Jobs exposed in medical scam in Cuba. 

Havana human rights activist Elizardo Sánchez said he had confirmed reports that five to 12 medical personnel had been detained for interrogation and sent home to await the prosecutors’ decisions.

Heroin Addiction Can Be Blocked. Study Finds

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 15,199


Addiction to morphine and heroin can be blocked, according to research released on Wednesday which could prove a major breakthrough in treating addicts and in pain relief treatments. Researchers at the University of Adelaide in Australia worked with colleagues at the University of Colorado in the United States to pinpoint a key mechanism in the body's immune system that amplifies addiction to opioid drugs.


"Our studies have shown conclusively that we can block addiction via the immune system of the brain, without targeting the brain's wiring," said Mark Hutchinson from Adelaide's School of Medical Sciences.


"Both the central nervous system and the immune system play important roles in creating addiction, but our studies have shown we only need to block the immune response in the brain to prevent cravings for opioid drugs."


The results, to be published Thursday in the Journal of Neuroscience, reveal that laboratory studies showed that the drug known as plus-naloxone, which is not yet in clinical use, will selectively block the immune-addiction response.

The researchers said that opioid drugs such as morphine and heroin bind to immune receptors in the brain known as TLR4 which then act as amplifiers for addiction, ramping up the "reward" effect of drugs of abuse to a high degree.

The new drug automatically shuts this effect down, Hutchinson said.


"It really reduces the reward level down to the equivalent of food, sex, and hugs," he told AFP.


Professor Linda Watkins, from the Center for Neuroscience at the University of Colorado, said the work fundamentally changed understanding about opioids, reward and addiction. --- Keep reading this story



Addiction to heroin can be blocked, research says. 


Silly Vintage Ads Are the Best!

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 18,439

Something Blue (Quote)

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 14,824


“People generally didn't cheat in good relationships.” 


- Emily Giffin, (Something Blue)


Posted by DarlingPD Views: 15,889

The Lovely Soo Joo

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 17,130

Name: Soo Joo

Occupation: Model

Hometown: Seoul, Korea

Current Location: LAX en route to JFK

Astrological Sign: Sun in Aries and Moon in Taurus

What’s the best thing about summer? In the summer I eat ice cream on a cone everyday!

Where is your favorite holiday destination? Big Sur, California.

What are the best and worst things about your job? BEST: variance from quotidian day job


WORST: daily undergoing of judgments and rejections based on your physical attributes.

What will you do when you retire? Be a kooky lady that wears Comme des Garçons and Junya Watanabe.

What did you dream about last night?

I couldn’t sleep last night.

What rocks your world? Love.

What makes you laugh? Kittens.




Tattoo Neck

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 16,538