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How To Make A Good Zombie Comic

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 15,329


#1) Stop Trying To Imitate Ben Templesmith

Just stop it. Yes, I understand that Templesmith doesn’t seem bound by the chains of anatomy or staying within proper ink lines, which is appealing to artists of limited talent, but that was a conscious choice on Templesmith’s part for 30 Days of Night. He doesn’t always draw like that. He can draw other things. In the decade since that book came out, he’s done so. Templesmith was just riffing on Brian Froud anyway, for God’s sake.


It’s getting to the point where horror comics in general and zombie comics in particular have a canned, cliched art style not unlike the Jim Lee look you find in way too many superhero books to this day. It’s getting to the point where a book like Revival can have an art style that’s way too Jim Lee-esque and I’m happy to see it because at least it’s not another Templesmith knock-off.


#2) Don’t Just Recycle The Same Goddamn Romero Plot

The best current example of this is the superb Vertigo series The New Deadwardians. It’s basically a Masterpiece Theater murder mystery with more vampires and ugly death, but what makes it work is that Dan Abnett makes zombies a key element of the setting without having a bunch of survivors holed up in the Tower of London arguing over who’s better at ruling over the ashes of the human race.


Dan Abnett has instead turned zombies into a commentary on English class structures, but that’s just the setting for a curious and involving story. Half the time the zombies aren’t important…but they’re always there.

In other words, stop trying to rip off Kirkman.


#3) If You Have One Unique Idea, Go With That and Ditch the Cliches

Deadworld: War of the Dead, just released, is a great example of what could have been. Most of the book is essentially a litany of cliches: chick with a katana, dude with long coat wandering post-apocalyptic world, survivors holed up in some military facility that was formerly the site of awful crimes. I’m aware that this is building on a book that’s been publishing sporadically since 1986 but cliches are cliches.



The most frustrating things about zombie comics, right now, is that there are just too damn many of them and far too damn many of those have the potential to actually be good and fail.


Via: Uproxx

Cockroach Princess

Posted by Wildcats Views: 17,399




Always Remember - Be Nice!

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 13,712

Big Business is a Big World

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 13,206

If I ruled the world...

Bolivia Bans Coca Cola - "End of Capitalism."

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 13,123

Move over, Mayor Bloomberg. Your big-size soda ban was a great start, but, in the Great Soda Wars, you’ve been upstaged by Bolivia.


The central South American country has announced that it will ban the Coca-Cola company by the end of the year. Specifically, Bolivia’s Minister of External Affairs, David Choquehuanca, has said that Coca-Cola will be expelled on December 21 as that date is the same on which the Mayan calendar enters a new cycle. The reason: To celebrate the “end of capitalism.”


Forbes quotes Choquehuanca speaking at a political rally for Bolivia’s president, Evo Morales:


“The twenty-first of December 2012 is the end of selfishness, of division. The twenty-first of December has to be the end of Coca-Cola and the beginning of mocochinche (a local peach-flavored soft drink). “The planets will line up after 26,000 years. It is the end of capitalism and the beginning of communitarianism.”


The Bolivian government has been planning to celebrate this date in other ways, including various events that will take place at the Southern Hemisphere’s Summer Solstice on La Isla del Sol, one of the largest islands in Lake Titicaca.


It’s not the first time a large American corporation has found itself out of favor with the country of about 11 million. McDonalds was unable to make a profit there and pulled out in the early 2000s.


The consumption of Coca-Cola products has tripled in Bolivia since 2001 and has increased notably in all Latin American countries. As WorldCrunch says, Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez has called on his citizens to drink Uvita, a grape juice produced by a state-run company, instead of Coke. According to the Bolivian website Opinion, both Cuba and North Korea ban Coke.



Bolivia Bans Coca Cola To Honor Mayan “End of Capitalism." I wonder how that's gonna work out for ya. Stupid governments should focus on real issues. What a joke. 

Sad Cloud

Posted by Wildcats Views: 20,303

Why do people dance and sing...

in my pee?

Ernest Hemingway - The Best People

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 317,416

"The best people possess a feeling for beauty, the courage to take risks, the discipline to tell the truth, the capacity for sacrifice. Ironically, their virtues make them vulnerable; they are often wounded, sometimes destroyed.

- Ernest Hemingway

Planetary Alignment (2012)

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 143,557

















Thinking Cap

Posted by Wildcats Views: 28,010






Brain Beanie

Now, that's what I call a thinking cap.

She-Freak (1967)

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 22,223

Alysha Nett by Mr. Glass

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 24,469

Wonderful photoshoot with Alysha Nett by Mr. Glass. View the set right here.

Tom Cruise Will Miss Tony Scott

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 18,998

"Tony was my dear friend and I will really miss him. He was a creative visionary whose mark on film is immeasurable," My deepest sorrow and thoughts are with his family at this time."

Tom Cruise on the passing of his friend Tony Scott

source: LA Times

Rick Ross Makes Rollin' Stone

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 17,780

Rick Ross makes it to the cover of Rolling Stone. I think this officially puts Rick Ross in the forefront as one of the best to ever do it as Rolling Stone has always been a landmark publication in the eyes of the music industry and this is the ultimate co-sign. Issue is now at the newsstands. Pick it up! 



Rick Ross Makes the Cover of Rolling Stone.

via: The305

Melissa Clarke: Young, Hot and British

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 28,874

Melissa Clarke

She's young, hot and British. But yes, she has all her teeth. She has beautiful teeth actually.

That's All Folks!

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 25,299

Stan Lee's Greatest Love

Posted by Wildcats Views: 20,538

"There is only one who is all powerful, and his greatest weapon is love."




















God's Art

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 16,987

Demonic Grave Robbers of New Jersey

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 17,141




Between the night of July 26 and the early morning of July 27, thieves smashed the glass on the door of the mausoleum where Pauline Spinelli, along with three of her children and their spouses are buried."Cults are one of the things we will look at," Capt. Rocky Melendez of the Pleasantville police department says. "We're looking into different angles of why someone would take someone's remains."

Between the night of July 26 and the early morning of July 27, thieves smashed the glass on the door of the mausoleum where Pauline Spinelli, along with three of her children and their spouses are buried.

Police believe the thieves used a sledge hammer to crack the marble slab that sealed the area.

"They then pushed that slab over, pulled the casket out, pried it open and removed the remains," Melendez said.

Granddaughter Paula Lafollette told that the only item remaining in the coffin was the blanket used to cover Spinelli.

Lafollette says that the possibility that a satanic cult took her grandmother's remains for a ritual is highly probable.

"We did a lot of research and my husband found a group online that uses bodies in some kind of a ritual and they need the bones for their ritual. The group is called Palo. There were some bodies found in Newark and Woodbridge and Lancaster, Pennsylvania, speculated to have been used by this group," she said. "Who else would want a body?"

Palo is a religion that uses black magic and originated in the Caribbean.

The Satanic Grave Robbers of


Police say that a satanic cult may be the culprit behind the theft of a New Jersey grandmother who died 16 years ago. The suspects broke into a mausoleum at the Atlantic City Cemetery, stealing the body of a woman who had died 16 years ago.










"They then pushed that slab over, pulled the casket out, pried it open and removed the remains


Hairstyle of the Year Award

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 18,142

The Creepy Easter Bunny

Posted by Wildcats Views: 18,030


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